Thread: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

[PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Gabriele Bartolini
This patch adds basic support of arrays in foreign keys, by allowing to
define a referencing column as an array of elements having the same type
as the referenced column in the referenced table.
Every NOT NULL element in the referencing array is matched against the
referenced table.




This patch is for discussion and has been built against HEAD.
It compiles and passes all regressions tests (including specific ones -
see the src/test/regress/sql/foreign_key.sql file).
Empty arrays, multi-dimensional arrays, duplicate elements and NULL
values are allowed.

We had to enforce some limitations, due to the lack (yet) of a clear and
universally accepted behaviour and strategy.
For example, consider the ON DELETE action on the above tables: in case
of delete of a record in the 'pt' table, should we remove the whole row
or just the values from the array?
We hope we can start a discussion from here.

Current limitations:

* Only arrays of the same type as the primary key in the referenced
table are supported
* multi-column foreign keys are not supported (only single column)
* Only RESTRICT and NO ACTION methods for referential integrity
enforcement are currently supported

* Improve check for empty arrays, which might interfere with SSI (see below)
* Verify interaction with serializable transactions

* Gabriele Bartolini <>
* Marco Nenciarini <>

Gabriele (and Marco)

  Gabriele Bartolini - 2ndQuadrant Italia
  PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support |


Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Noah Misch
Hi Gabriele,

On Fri, Nov 04, 2011 at 01:48:02PM +0100, Gabriele Bartolini wrote:
>   ...
> );
>   ...
> );

This seems useful.

I'm assuming the SQL spec says nothing about a feature like this?

> This patch is for discussion and has been built against HEAD.
> It compiles and passes all regressions tests (including specific ones -  
> see the src/test/regress/sql/foreign_key.sql file).
> Empty arrays, multi-dimensional arrays, duplicate elements and NULL  
> values are allowed.

With this patch, RI_Initial_Check does not detect a violation in an array that
contains at least one conforming element:

CREATE TABLE child  (c int[]);
INSERT INTO child VALUES ('{3,1,2}');
ALTER TABLE child ADD FOREIGN KEY (c) REFERENCES parent; -- should error
INSERT INTO child VALUES ('{3,1,2}'); -- does error, as expected

The error message DETAIL on constraint violation would benefit from
array-FK-specific language.  Example of current message:

ERROR:  insert or update on table "child" violates foreign key constraint "child_c_fkey"
DETAIL:  Key (c)=({3,1,2}) is not present in table "parent".

The patch is missing a change to the code that does FK=FK checks when a user
updates the FK side:

\set VERBOSITY verbose
CREATE TABLE child  (c int[] REFERENCES parent);
INSERT INTO child VALUES ('{1,1}');
-- ERROR:  XX000: no conversion function from integer[] to integer
-- LOCATION:  ri_HashCompareOp, ri_triggers.c:4097
UPDATE child SET c = '{1,1}';
DROP TABLE parent, child;

Please audit each ri_triggers.c entry point for further problems like this.

> We had to enforce some limitations, due to the lack (yet) of a clear and  
> universally accepted behaviour and strategy.
> For example, consider the ON DELETE action on the above tables: in case  
> of delete of a record in the 'pt' table, should we remove the whole row  
> or just the values from the array?
> We hope we can start a discussion from here.

Removing values from the array seems best to me.  There's no doubt about what
ON UPDATE CASCADE should do, and having ON DELETE CASCADE excise individual
array elements is consistent with that.  It's less clear for SET NULL, but I'd
continue with a per-element treatment.  I'd continue to forbid SET DEFAULT.

However, Jeff Davis did expect ON DELETE CASCADE to remove entire rows:
So, perhaps the behavior needs to be user-selectable.

> Current limitations:
> * Only arrays of the same type as the primary key in the referenced  
> table are supported

This is understandable for a WIP, but the final patch will need to use our
existing, looser foreign key type match requirement.

> * multi-column foreign keys are not supported (only single column)

Any particular reason for this?

> *** a/doc/src/sgml/ddl.sgml
> --- b/doc/src/sgml/ddl.sgml
> ***************
> *** 764,769 **** CREATE TABLE order_items (
> --- 764,796 ----
>       the last table.
>      </para>
> +    <para>
> +     Another option you have with foreign keys is to use a referencing column
> +     which is an array of elements with the same type as the referenced column
> +     in the related table. This feature, also known as <firstterm>foreign key arrays</firstterm>,
> +     is described in the following example:

Please wrap your documentation paragraphs.

> *** a/src/backend/commands/tablecmds.c
> --- b/src/backend/commands/tablecmds.c
> ***************
> *** 5705,5710 **** ATAddForeignKeyConstraint(AlteredTableInfo *tab, Relation rel,
> --- 5705,5735 ----
>           Oid            ffeqop;
>           int16        eqstrategy;
> +         /* Check if foreign key is an array of primary key types */
> +         const bool        is_foreign_key_array = (fktype == get_array_type (pktype));

We don't declare non-pointer, local variables "const".  Also, [not positive on
this one] when an initial assignment requires a comment, declare the variable
with no assignment and no comment.  Then, assign it later with the comment.
This keeps the per-block declarations packed together.

This test wrongly rejects FK types that are domains over the array type:

CREATE DOMAIN intarrdom AS int[];
CREATE TABLE child  (c intarrdom REFERENCES parent);

> + 
> +         /* Enforce foreign key array restrictions */
> +         if (is_foreign_key_array)
> +         {
> +             /*
> +              * Foreign key array must not be part of a multi-column foreign key
> +              */
> +             if (is_foreign_key_array && numpks > 1)
> +                 ereport(ERROR,
> +                     (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_FOREIGN_KEY),
> +                     errmsg("foreign key arrays must not be part of a multi-column foreign key")));
> + 
> +             /*
> +              * We have to restrict foreign key array to NO ACTION and RESTRICT mode
> +              * until the behaviour triggered by the other actions is clearer and well defined
> +              */
> +             if ((fkconstraint->fk_upd_action != FKCONSTR_ACTION_NOACTION && fkconstraint->fk_upd_action !=
> +                 || (fkconstraint->fk_del_action != FKCONSTR_ACTION_NOACTION && fkconstraint->fk_del_action !=

Break these lines to keep things within 78 columns.  Audit the remainder of
your changes for long lines, and break when in doubt.

> +                 ereport(ERROR,
> +                     (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_FOREIGN_KEY),
> +                     errmsg("NO ACTION and RESTRICT are the only supported actions for foreign key arrays")));

Error message constants can remain unbroken, though.

> +         }
> + 
>           /* We need several fields out of the pg_opclass entry */
>           cla_ht = SearchSysCache1(CLAOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(opclasses[i]));
>           if (!HeapTupleIsValid(cla_ht))
> ***************
> *** 5766,5772 **** ATAddForeignKeyConstraint(AlteredTableInfo *tab, Relation rel,
>               Oid            target_typeids[2];
>               input_typeids[0] = pktype;
> !             input_typeids[1] = fktype;
>               target_typeids[0] = opcintype;
>               target_typeids[1] = opcintype;
>               if (can_coerce_type(2, input_typeids, target_typeids,
> --- 5791,5801 ----
>               Oid            target_typeids[2];
>               input_typeids[0] = pktype;
> !             /* When is FKA we must use for FK the same type of PK */
> !             if (is_foreign_key_array)
> !                 input_typeids[1] = pktype;
> !             else
> !                 input_typeids[1] = fktype;
>               target_typeids[0] = opcintype;
>               target_typeids[1] = opcintype;
>               if (can_coerce_type(2, input_typeids, target_typeids,

This is bogus; the can_coerce_type test will always pass (excluding bad cases
of catalog inconsistency).

ATAddForeignKeyConstraint should choose to make an array foreign key whenever
the PK side is a scalar and the FK side is an array.  Then, grab the element
type of the FK side and feed that through the operator-identification logic.

> *** a/src/backend/utils/adt/ri_triggers.c
> --- b/src/backend/utils/adt/ri_triggers.c
> ***************
> *** 460,465 **** RI_FKey_check(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
> --- 460,466 ----
>           char        paramname[16];
>           const char *querysep;
>           Oid            queryoids[RI_MAX_NUMKEYS];
> +         bool        is_foreign_key_array = false;
>           /* ----------
>            * The query string built is
> ***************
> *** 476,493 **** RI_FKey_check(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
>           {
>               Oid            pk_type = RIAttType(pk_rel, riinfo.pk_attnums[i]);
>               Oid            fk_type = RIAttType(fk_rel, riinfo.fk_attnums[i]);
>               quoteOneName(attname,
>                            RIAttName(pk_rel, riinfo.pk_attnums[i]));
>               sprintf(paramname, "$%d", i + 1);
> !             ri_GenerateQual(&querybuf, querysep,
> !                             attname, pk_type,
> !                             riinfo.pf_eq_oprs[i],
> !                             paramname, fk_type);
>               querysep = "AND";
>               queryoids[i] = fk_type;
>           }
> !         appendStringInfo(&querybuf, " FOR SHARE OF x");
>           /* Prepare and save the plan */
>           qplan = ri_PlanCheck(, riinfo.nkeys, queryoids,
> --- 477,524 ----
>           {
>               Oid            pk_type = RIAttType(pk_rel, riinfo.pk_attnums[i]);
>               Oid            fk_type = RIAttType(fk_rel, riinfo.fk_attnums[i]);
> +             is_foreign_key_array = (fk_type == get_array_type (pk_type));

Drop the extra whitespace before the function argument list.

