Thread: libpq with SSL on VC 2010
Hey libpq-fans, i have question compiling libpq on windows (VS2010 32 and 64bit) with SSL support. I downloaded the latest source of postgres and also the OpenSSL Win64 v1.0.1c I ran nmake in libpq folder: > cd postgresql-9.2.2\interfaces\libpq > nmake /f win32.mak CPU=AMD64 USE_SSL=1 SSL_INC=C:\OpenSSL-Win64\include SSL_LIB_PATH=C:\OpenSSL-Win64\lib Then the compile ends up, that he can not found bufferoverflowU.lib. Searching a bit i found out, that this lib is deployed with the windows SDK and since VS 2005 not needed anymore (see So in libpq's make file (win32.mak:20) i commented out the line 20> ADD_SECLIB=bufferoverflowU.lib and it compiles fine. I also didn't get any troubles testing this libpq with ssl, yet. Do I need to have a bad conscience droping bufferoverflowU.lib from the build or is it just because the makefile is not forVS 2010? (Btw: openssl has changed thier names of libs to *MD.lib respectively *MT.lib in VC folder. The old named libs are in C:\OpenSSL-Win64\lib,one dir up) Can someone tell me if bufferoverflowU.lib is required in a VS2010 build? Cheers, 550