Thread: PostgreSQL in the French news

PostgreSQL in the French news

Dear devs,

For your information, "PostgreSQL" appears explicitely in the list of 
"Free software" cited by the French Prime Minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, in 
his "Circulaire" (i.e. a kind of "instruction" to civil servants) signed 
last week. See on page 9 and 18 of the pdf (not the pages of the document 
which are shifted). Obviously, the document is in French...

The spirit of the document does not seem to make the use of free software 
mandatory, but to require that it is at least considered for any project 
in which the "administration" (i.e. the public sector, not the government 
as in the USA) is involved.


Re: PostgreSQL in the French news

Michael Paquier

On Mon, Sep 24, 2012 at 10:37 PM, Fabien COELHO <> wrote:

Dear devs,

For your information, "PostgreSQL" appears explicitely in the list of "Free software" cited by the French Prime Minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, in his "Circulaire" (i.e. a kind of "instruction" to civil servants) signed last week. See on page 9 and 18 of the pdf (not the pages of the document which are shifted). Obviously, the document is in French...

The spirit of the document does not seem to make the use of free software mandatory, but to require that it is at least considered for any project in which the "administration" (i.e. the public sector, not the government as in the USA) is involved.
+1. Such news are nice for Postgres.
Michael Paquier