>               quoteOneName(attname,
>                            RIAttName(pk_rel, riinfo.pk_attnums[i]));
>               sprintf(paramname, "$%d", i + 1);
> !             /*
> !              * In case of an array foreign key, we check that every
> !              * DISTINCT NOT NULL value in the array is present in the PK table.
> !              * XXX: This works because the query is executed with LIMIT 1,

I found this comment confusing, since the SQL syntax "LIMIT 1" is never used
here.  I suppose you're referring to the fact that we call into SPI with
tcount = 1?

> !              * but may not work properly with SSI (a better approach would be
> !              * to inspect the array and skip the check in case of empty arrays).

Why might serializable transactions be specially affected?

> !              */
> !             if (is_foreign_key_array)
> !             {
> !                 appendStringInfo(&querybuf, " %s (SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT UNNEST(%s)) y WHERE y IS
NOTNULL)", querysep, paramname);
> !                 appendStringInfo(&querybuf, " = (SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT 1 FROM ONLY %s y",  pkrelname);
> !                 ri_GenerateQual(&querybuf, "WHERE",
> !                                 attname, pk_type,
> !                                 riinfo.pf_eq_oprs[i],
> !                                 paramname, fk_type);
> !                 /*
> !                  * We lock for share every row in the pkreltable that is
> !                  * referenced by the array elements
> !                  */
> !                 appendStringInfo(&querybuf, " FOR SHARE OF y) z)");

The resulting query performs an irrelevant sequential scan on the PK table:

=(SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT 1 FROM ONLY "public"."parent" y WHERE "c" OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) ANY ($1) FOR SHARE OF

As you suggested with that comment above, this scan always ends after one row.
That places a bound on the actual performance hit.  However, we still read the
one row, which may mean loading a page for nothing.  At a minimum, simplify
this query to:

SELECT 1                               WHERE (SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT UNNEST($1)) y WHERE y IS NOT NULL)
=(SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT 1 FROM ONLY "public"."parent" y WHERE "c" OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) ANY ($1) FOR SHARE OF

That also naturally handles empty arrays against empty PK tables, which
currently fail for me even at READ COMMITTED:

CREATE TABLE child  (c int[] REFERENCES parent);
INSERT INTO child VALUES ('{}'); -- fails wrongly

> !             }
> !             else
> !             {
> !                 ri_GenerateQual(&querybuf, querysep,
> !                                 attname, pk_type,
> !                                 riinfo.pf_eq_oprs[i],
> !                                 paramname, fk_type);
> !             }
>               querysep = "AND";
>               queryoids[i] = fk_type;
>           }
> !         /*
> !          * We skip locking for share in case of foreign key arrays
> !          * as it has been done in the inner subquery
> !          */
> !         if (! is_foreign_key_array)

Drop the whitespace after the "!".

> !             appendStringInfo(&querybuf, " FOR SHARE OF x");
>           /* Prepare and save the plan */
>           qplan = ri_PlanCheck(, riinfo.nkeys, queryoids,

> *** a/src/test/regress/expected/foreign_key.out
> --- b/src/test/regress/expected/foreign_key.out
> ***************
> *** 968,978 **** drop table pktable;
>   drop table pktable_base;
>   -- 2 columns (1 table), mismatched types
>   create table pktable_base(base1 int not null, base2 int);
> - create table pktable(ptest1 inet, ptest2 inet[], primary key(base1, ptest1), foreign key(base2, ptest2) references
> -                                              pktable(base1, ptest1)) inherits (pktable_base);
> - NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "pktable_pkey" for table "pktable"
> - ERROR:  foreign key constraint "pktable_base2_fkey" cannot be implemented
> - DETAIL:  Key columns "ptest2" and "ptest1" are of incompatible types: inet[] and inet.

Instead of deleting this test, change the type from inet[] to something
unrelated, like float8.


Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Pavel Stehule

2011/11/17 Noah Misch <>:
> Hi Gabriele,
> On Fri, Nov 04, 2011 at 01:48:02PM +0100, Gabriele Bartolini wrote:
>>   ...
>> );
>>   pids INTEGER[] REFERENCES pt,
>>   ...
>> );
> This seems useful.

will be supported situation

CREATE TABLE main( id int[] PRIMARY KEY, ...

CREATE TABLE child( main_id int[] REFERENCES main(id),



Pavel Stehule

> I'm assuming the SQL spec says nothing about a feature like this?
>> This patch is for discussion and has been built against HEAD.
>> It compiles and passes all regressions tests (including specific ones -
>> see the src/test/regress/sql/foreign_key.sql file).
>> Empty arrays, multi-dimensional arrays, duplicate elements and NULL
>> values are allowed.
> With this patch, RI_Initial_Check does not detect a violation in an array that
> contains at least one conforming element:
> CREATE TABLE parent (c int PRIMARY KEY);
> CREATE TABLE child  (c int[]);
> INSERT INTO parent VALUES (1);
> INSERT INTO child VALUES ('{3,1,2}');
> ALTER TABLE child ADD FOREIGN KEY (c) REFERENCES parent; -- should error
> INSERT INTO child VALUES ('{3,1,2}'); -- does error, as expected
> The error message DETAIL on constraint violation would benefit from
> array-FK-specific language.  Example of current message:
> ERROR:  insert or update on table "child" violates foreign key constraint "child_c_fkey"
> DETAIL:  Key (c)=({3,1,2}) is not present in table "parent".
> The patch is missing a change to the code that does FK=FK checks when a user
> updates the FK side:
> \set VERBOSITY verbose
> CREATE TABLE parent (c int PRIMARY KEY);
> CREATE TABLE child  (c int[] REFERENCES parent);
> INSERT INTO parent VALUES (1);
> INSERT INTO child VALUES ('{1,1}');
> -- ERROR:  XX000: no conversion function from integer[] to integer
> -- LOCATION:  ri_HashCompareOp, ri_triggers.c:4097
> UPDATE child SET c = '{1,1}';
> DROP TABLE parent, child;
> Please audit each ri_triggers.c entry point for further problems like this.
>> We had to enforce some limitations, due to the lack (yet) of a clear and
>> universally accepted behaviour and strategy.
>> For example, consider the ON DELETE action on the above tables: in case
>> of delete of a record in the 'pt' table, should we remove the whole row
>> or just the values from the array?
>> We hope we can start a discussion from here.
> Removing values from the array seems best to me.  There's no doubt about what
> ON UPDATE CASCADE should do, and having ON DELETE CASCADE excise individual
> array elements is consistent with that.  It's less clear for SET NULL, but I'd
> continue with a per-element treatment.  I'd continue to forbid SET DEFAULT.
> However, Jeff Davis did expect ON DELETE CASCADE to remove entire rows:
> So, perhaps the behavior needs to be user-selectable.
>> Current limitations:
>> * Only arrays of the same type as the primary key in the referenced
>> table are supported
> This is understandable for a WIP, but the final patch will need to use our
> existing, looser foreign key type match requirement.
>> * multi-column foreign keys are not supported (only single column)
> Any particular reason for this?
>> *** a/doc/src/sgml/ddl.sgml
>> --- b/doc/src/sgml/ddl.sgml
>> ***************
>> *** 764,769 **** CREATE TABLE order_items (
>> --- 764,796 ----
>>       the last table.
>>      </para>
>> +    <para>
>> +     Another option you have with foreign keys is to use a referencing column
>> +     which is an array of elements with the same type as the referenced column
>> +     in the related table. This feature, also known as <firstterm>foreign key arrays</firstterm>,
>> +     is described in the following example:
> Please wrap your documentation paragraphs.
>> *** a/src/backend/commands/tablecmds.c
>> --- b/src/backend/commands/tablecmds.c
>> ***************
>> *** 5705,5710 **** ATAddForeignKeyConstraint(AlteredTableInfo *tab, Relation rel,
>> --- 5705,5735 ----
>>               Oid                     ffeqop;
>>               int16           eqstrategy;
>> +             /* Check if foreign key is an array of primary key types */
>> +             const bool              is_foreign_key_array = (fktype == get_array_type (pktype));
> We don't declare non-pointer, local variables "const".  Also, [not positive on
> this one] when an initial assignment requires a comment, declare the variable
> with no assignment and no comment.  Then, assign it later with the comment.
> This keeps the per-block declarations packed together.
> This test wrongly rejects FK types that are domains over the array type:
> CREATE TABLE parent (c int PRIMARY KEY);
> CREATE DOMAIN intarrdom AS int[];
> CREATE TABLE child  (c intarrdom REFERENCES parent);
>> +
>> +             /* Enforce foreign key array restrictions */
>> +             if (is_foreign_key_array)
>> +             {
>> +                     /*
>> +                      * Foreign key array must not be part of a multi-column foreign key
>> +                      */
>> +                     if (is_foreign_key_array && numpks > 1)
>> +                             ereport(ERROR,
>> +                                     (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_FOREIGN_KEY),
>> +                                     errmsg("foreign key arrays must not be part of a multi-column foreign key")));
>> +
>> +                     /*
>> +                      * We have to restrict foreign key array to NO ACTION and RESTRICT mode
>> +                      * until the behaviour triggered by the other actions is clearer and well defined
>> +                      */
>> +                     if ((fkconstraint->fk_upd_action != FKCONSTR_ACTION_NOACTION && fkconstraint->fk_upd_action !=
>> +                             || (fkconstraint->fk_del_action != FKCONSTR_ACTION_NOACTION &&
fkconstraint->fk_del_action!= FKCONSTR_ACTION_RESTRICT)) 
> Break these lines to keep things within 78 columns.  Audit the remainder of
> your changes for long lines, and break when in doubt.
>> +                             ereport(ERROR,
>> +                                     (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_FOREIGN_KEY),
>> +                                     errmsg("NO ACTION and RESTRICT are the only supported actions for foreign key
> Error message constants can remain unbroken, though.
>> +             }
>> +
>>               /* We need several fields out of the pg_opclass entry */
>>               cla_ht = SearchSysCache1(CLAOID, ObjectIdGetDatum(opclasses[i]));
>>               if (!HeapTupleIsValid(cla_ht))
>> ***************
>> *** 5766,5772 **** ATAddForeignKeyConstraint(AlteredTableInfo *tab, Relation rel,
>>                       Oid                     target_typeids[2];
>>                       input_typeids[0] = pktype;
>> !                     input_typeids[1] = fktype;
>>                       target_typeids[0] = opcintype;
>>                       target_typeids[1] = opcintype;
>>                       if (can_coerce_type(2, input_typeids, target_typeids,
>> --- 5791,5801 ----
>>                       Oid                     target_typeids[2];
>>                       input_typeids[0] = pktype;
>> !                     /* When is FKA we must use for FK the same type of PK */
>> !                     if (is_foreign_key_array)
>> !                             input_typeids[1] = pktype;
>> !                     else
>> !                             input_typeids[1] = fktype;
>>                       target_typeids[0] = opcintype;
>>                       target_typeids[1] = opcintype;
>>                       if (can_coerce_type(2, input_typeids, target_typeids,
> This is bogus; the can_coerce_type test will always pass (excluding bad cases
> of catalog inconsistency).
> ATAddForeignKeyConstraint should choose to make an array foreign key whenever
> the PK side is a scalar and the FK side is an array.  Then, grab the element
> type of the FK side and feed that through the operator-identification logic.
>> *** a/src/backend/utils/adt/ri_triggers.c
>> --- b/src/backend/utils/adt/ri_triggers.c
>> ***************
>> *** 460,465 **** RI_FKey_check(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
>> --- 460,466 ----
>>               char            paramname[16];
>>               const char *querysep;
>>               Oid                     queryoids[RI_MAX_NUMKEYS];
>> +             bool            is_foreign_key_array = false;
>>               /* ----------
>>                * The query string built is
>> ***************
>> *** 476,493 **** RI_FKey_check(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
>>               {
>>                       Oid                     pk_type = RIAttType(pk_rel, riinfo.pk_attnums[i]);
>>                       Oid                     fk_type = RIAttType(fk_rel, riinfo.fk_attnums[i]);
>>                       quoteOneName(attname,
>>                                                RIAttName(pk_rel, riinfo.pk_attnums[i]));
>>                       sprintf(paramname, "$%d", i + 1);
>> !                     ri_GenerateQual(&querybuf, querysep,
>> !                                                     attname, pk_type,
>> !                                                     riinfo.pf_eq_oprs[i],
>> !                                                     paramname, fk_type);
>>                       querysep = "AND";
>>                       queryoids[i] = fk_type;
>>               }
>> !             appendStringInfo(&querybuf, " FOR SHARE OF x");
>>               /* Prepare and save the plan */
>>               qplan = ri_PlanCheck(, riinfo.nkeys, queryoids,
>> --- 477,524 ----
>>               {
>>                       Oid                     pk_type = RIAttType(pk_rel, riinfo.pk_attnums[i]);
>>                       Oid                     fk_type = RIAttType(fk_rel, riinfo.fk_attnums[i]);
>> +                     is_foreign_key_array = (fk_type == get_array_type (pk_type));
> Drop the extra whitespace before the function argument list.
>>                       quoteOneName(attname,
>>                                                RIAttName(pk_rel, riinfo.pk_attnums[i]));
>>                       sprintf(paramname, "$%d", i + 1);
>> !                     /*
>> !                      * In case of an array foreign key, we check that every
>> !                      * DISTINCT NOT NULL value in the array is present in the PK table.
>> !                      * XXX: This works because the query is executed with LIMIT 1,
> I found this comment confusing, since the SQL syntax "LIMIT 1" is never used
> here.  I suppose you're referring to the fact that we call into SPI with
> tcount = 1?
>> !                      * but may not work properly with SSI (a better approach would be
>> !                      * to inspect the array and skip the check in case of empty arrays).
> Why might serializable transactions be specially affected?
>> !                      */
>> !                     if (is_foreign_key_array)
>> !                     {
>> !                             appendStringInfo(&querybuf, " %s (SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT UNNEST(%s)) y
WHEREy IS NOT NULL)", querysep, paramname); 
>> !                             appendStringInfo(&querybuf, " = (SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT 1 FROM ONLY %s y",
>> !                             ri_GenerateQual(&querybuf, "WHERE",
>> !                                                             attname, pk_type,
>> !                                                             riinfo.pf_eq_oprs[i],
>> !                                                             paramname, fk_type);
>> !                             /*
>> !                              * We lock for share every row in the pkreltable that is
>> !                              * referenced by the array elements
>> !                              */
>> !                             appendStringInfo(&querybuf, " FOR SHARE OF y) z)");
> The resulting query performs an irrelevant sequential scan on the PK table:
NULL)= (SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT 1 FROM ONLY "public"."parent" y WHERE "c" OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) ANY ($1) FOR
SHAREOF y) z) 
> As you suggested with that comment above, this scan always ends after one row.
> That places a bound on the actual performance hit.  However, we still read the
> one row, which may mean loading a page for nothing.  At a minimum, simplify
> this query to:
> SELECT 1                               WHERE (SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT DISTINCT UNNEST($1)) y WHERE y IS NOT
NULL)= (SELECT count(*) FROM (SELECT 1 FROM ONLY "public"."parent" y WHERE "c" OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) ANY ($1) FOR
SHAREOF y) z) 
> That also naturally handles empty arrays against empty PK tables, which
> currently fail for me even at READ COMMITTED:
> CREATE TABLE parent (c int PRIMARY KEY);
> CREATE TABLE child  (c int[] REFERENCES parent);
> INSERT INTO child VALUES ('{}'); -- fails wrongly
>> !                     }
>> !                     else
>> !                     {
>> !                             ri_GenerateQual(&querybuf, querysep,
>> !                                                             attname, pk_type,
>> !                                                             riinfo.pf_eq_oprs[i],
>> !                                                             paramname, fk_type);
>> !                     }
>>                       querysep = "AND";
>>                       queryoids[i] = fk_type;
>>               }
>> !             /*
>> !              * We skip locking for share in case of foreign key arrays
>> !              * as it has been done in the inner subquery
>> !              */
>> !             if (! is_foreign_key_array)
> Drop the whitespace after the "!".
>> !                     appendStringInfo(&querybuf, " FOR SHARE OF x");
>>               /* Prepare and save the plan */
>>               qplan = ri_PlanCheck(, riinfo.nkeys, queryoids,
>> *** a/src/test/regress/expected/foreign_key.out
>> --- b/src/test/regress/expected/foreign_key.out
>> ***************
>> *** 968,978 **** drop table pktable;
>>   drop table pktable_base;
>>   -- 2 columns (1 table), mismatched types
>>   create table pktable_base(base1 int not null, base2 int);
>> - create table pktable(ptest1 inet, ptest2 inet[], primary key(base1, ptest1), foreign key(base2, ptest2) references
>> -                                              pktable(base1, ptest1)) inherits (pktable_base);
>> - NOTICE:  CREATE TABLE / PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index "pktable_pkey" for table "pktable"
>> - ERROR:  foreign key constraint "pktable_base2_fkey" cannot be implemented
>> - DETAIL:  Key columns "ptest2" and "ptest1" are of incompatible types: inet[] and inet.
> Instead of deleting this test, change the type from inet[] to something
> unrelated, like float8.
> Thanks,
> nm
> --
> Sent via pgsql-hackers mailing list (
> To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Tom Lane
Noah Misch <> writes:
> On Fri, Nov 04, 2011 at 01:48:02PM +0100, Gabriele Bartolini wrote:

> I'm assuming the SQL spec says nothing about a feature like this?

I'm pretty certain that the SQL spec flat out forbids this.

The least we could do is invent some non-spec syntax that makes the
intention clear, rather than having the system assume that an error case
was intended to mean something else.  Maybe

or something like that.  (ARRAY is a fully reserved word already,
so I think this syntax should work, but I've not tried it.)

BTW, has anyone thought through whether this is a sane idea at all?
It seems to me to be full of cases that will require rather arbitrary
decisions, like whether ON DELETE CASCADE should involve deleting the
whole row or just one array element.
        regards, tom lane

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Josh Berkus
> BTW, has anyone thought through whether this is a sane idea at all?
> It seems to me to be full of cases that will require rather arbitrary
> decisions, like whether ON DELETE CASCADE should involve deleting the
> whole row or just one array element.

One array element, presumably.

Does the patch implement CASCADE?

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Pavel Stehule
2011/11/17 Tom Lane <>:
> Noah Misch <> writes:
>> On Fri, Nov 04, 2011 at 01:48:02PM +0100, Gabriele Bartolini wrote:
>> I'm assuming the SQL spec says nothing about a feature like this?
> I'm pretty certain that the SQL spec flat out forbids this.
> The least we could do is invent some non-spec syntax that makes the
> intention clear, rather than having the system assume that an error case
> was intended to mean something else.  Maybe
>        pids INTEGER[] ARRAY REFERENCES pt,
> or something like that.  (ARRAY is a fully reserved word already,
> so I think this syntax should work, but I've not tried it.)



Pavel Stehule

> BTW, has anyone thought through whether this is a sane idea at all?
> It seems to me to be full of cases that will require rather arbitrary
> decisions, like whether ON DELETE CASCADE should involve deleting the
> whole row or just one array element.
>                        regards, tom lane
> --
> Sent via pgsql-hackers mailing list (
> To make changes to your subscription:

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Josh Berkus

BTW, I don't want to block this patch.  However, it occurs to me that a
more generalized FK based on non-equality conditions (i.e. expressions)
would be nice if it were possible.  Then we could have FKs from all
kinds of complex structures.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Jaime Casanova
On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 11:28 PM, Noah Misch <> wrote:
> Removing values from the array seems best to me.  There's no doubt about what
> ON UPDATE CASCADE should do, and having ON DELETE CASCADE excise individual
> array elements is consistent with that.  It's less clear for SET NULL, but I'd
> continue with a per-element treatment.  I'd continue to forbid SET DEFAULT.
> However, Jeff Davis did expect ON DELETE CASCADE to remove entire rows:
> So, perhaps the behavior needs to be user-selectable.

i will agree with Jeff on this...

i mean, on the normal case it will delete the row. no?

the docs says about the CASCADE action
Delete any rows referencing the deleted row, or update the value of
the referencing column to the new value of the referenced column,

so, that is what i will expect

Jaime Casanova
Professional PostgreSQL: Soporte 24x7 y capacitación

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Tom Lane
Josh Berkus <> writes:
>> BTW, has anyone thought through whether this is a sane idea at all?
>> It seems to me to be full of cases that will require rather arbitrary
>> decisions, like whether ON DELETE CASCADE should involve deleting the
>> whole row or just one array element.

> One array element, presumably.

Um, why?  One reasonable interpretation of an array reference is that
the row depends on *all* of the referenced pkeys.  Also, if you do
delete one array element at a time, what do you do when the array
becomes empty --- delete the row, or not, and in each case what's your
semantic justification for that choice?

In short, "presumably" doesn't cut it here.
        regards, tom lane

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Gabriele Bartolini
Hi Noah,

thanks for your unvaluable review, rich of useful and thorough comments 
and notes. Marco and myself will add your proposed tests as soon as 
possible (most likely after the Italian PGDay which is this week). 
However, given the feedback received from other developers too 
(including Tom), I would first concentrate on defining the syntax and 
how referential integrity actions should work.

Il 17/11/11 05:28, Noah Misch ha scritto:
> Removing values from the array seems best to me. There's no doubt 
> about what ON UPDATE CASCADE should do, and having ON DELETE CASCADE 
> excise individual array elements is consistent with that. It's less 
> clear for SET NULL, but I'd continue with a per-element treatment. I'd 
> continue to forbid SET DEFAULT. However, Jeff Davis did expect ON 
> DELETE CASCADE to remove entire rows: 
> So, perhaps the behavior needs to be user-selectable. 
I would agree with what Tom is saying here, given that SQL specs do not 
say anything about this feature. We could leave standard REFERENCES 
keyword handling the array value as it is now. If a user wants to take 
advantage of in-array referential integrity, we could implement the 
special keyword "ARRAY REFERENCES" as Tom proposes (or a similar keyword).

Consequently, we need to agree on what the actions on delete and update 
operations are. In case of ARRAY REFERENCES, I would be inclined to 
leave the same meaning of ROW scope actions to CASCADE and SET NULL 
actions, while disallowing the SET DEFAULT action (as Noah suggests 
too). At the same time, I would add two actions for ARRAY REFERENCES 
which will be processing array elements:


(Of course if you are welcome to propose a better naming convention). 
This table summarises the scope of the actions.

--------------- --------- ---------               |   ON    |   ON    |
Action         | DELETE  | UPDATE  |
--------------- --------- ---------
CASCADE        |   Row   | Element |
SET NULL       |   Row   |   Row   |
ARRAY CASCADE  | Element | Element |
ARRAY SET NULL | Element | Element |
SET DEFAULT    |  Error  |  Error  |
NO ACTION      |    -    |    -    |
RESTRICT       |    -    |    -    |
--------------- --------- ---------

For instance, with an "ARRAY REFERENCES ... ON DELETE CASCADE", I would 
expect that the whole row is deleted (as Jeff et al. say). However, if I 
that elements in the referencing array are removed.
Similary the "ARRAY REFERENCES ... ON DELETE SET NULL" will set the row 
set individual elements in the referencing array to NULL.

In case of updates, SET NULL and ARRAY SET NULL works the same (updating 
the whole row or the single elements). CASCADE and ARRAY CASCADE are 
synonyms, as they would work in individual elements (which is the action 
that makes more sense anyway).

I believe that, before we proceed with one implementation or another, it 
is important we discuss this sort of things and agree on a possible 
long-term path (so that we can organise intermediate deliverables).


--  Gabriele Bartolini - 2ndQuadrant Italia PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Gianni Ciolli
Hi Gabriele and Marco,

On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 10:36:15AM +0100, Gabriele Bartolini wrote:
> --------------- --------- ---------
>                |   ON    |   ON    |
> Action         | DELETE  | UPDATE  |
> --------------- --------- ---------
> CASCADE        |   Row   | Element |
> SET NULL       |   Row   |   Row   |
> ARRAY CASCADE  | Element | Element |
> ARRAY SET NULL | Element | Element |
> SET DEFAULT    |  Error  |  Error  |
> NO ACTION      |    -    |    -    |
> RESTRICT       |    -    |    -    |
> --------------- --------- ---------

thank you for this very clear and concise summary!

I agree with your appeal for a broad discussion on the proposed
syntax, and I will use the same language to express my proposal (for
clarity and to simplify the discussion):

------------------ --------- ---------------                 |   ON    |   ON          |
Action            | DELETE  | UPDATE        |
------------------ --------- ---------------
CASCADE           | Element | Element       |
SET NULL          | Element | Element       |
SET DEFAULT       |  Error  |  Error        |
ARRAY CASCADE     |   Row   | Element = Row |
ARRAY SET NULL    |   Row   |   Row         |
ARRAY SET DEFAULT |   Row   |   Row         |
NO ACTION         |    -    |    -          |
RESTRICT          |    -    |    -          |
------------------ --------- ---------------

I have swapped your syntax in the following way which looks cleaner to
me: the ARRAY (CASCADE | SET NULL | SET DEFAULT) syntax denote
operations that happen on the whole array, and CASCADE | SET NULL |
SET DEFAULT denote instead operations that happen on the elements of
the array.

Associating the "Element" behaviour with the ON DELETE CASCADE syntax
is also consistent with the case where the referencing table A is
constructed as GROUP BY of another table B, and the array reference on
A is built by aggregating a non-array reference on B with ON DELETE
CASCADE syntax. In other words, the same syntax (ON DELETE CASCADE)
would denote the same behaviour in both the aggregated case ( = one
row per object, using array references) and the non-aggregated case
(multiple rows for one object, using equality references), which
represent two distinct implementations of the same abstraction.

The "Row" behaviour would instead be associated to a new syntax (ON
DELETE ARRAY CASCADE), which cannot be obtained via the existing
syntax in the non-aggregated implementation, on the grounds that it
might be useful for some semantics (for instance: if you remove a
vertex from a polygon, you can either destroy the polygon or transform
it into a polygon with less vertices).

The same principle of considering the two implementations as the same
abstraction would also confirm your choice to raise an exception on ON

It would also suggest to enable ON (DELETE | UPDATE) ARRAY SET
DEFAULT. The reasoning is that we can actually specify a default array
in the referencing column, but we can't specify a default element.
Before I briefly thought to use the referenced column default as a
default for the single element, but it seems a bad idea: a default is
an expression (possibly non-constant) which is evaluated only when a
new row is created in the referenced table, and using it outside of
that context looks inappropriate.

Regarding ON UPDATE ARRAY CASCADE, I agree to make it a synonym, since
updating the whole array to take into account the update on the
referenced field is equivalent to updating the single element to take
into account the same fact.

Finally, ON UPDATE ARRAY SET NULL would still have an use case as a
different behaviour than ON UPDATE SET NULL, which we make available
to the database designer: instead of replacing the updated element in
the array with a NULL, we replace the whole array with a NULL. This is
essentially the same difference that we have between ON DELETE ARRAY

Dr. Gianni Ciolli - 2ndQuadrant Italia
PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support |

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Noah Misch
On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 10:36:15AM +0100, Gabriele Bartolini wrote:
> I would agree with what Tom is saying here, given that SQL specs do not  
> say anything about this feature. We could leave standard REFERENCES  
> keyword handling the array value as it is now. If a user wants to take  
> advantage of in-array referential integrity, we could implement the  
> special keyword "ARRAY REFERENCES" as Tom proposes (or a similar 
> keyword).

No objection to that.

> --------------- --------- ---------
>                |   ON    |   ON    |
> Action         | DELETE  | UPDATE  |
> --------------- --------- ---------
> CASCADE        |   Row   | Element |
> SET NULL       |   Row   |   Row   |
> ARRAY CASCADE  | Element | Element |
> ARRAY SET NULL | Element | Element |
> SET DEFAULT    |  Error  |  Error  |
> NO ACTION      |    -    |    -    |
> RESTRICT       |    -    |    -    |
> --------------- --------- ---------

I like this.

> synonyms, as they would work in individual elements (which is the action  
> that makes more sense anyway).

What about making ON UPDATE CASCADE an error?  That way, we can say that ARRAY
<action> always applies to array elements, and plain <action> always applies to
entire rows.

SET DEFAULT should now be fine to allow.  It's ARRAY SET DEFAULT, in your new
terminology, that wouldn't make sense.


Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Merlin Moncure
On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 7:48 AM, Gabriele Bartolini
<> wrote:
> This patch adds basic support of arrays in foreign keys, by allowing to
> define a referencing column as an array of elements having the same type as
> the referenced column in the referenced table.
> Every NOT NULL element in the referencing array is matched against the
> referenced table.

I like the idea of being able to define more flexible foreign keys,
but are we gilding the lily here?  The proposed solution is really
quite specific to the nuances of arrays.  Perhaps there is a more
general expression based syntax that leaves the door open for other
types conditions such as dealing fields dependent on other fields?


Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Peter Eisentraut
On mån, 2011-11-21 at 10:30 -0600, Merlin Moncure wrote:
> I like the idea of being able to define more flexible foreign keys,
> but are we gilding the lily here?  The proposed solution is really
> quite specific to the nuances of arrays.  Perhaps there is a more
> general expression based syntax that leaves the door open for other
> types conditions such as dealing fields dependent on other fields?

Yeah, basically you'd just need a contains and/or is-contained-by
operator between the two types.

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Gabriele Bartolini
Hi Noah,

thanks for your feedback.

Il 20/11/11 14:05, Noah Misch ha scritto:
> What about making ON UPDATE CASCADE an error?  That way, we can say that ARRAY
> <action>  always applies to array elements, and plain<action>  always applies to
> entire rows.
> SET DEFAULT should now be fine to allow.  It's ARRAY SET DEFAULT, in your new
> terminology, that wouldn't make sense.

I have tried to gather your ideas with Gianni's and come to a 
compromise, which I hope you can both agree on.

The reason why I would be inclined to leave CASCADE act on rows (rather 
than array elements as Gianni suggests) is for backward compatibility 
(people that are already using referential integrity based on array 
values). For the same reason, I am not sure whether we should raise an 
error on update, but will leave this for later.

So, here is a summary:

--------------- --------- ---------               |   ON    |   ON    |
Action         | DELETE  | UPDATE  |
--------------- --------- ---------
CASCADE        |   Row   |  Error  |
SET NULL       |   Row   |   Row   |
SET DEFAULT    |   Row   |   Row   |
ARRAY CASCADE  | Element | Element |
ARRAY SET NULL | Element | Element |
NO ACTION      |    -    |    -    |
RESTRICT       |    -    |    -    |
--------------- --------- ---------

If that's fine with you guys, Marco and I will refactor the development 
based on these assumptions.


--  Gabriele Bartolini - 2ndQuadrant Italia PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Noah Misch
On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 09:47:53AM +0100, Gabriele Bartolini wrote:
> Il 20/11/11 14:05, Noah Misch ha scritto:
>> What about making ON UPDATE CASCADE an error?  That way, we can say that ARRAY
>> <action>  always applies to array elements, and plain<action>  always applies to
>> entire rows.
>> SET DEFAULT should now be fine to allow.  It's ARRAY SET DEFAULT, in your new
>> terminology, that wouldn't make sense.
> I have tried to gather your ideas with Gianni's and come to a  
> compromise, which I hope you can both agree on.
> The reason why I would be inclined to leave CASCADE act on rows (rather  
> than array elements as Gianni suggests) is for backward compatibility  
> (people that are already using referential integrity based on array  
> values). For the same reason, I am not sure whether we should raise an  
> error on update, but will leave this for later.

Your conclusion is reasonable, but I don't understand this argument for it.  The
patch does not change the meaning of any SQL that works today.

> So, here is a summary:
> --------------- --------- ---------
>                |   ON    |   ON    |
> Action         | DELETE  | UPDATE  |
> --------------- --------- ---------
> CASCADE        |   Row   |  Error  |
> SET NULL       |   Row   |   Row   |
> SET DEFAULT    |   Row   |   Row   |
> ARRAY CASCADE  | Element | Element |
> ARRAY SET NULL | Element | Element |
> NO ACTION      |    -    |    -    |
> RESTRICT       |    -    |    -    |
> --------------- --------- ---------
> If that's fine with you guys, Marco and I will refactor the development  
> based on these assumptions.

Looks fine.

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Noah Misch
On Thu, Nov 17, 2011 at 12:08:32AM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> The least we could do is invent some non-spec syntax that makes the
> intention clear, rather than having the system assume that an error case
> was intended to mean something else.  Maybe

+1.  Perhaps this for the table_constraint syntax:

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Marco Nenciarini

Il giorno dom, 11/12/2011 alle 19.45 -0500, Noah Misch ha scritto:
> On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 09:47:53AM +0100, Gabriele Bartolini wrote:
> > So, here is a summary:
> >
> > --------------- --------- ---------
> >                |   ON    |   ON    |
> > Action         | DELETE  | UPDATE  |
> > --------------- --------- ---------
> > CASCADE        |   Row   |  Error  |
> > SET NULL       |   Row   |   Row   |
> > SET DEFAULT    |   Row   |   Row   |
> > ARRAY CASCADE  | Element | Element |
> > ARRAY SET NULL | Element | Element |
> > NO ACTION      |    -    |    -    |
> > RESTRICT       |    -    |    -    |
> > --------------- --------- ---------
> >
> > If that's fine with you guys, Marco and I will refactor the development
> > based on these assumptions.
> Looks fine.

This is our latest version of the patch. Gabriele, Gianni and I have
discussed a lot and decided to send an initial patch which uses EACH
REFERENCES instead of ARRAY REFERENCES. The reason behind this is that
ARRAY REFERENCES generates an ambiguous grammar, and we all agreed that
EACH REFERENCES makes sense (and the same time does not introduce any
new keyword). This is however open for discussion.

The patch now includes the following clauses on the delete/update
actions - as per previous emails:

--------------- --------- ---------
               |   ON    |   ON    |
Action         | DELETE  | UPDATE  |
--------------- --------- ---------
CASCADE        |   Row   |  Error  |
SET NULL       |   Row   |   Row   |
SET DEFAULT    |   Row   |   Row   |
ARRAY CASCADE  | Element | Element |
ARRAY SET NULL | Element | Element |
NO ACTION      |    -    |    -    |
RESTRICT       |    -    |    -    |
--------------- --------- ---------

We will resubmit the patch for the 2012-01 commit fest.

Thank you,

Marco Nenciarini - 2ndQuadrant Italy
PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support |


Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Marco Nenciarini

Il giorno dom, 11/12/2011 alle 19.45 -0500, Noah Misch ha scritto:
> On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 09:47:53AM +0100, Gabriele Bartolini wrote:
> > So, here is a summary:
> >
> > --------------- --------- ---------
> >                |   ON    |   ON    |
> > Action         | DELETE  | UPDATE  |
> > --------------- --------- ---------
> > CASCADE        |   Row   |  Error  |
> > SET NULL       |   Row   |   Row   |
> > SET DEFAULT    |   Row   |   Row   |
> > ARRAY CASCADE  | Element | Element |
> > ARRAY SET NULL | Element | Element |
> > NO ACTION      |    -    |    -    |
> > RESTRICT       |    -    |    -    |
> > --------------- --------- ---------
> >
> > If that's fine with you guys, Marco and I will refactor the development
> > based on these assumptions.
> Looks fine.

This is our latest version of the patch. Gabriele, Gianni and I have
discussed a lot and decided to send an initial patch which uses EACH
REFERENCES instead of ARRAY REFERENCES. The reason behind this is that
ARRAY REFERENCES generates an ambiguous grammar, and we all agreed that
EACH REFERENCES makes sense (and the same time does not introduce any
new keyword). This is however open for discussion.

The patch now includes the following clauses on the delete/update
actions - as per previous emails:

--------------- --------- ---------
               |   ON    |   ON    |
Action         | DELETE  | UPDATE  |
--------------- --------- ---------
CASCADE        |   Row   |  Error  |
SET NULL       |   Row   |   Row   |
SET DEFAULT    |   Row   |   Row   |
ARRAY CASCADE  | Element | Element |
ARRAY SET NULL | Element | Element |
NO ACTION      |    -    |    -    |
RESTRICT       |    -    |    -    |
--------------- --------- ---------

We will resubmit the patch for the 2012-01 commit fest.

Thank you,

Marco Nenciarini - System manager @ Devise.IT |


Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Noah Misch
On Sat, Jan 14, 2012 at 08:18:48PM +0100, Marco Nenciarini wrote:
> This is our latest version of the patch. Gabriele, Gianni and I have
> discussed a lot and decided to send an initial patch which uses EACH
> REFERENCES instead of ARRAY REFERENCES. The reason behind this is that
> ARRAY REFERENCES generates an ambiguous grammar, and we all agreed that
> EACH REFERENCES makes sense (and the same time does not introduce any
> new keyword). This is however open for discussion.

I greatly like that name; it would still make sense for other aggregate types,
should we ever expand its use.  Please complete the name change: the
documentation, catalog entries, etc should all call them something like "each
foreign key constraints" (I don't particularly like that exact wording).

You currently forbid multi-column EACH FKs.  I agree that we should allow only
one array column per FK; with more, the set of required PK rows would be
something like the Cartesian product of the elements of array columns.
However, there are no definitional problems, at least for NO ACTION, around a
FK constraint having one array column and N scalar columns.  Whether or not
you implement that now, let's choose a table_constraint syntax leaving that
opportunity open.  How about:FOREIGN KEY(col_a, EACH col_b, col_c) REFERENCES pktable (a, b, c)

You've identified that we cannot generally implement the ON DELETE ARRAY
CASCADE action on multidimensional arrays.  This patch chooses to downgrade to
ON DELETE ARRAY SET NULL in that case.  My initial reaction is that it would
be better to forbid multidimensional arrays in the column when the delete
action is ON DELETE ARRAY SET NULL.  That's not satisfying, either, because it
makes the definition of conforming data depend on the ON DELETE action.  Do we
have other options?

> --------------- --------- ---------
>                |   ON    |   ON    |
> Action         | DELETE  | UPDATE  |
> --------------- --------- ---------
> CASCADE        |   Row   |  Error  |
> SET NULL       |   Row   |   Row   |
> SET DEFAULT    |   Row   |   Row   |
> ARRAY CASCADE  | Element | Element |
> ARRAY SET NULL | Element | Element |
> NO ACTION      |    -    |    -    |
> RESTRICT       |    -    |    -    |
> --------------- --------- --------- 

To complete the ARRAY -> EACH transition, I would suggest names like CASCADE

I like the extensive test cases you have included.  There's one more thing
they should do: leave tables having EACH REFERENCES relationships in the
regression database.  This way, pg_dump tests of the regression database will
exercise pg_dump with respect to this feature.

The patch emits several warnings:

heap.c: In function `StoreRelCheck':
heap.c:1947: warning: passing argument 17 of `CreateConstraintEntry' makes integer from pointer without a cast
index.c: In function `index_constraint_create':
index.c:1160: warning: passing argument 17 of `CreateConstraintEntry' makes integer from pointer without a cast
In file included from gram.y:13051:
scan.c: In function `yy_try_NUL_trans':
scan.c:16243: warning: unused variable `yyg'
trigger.c: In function `CreateTrigger':
trigger.c:454: warning: passing argument 17 of `CreateConstraintEntry' makes integer from pointer without a cast
typecmds.c: In function `domainAddConstraint':
typecmds.c:2960: warning: passing argument 17 of `CreateConstraintEntry' makes integer from pointer without a cast
arrayfuncs.c: In function `array_remove':
arrayfuncs.c:5197: warning: unused variable `dimresult'
ri_triggers.c: In function `RI_FKey_check':
ri_triggers.c:484: warning: too many arguments for format

This test case, copied from my previous review except for updating the syntax,
still fails:

CREATE TABLE child  (c int[]);
INSERT INTO child VALUES ('{3,1,2}');
ALTER TABLE child ADD FOREIGN KEY (c) EACH REFERENCES parent; -- should error
INSERT INTO child VALUES ('{3,1,2}'); -- does error, as expected

Most of my code comments concern minor matters:

> *** a/doc/src/sgml/ddl.sgml
> --- b/doc/src/sgml/ddl.sgml

> *************** CREATE TABLE order_items (
> *** 852,857 ****
> --- 882,931 ----
>      </para>
>      <para>
> +     When working with foreign key arrays, you have two more
> +     options that can be used with your
> +     <literal>EACH REFERENCES</literal> definition:
> +     <literal>ARRAY CASCADE</literal> and
> +     <literal>ARRAY SET NULL</literal>. Depending on
> +     the triggering action (<command>DELETE</command> or
> +     <command>UPDATE</command>) on the referenced table,
> +     every element in the referencing array will be either
> +     deleted/updated or set to NULL.
> +     For more detailed information on foreign key arrays
> +     options and special cases, please refer to the
> +     documentation for <xref linkend="sql-createtable">.
> +    </para>
> + 
> + <para>
> +     For instance, in the example below, a <command>DELETE</command>
> +     from the <literal>countries</literal> table will remove
> +     the referencing elements in the <literal>citizenship_ids</literal>
> +     array.
> + 
> + <programlisting>
> + CREATE TABLE countries (
> +     country_id integer PRIMARY KEY,
> +     name text,
> +     ...
> + );
> + 
> + CREATE TABLE people (
> +     person_id integer PRIMARY KEY,
> +     first_name text,
> +     last_name text,
> +     ...
> +     citizenship_ids integer[] <emphasis>EACH REFERENCES countries
> + );
> + </programlisting>    
> + 
> +     Consequently, an <command>UPDATE</command> of
> +     the <literal>country_id</literal> column will be propagated
> +     to any element of the <literal>citizenship_ids</literal>
> +     field in the <literal>people</literal> table.
> +    </para>
> + 
> +    <para>

I would leave off this second example.

> *************** SELECT NULLIF(value, '(none)') ...
> *** 10452,10457 ****
> --- 10480,10490 ----
>      </note>
>      <para>
> +     When using <function>array_remove</function> with multi-dimensional
> +     arrays, elements will be set to NULL as fallback measure.
> +    </para>

If we do keep this behavior, I would give this function a less-natural name
and not document it.

> *** a/doc/src/sgml/ref/create_table.sgml
> --- b/doc/src/sgml/ref/create_table.sgml
> *************** CREATE [ [ GLOBAL | LOCAL ] { TEMPORARY
> *** 51,57 ****
>     DEFAULT <replaceable>default_expr</replaceable> |
>     UNIQUE <replaceable class="PARAMETER">index_parameters</replaceable> |
>     PRIMARY KEY <replaceable class="PARAMETER">index_parameters</replaceable> |
> !   REFERENCES <replaceable class="PARAMETER">reftable</replaceable> [ ( <replaceable
class="PARAMETER">refcolumn</replaceable>) ] [ MATCH FULL | MATCH PARTIAL | MATCH SIMPLE ]
>       [ ON DELETE <replaceable class="parameter">action</replaceable> ] [ ON UPDATE <replaceable
class="parameter">action</replaceable>] }
> --- 51,57 ----
>     DEFAULT <replaceable>default_expr</replaceable> |
>     UNIQUE <replaceable class="PARAMETER">index_parameters</replaceable> |
>     PRIMARY KEY <replaceable class="PARAMETER">index_parameters</replaceable> |
> !   {EACH} REFERENCES <replaceable class="PARAMETER">reftable</replaceable> [ ( <replaceable
class="PARAMETER">refcolumn</replaceable>) ] [ MATCH FULL | MATCH PARTIAL | MATCH SIMPLE ]
>       [ ON DELETE <replaceable class="parameter">action</replaceable> ] [ ON UPDATE <replaceable
class="parameter">action</replaceable>] }

Use square brackets, not curly brackets, around optional terms.

> *************** CREATE [ [ GLOBAL | LOCAL ] { TEMPORARY
> *** 62,68 ****
>     UNIQUE ( <replaceable class="PARAMETER">column_name</replaceable> [, ... ] ) <replaceable
>     PRIMARY KEY ( <replaceable class="PARAMETER">column_name</replaceable> [, ... ] ) <replaceable
>     EXCLUDE [ USING <replaceable class="parameter">index_method</replaceable> ] ( <replaceable
class="parameter">exclude_element</replaceable>WITH <replaceable class="parameter">operator</replaceable> [, ... ] )
<replaceableclass="parameter">index_parameters</replaceable> [ WHERE ( <replaceable
class="parameter">predicate</replaceable>) ] |
> !   FOREIGN KEY ( <replaceable class="PARAMETER">column_name</replaceable> [, ... ] ) REFERENCES <replaceable
class="PARAMETER">reftable</replaceable>[ ( <replaceable class="PARAMETER">refcolumn</replaceable> [, ... ] ) ]
>       [ MATCH FULL | MATCH PARTIAL | MATCH SIMPLE ] [ ON DELETE <replaceable class="parameter">action</replaceable> ]
[ON UPDATE <replaceable class="parameter">action</replaceable> ] }
> --- 62,68 ----
>     UNIQUE ( <replaceable class="PARAMETER">column_name</replaceable> [, ... ] ) <replaceable
>     PRIMARY KEY ( <replaceable class="PARAMETER">column_name</replaceable> [, ... ] ) <replaceable
>     EXCLUDE [ USING <replaceable class="parameter">index_method</replaceable> ] ( <replaceable
class="parameter">exclude_element</replaceable>WITH <replaceable class="parameter">operator</replaceable> [, ... ] )
<replaceableclass="parameter">index_parameters</replaceable> [ WHERE ( <replaceable
class="parameter">predicate</replaceable>) ] |
> !   FOREIGN KEY ( <replaceable class="PARAMETER">column_name</replaceable> [, ... ] ) {EACH} REFERENCES <replaceable
class="PARAMETER">reftable</replaceable>[ ( <replaceable class="PARAMETER">refcolumn</replaceable> [, ... ] ) ]


> *** a/src/backend/catalog/information_schema.sql
> --- b/src/backend/catalog/information_schema.sql

> *************** CREATE VIEW referential_constraints AS
> *** 1173,1183 ****
>              CAST(
>                CASE con.confdeltype WHEN 'c' THEN 'CASCADE'
>                                     WHEN 'n' THEN 'SET NULL'
>                                     WHEN 'd' THEN 'SET DEFAULT'
>                                     WHEN 'r' THEN 'RESTRICT'
>                                     WHEN 'a' THEN 'NO ACTION' END
> !              AS character_data) AS delete_rule
>       FROM (pg_namespace ncon
>             INNER JOIN pg_constraint con ON ncon.oid = con.connamespace
> --- 1175,1189 ----
>              CAST(
>                CASE con.confdeltype WHEN 'c' THEN 'CASCADE'
> +                                   WHEN 'C' THEN 'ARRAY CASCADE'
>                                     WHEN 'n' THEN 'SET NULL'
> +                                   WHEN 'N' THEN 'ARRAY SET NULL'
>                                     WHEN 'd' THEN 'SET DEFAULT'
>                                     WHEN 'r' THEN 'RESTRICT'
>                                     WHEN 'a' THEN 'NO ACTION' END
> !              AS character_data) AS delete_rule,
> ! 
> !            CAST(con.confisarray AS boolean) AS is_array

No need for that cast.

> *** a/src/backend/commands/tablecmds.c
> --- b/src/backend/commands/tablecmds.c

> *************** ATAddForeignKeyConstraint(AlteredTableIn
> *** 5688,5693 ****
> --- 5689,5728 ----
>                   (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_FOREIGN_KEY),
>                    errmsg("number of referencing and referenced columns for foreign key disagree")));
> +     /* Enforce foreign key array restrictions */
> +     if (fkconstraint->fk_array)
> +     {
> +         /*
> +          * Foreign key array must not be part of a multi-column foreign key
> +          */
> +         if (numpks > 1)
> +             ereport(ERROR,
> +                 (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_FOREIGN_KEY),
> +                 errmsg("foreign key arrays must not be part of a multi-column foreign key")));
> + 
> +         /*
> +          * ON UPDATE CASCADE action is not supported on FKA
> +          */
> +         if (fkconstraint->fk_upd_action == FKCONSTR_ACTION_CASCADE)
> +             ereport(ERROR,
> +                 (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_FOREIGN_KEY),
> +                 errmsg("ON UPDATE CASCADE action is not supported on foreign key arrays")));

Add a HINT about using ARRAY CASCADE.

> *************** ATAddForeignKeyConstraint(AlteredTableIn
> *** 5736,5775 ****
>                    eqstrategy, opcintype, opcintype, opfamily);
>           /*
> !          * Are there equality operators that take exactly the FK type? Assume
> !          * we should look through any domain here.
>            */
> !         fktyped = getBaseType(fktype);
> !         pfeqop = get_opfamily_member(opfamily, opcintype, fktyped,
> !                                      eqstrategy);
> !         if (OidIsValid(pfeqop))
> !             ffeqop = get_opfamily_member(opfamily, fktyped, fktyped,
>                                            eqstrategy);
> -         else
> -             ffeqop = InvalidOid;    /* keep compiler quiet */
> !         if (!(OidIsValid(pfeqop) && OidIsValid(ffeqop)))
>           {
>               /*
> !              * Otherwise, look for an implicit cast from the FK type to the
> !              * opcintype, and if found, use the primary equality operator.
> !              * This is a bit tricky because opcintype might be a polymorphic
> !              * type such as ANYARRAY or ANYENUM; so what we have to test is
> !              * whether the two actual column types can be concurrently cast to
> !              * that type.  (Otherwise, we'd fail to reject combinations such
> !              * as int[] and point[].)
>                */
> !             Oid            input_typeids[2];
> !             Oid            target_typeids[2];
> !             input_typeids[0] = pktype;
> !             input_typeids[1] = fktype;
> !             target_typeids[0] = opcintype;
> !             target_typeids[1] = opcintype;
> !             if (can_coerce_type(2, input_typeids, target_typeids,
> !                                 COERCION_IMPLICIT))
> !                 pfeqop = ffeqop = ppeqop;
>           }
>           if (!(OidIsValid(pfeqop) && OidIsValid(ffeqop)))
> --- 5771,5861 ----
>                    eqstrategy, opcintype, opcintype, opfamily);
>           /*
> !          *  Discover the equality operators
>            */
> !         if (fkconstraint->fk_array)
> !         {
> !             /*
> !              * Are there equality operators that take exactly the FK element type?
> !              * Assume we should look through any domain here.
> !              */
> !             Oid fk_element_type=get_base_element_type(fktype);
> !             if (!OidIsValid(fk_element_type))
> !                 ereport(ERROR,
> !                     (errcode(ERRCODE_DATATYPE_MISMATCH),
> !                      errmsg("foreign key constraint \"%s\" "
> !                             "cannot be implemented",
> !                             fkconstraint->conname),
> !                      errdetail("Key columns \"%s\" is not an array type: %s",
> !                                strVal(list_nth(fkconstraint->fk_attrs, i)),
> !                                format_type_be(fktype))));

Use a detail message like "Type of key column "%s" is not an array type: %s".

> !             ffeqop = ARRAY_EQ_OP;
> ! 
> !             pfeqop = get_opfamily_member(opfamily, opcintype, fk_element_type,
>                                            eqstrategy);
> !             if (!(OidIsValid(pfeqop)))
> !             {
> !                 /*
> !                  * Otherwise, look for an implicit cast from the FK type to the
> !                  * opcintype, and if found, use the primary equality operator.
> !                  * This is a bit tricky because opcintype might be a polymorphic
> !                  * type such as ANYARRAY or ANYENUM; so what we have to test is
> !                  * whether the two actual column types can be concurrently cast to
> !                  * that type.  (Otherwise, we'd fail to reject combinations such
> !                  * as int[] and point[].)
> !                  */
> !                 Oid            input_typeids[2];
> !                 Oid            target_typeids[2];
> ! 
> !                 input_typeids[0] = pktype;
> !                 input_typeids[1] = fk_element_type;
> !                 target_typeids[0] = opcintype;
> !                 target_typeids[1] = opcintype;
> !                 if (can_coerce_type(2, input_typeids, target_typeids,
> !                                     COERCION_IMPLICIT))
> !                     pfeqop = ppeqop;
> !             }
> !         }
> !         else
>           {
>               /*
> !              * Are there equality operators that take exactly the FK type? Assume
> !              * we should look through any domain here.
>                */
> !             fktyped = getBaseType(fktype);
> !             pfeqop = get_opfamily_member(opfamily, opcintype, fktyped,
> !                                          eqstrategy);
> !             if (OidIsValid(pfeqop))
> !                 ffeqop = get_opfamily_member(opfamily, fktyped, fktyped,
> !                                              eqstrategy);
> !             else
> !                 ffeqop = InvalidOid;    /* keep compiler quiet */
> ! 
> !             if (!(OidIsValid(pfeqop) && OidIsValid(ffeqop)))
> !             {
> !                 /*
> !                  * Otherwise, look for an implicit cast from the FK type to the
> !                  * opcintype, and if found, use the primary equality operator.
> !                  * This is a bit tricky because opcintype might be a polymorphic
> !                  * type such as ANYARRAY or ANYENUM; so what we have to test is
> !                  * whether the two actual column types can be concurrently cast to
> !                  * that type.  (Otherwise, we'd fail to reject combinations such
> !                  * as int[] and point[].)
> !                  */
> !                 Oid            input_typeids[2];
> !                 Oid            target_typeids[2];
> ! 
> !                 input_typeids[0] = pktype;
> !                 input_typeids[1] = fktype;
> !                 target_typeids[0] = opcintype;
> !                 target_typeids[1] = opcintype;
> !                 if (can_coerce_type(2, input_typeids, target_typeids,
> !                                     COERCION_IMPLICIT))
> !                     pfeqop = ffeqop = ppeqop;
> !             }
>           }

Please reduce the level of textual code duplication here.

> *** a/src/backend/commands/trigger.c
> --- b/src/backend/commands/trigger.c

> *************** ConvertTriggerToFK(CreateTrigStmt *stmt,
> *** 861,876 ****
> --- 862,881 ----
>       switch (funcoid)
>       {
>           case F_RI_FKEY_CASCADE_UPD:
> +         case F_RI_FKEY_ARRCASCADE_UPD:
>           case F_RI_FKEY_RESTRICT_UPD:
>           case F_RI_FKEY_SETNULL_UPD:
> +         case F_RI_FKEY_ARRSETNULL_UPD:
>           case F_RI_FKEY_SETDEFAULT_UPD:
>           case F_RI_FKEY_NOACTION_UPD:
>               funcnum = 0;
>               break;
>           case F_RI_FKEY_CASCADE_DEL:
> +         case F_RI_FKEY_ARRCASCADE_DEL:
>           case F_RI_FKEY_RESTRICT_DEL:
>           case F_RI_FKEY_SETNULL_DEL:
> +         case F_RI_FKEY_ARRSETNULL_DEL:
>           case F_RI_FKEY_SETDEFAULT_DEL:
>           case F_RI_FKEY_NOACTION_DEL:
>               funcnum = 1;

We don't need to support these clauses in ConvertTriggerToFK(); no ancient
dumps will bear them.  A comment would be enough.  On the other hand, your
changes here are simple enough.  Maybe it's better to add the support as you
have than to explain why it's absent.

> *** a/src/backend/utils/adt/arrayfuncs.c
> --- b/src/backend/utils/adt/arrayfuncs.c
> *************** array_unnest(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
> *** 5174,5176 ****
> --- 5174,5599 ----
>           SRF_RETURN_DONE(funcctx);
>       }
>   }
> + 
> + /*
> +  * Remove any occurrence of an element from an array
> +  *
> +  * If used on a multi-dimensional array the matching elements will be replaced with NULLs as fallback.
> +  *
> +  */
> + Datum
> + array_remove(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
> + {
> +     ArrayType  *v;
> +     Datum        old_value = PG_GETARG_DATUM(1);
> +     Oid            element_type;
> +     ArrayType  *result;
> +     Datum       *values;
> +     bool       *nulls;
> +     Datum        elt;
> +     int            ndim;
> +     int           *dim;
> +     int            nitems;
> +     int           *dimresult;
> +     int            nresult;
> +     int            i;
> +     int32        nbytes = 0;
> +     int32        dataoffset;
> +     bool        hasnulls;
> +     int            typlen;
> +     bool        typbyval;
> +     char        typalign;
> +     char       *s;
> +     bits8       *bitmap;
> +     int            bitmask;
> +     Oid            collation = PG_GET_COLLATION();
> +     TypeCacheEntry *typentry;
> +     FunctionCallInfoData locfcinfo;
> + 
> +     /*
> +      * If the first argument is null
> +      * return NULL
> +      */
> +     if (PG_ARGISNULL(0))
> +         PG_RETURN_NULL();
> + 
> +     v = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(0);
> + 
> +     /*
> +      * If second argument is NULL, no match is possible
> +      * so return the first argument unchanged
> +      */
> +     if (PG_ARGISNULL(1))
> +         PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(v);
> + 
> +     ndim = ARR_NDIM(v);
> + 
> +     /*
> +      * If used on a multi-dimensional array the matching elements
> +      * will be replaced with NULLs as fallback.
> +      */
> +     if (ndim > 1) {
> +         fcinfo->nargs = 3;
> +         fcinfo->argnull[2]=true;
> +         return array_replace(fcinfo);
> +     }
> + 
> +     dim = ARR_DIMS(v);
> +     element_type = ARR_ELEMTYPE(v);
> +     nitems = ArrayGetNItems(ndim, dim);
> + 
> +     /* Check for empty array */
> +     if (nitems <= 0)
> +     {
> +         /* Return empty array */
> +         PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(construct_empty_array(element_type));
> +     }
> + 
> +     /*
> +      * We arrange to look up the equality function only once per series of
> +      * calls, assuming the element type doesn't change underneath us.  The
> +      * typcache is used so that we have no memory leakage when being used
> +      * as an index support function.
> +      */

The second sentence of the comment does not apply in this function.

> +     typentry = (TypeCacheEntry *) fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra;
> +     if (typentry == NULL ||
> +         typentry->type_id != element_type)
> +     {
> +         typentry = lookup_type_cache(element_type,
> +                                      TYPECACHE_EQ_OPR_FINFO);
> +         if (!OidIsValid(typentry->eq_opr_finfo.fn_oid))
> +             ereport(ERROR,
> +                     (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_FUNCTION),
> +             errmsg("could not identify an equality operator for type %s",
> +                    format_type_be(element_type))));
> +         fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra = (void *) typentry;
> +     }
> +     typlen = typentry->typlen;
> +     typbyval = typentry->typbyval;
> +     typalign = typentry->typalign;
> + 
> +     /*
> +      * apply the operator to each pair of array elements.
> +      */
> +     InitFunctionCallInfoData(locfcinfo, &typentry->eq_opr_finfo, 2,
> +                              collation, NULL, NULL);
> + 
> +     /* Allocate temporary arrays for new values */
> +     values = (Datum *) palloc(nitems * sizeof(Datum));
> +     nulls = (bool *) palloc(nitems * sizeof(bool));
> + 
> +     /* Loop over source data */
> +     s = ARR_DATA_PTR(v);
> +     bitmap = ARR_NULLBITMAP(v);
> +     bitmask = 1;
> +     hasnulls = false;
> +     nresult=0;
> + 
> +     for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++)
> +     {
> +         bool        isNull;
> +         bool        oprresult;
> +         bool        skip;
> + 
> +         /* Get source element, checking for NULL */
> +         if (bitmap && (*bitmap & bitmask) == 0)
> +         {
> +             isNull = true;
> +             skip = false;
> +         }
> +         else
> +         {
> +             elt = fetch_att(s, typbyval, typlen);
> +             s = att_addlength_datum(s, typlen, elt);
> +             s = (char *) att_align_nominal(s, typalign);
> +             isNull = false;
> + 
> +             /*
> +              * Apply the operator to the element pair
> +              */
> +             locfcinfo.arg[0] = elt;
> +             locfcinfo.arg[1] = old_value;
> +             locfcinfo.argnull[0] = false;
> +             locfcinfo.argnull[1] = false;
> +             locfcinfo.isnull = false;
> +             oprresult = DatumGetBool(FunctionCallInvoke(&locfcinfo));
> +             if (!oprresult)
> +             {
> +                 values[nresult] = elt;
> +                 skip = false;
> +             }
> +             else {
> +                 skip = true;
> +             }

Remove braces.

> +         }
> + 
> +         if (!skip)
> +         {
> +             nulls[nresult] = isNull;
> +             if (isNull)
> +                 hasnulls = true;
> +             else
> +             {
> +                 /* Ensure data is not toasted */
> +                 if (typlen == -1)
> +                     values[nresult] = PointerGetDatum(PG_DETOAST_DATUM(values[nresult]));

Shouldn't be needed; we just pulled the values from an array.

> +                 /* Update total result size */
> +                 nbytes = att_addlength_datum(nbytes, typlen, values[nresult]);
> +                 nbytes = att_align_nominal(nbytes, typalign);
> +                 /* check for overflow of total request */
> +                 if (!AllocSizeIsValid(nbytes))
> +                     ereport(ERROR,
> +                             (errcode(ERRCODE_PROGRAM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED),
> +                              errmsg("array size exceeds the maximum allowed (%d)",
> +                                     (int) MaxAllocSize)));

This test should never fail.  Either convert it to an Assert or just add a
comment to that effect.

> +             }
> +             nresult++;
> +         }
> + 
> +         /* advance bitmap pointer if any */
> +         if (bitmap)
> +         {
> +             bitmask <<= 1;
> +             if (bitmask == 0x100)
> +             {
> +                 bitmap++;
> +                 bitmask = 1;
> +             }
> +         }
> +     }
> + 
> +     /* Allocate and initialize the result array */

Is it worth tracking whether we didn't find anything to remove and just
returning the old array in that case?

> +     if (hasnulls)
> +     {
> +         dataoffset = ARR_OVERHEAD_WITHNULLS(ndim, nresult);
> +         nbytes += dataoffset;
> +     }
> +     else
> +     {
> +         dataoffset = 0;            /* marker for no null bitmap */
> +         nbytes += ARR_OVERHEAD_NONULLS(ndim);
> +     }
> +     result = (ArrayType *) palloc0(nbytes);
> +     SET_VARSIZE(result, nbytes);
> +     result->ndim = ndim;
> +     result->dataoffset = dataoffset;
> +     result->elemtype = element_type;
> +     memcpy(ARR_DIMS(result), ARR_DIMS(v), 2 * ndim * sizeof(int));
> + 
> +     /* Adjust the final length */
> +     ARR_DIMS(result)[0] = nresult;
> + 
> +     /*
> +      * Note: do not risk trying to pfree the results of the called function
> +      */

The comment does not apply here; a comparison function has no result to free.

> +     CopyArrayEls(result,
> +                  values, nulls, nresult,
> +                  typlen, typbyval, typalign,
> +                  false);
> + 
> +     pfree(values);
> +     pfree(nulls);
> + 
> +     PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(result);
> + }
> + 
> + /*
> +  * Replace any occurrence of an element in an array
> +  */
> + Datum
> + array_replace(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
> + {
> +     ArrayType  *v;
> +     Datum        old_value = PG_GETARG_DATUM(1);
> +     Datum        new_value = PG_GETARG_DATUM(2);
> +     bool        new_value_isnull = PG_ARGISNULL(2);
> +     Oid            element_type;
> +     ArrayType  *result;
> +     Datum       *values;
> +     bool       *nulls;
> +     Datum        elt;
> +     int           *dim;
> +     int            ndim;
> +     int            nitems;
> +     int            i;
> +     int32        nbytes = 0;
> +     int32        dataoffset;
> +     bool        hasnulls;
> +     int            typlen;
> +     bool        typbyval;
> +     char        typalign;
> +     char       *s;
> +     bits8       *bitmap;
> +     int            bitmask;
> +     Oid            collation = PG_GET_COLLATION();
> +     TypeCacheEntry *typentry;
> +     FunctionCallInfoData locfcinfo;
> + 
> +     /*
> +      * If the first argument is null
> +      * return NULL
> +      */
> +     if (PG_ARGISNULL(0))
> +         PG_RETURN_NULL();
> + 
> +     v = PG_GETARG_ARRAYTYPE_P(0);
> + 
> +     /*
> +      * If second argument is NULL, no match is possible
> +      * so return the first argument unchanged
> +      */
> +     if (PG_ARGISNULL(1))
> +         PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(v);
> + 
> +     ndim = ARR_NDIM(v);
> +     dim = ARR_DIMS(v);
> +     element_type = ARR_ELEMTYPE(v);
> +     nitems = ArrayGetNItems(ndim, dim);
> + 
> +     /* Check for empty array */
> +     if (nitems <= 0)
> +     {
> +         /* Return empty array */
> +         PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(construct_empty_array(element_type));
> +     }
> + 
> +     /*
> +      * We arrange to look up the equality function only once per series of
> +      * calls, assuming the element type doesn't change underneath us.  The
> +      * typcache is used so that we have no memory leakage when being used
> +      * as an index support function.
> +      */

The second sentence does not apply here, either.

> +     typentry = (TypeCacheEntry *) fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra;
> +     if (typentry == NULL ||
> +         typentry->type_id != element_type)
> +     {
> +         typentry = lookup_type_cache(element_type,
> +                                      TYPECACHE_EQ_OPR_FINFO);
> +         if (!OidIsValid(typentry->eq_opr_finfo.fn_oid))
> +             ereport(ERROR,
> +                     (errcode(ERRCODE_UNDEFINED_FUNCTION),
> +             errmsg("could not identify an equality operator for type %s",
> +                    format_type_be(element_type))));
> +         fcinfo->flinfo->fn_extra = (void *) typentry;
> +     }
> +     typlen = typentry->typlen;
> +     typbyval = typentry->typbyval;
> +     typalign = typentry->typalign;
> + 
> +     /*
> +      * apply the operator to each pair of array elements.
> +      */
> +     InitFunctionCallInfoData(locfcinfo, &typentry->eq_opr_finfo, 2,
> +                              collation, NULL, NULL);
> + 
> +     /* Allocate temporary arrays for new values */
> +     values = (Datum *) palloc(nitems * sizeof(Datum));
> +     nulls = (bool *) palloc(nitems * sizeof(bool));
> + 
> +     /* Loop over source data */
> +     s = ARR_DATA_PTR(v);
> +     bitmap = ARR_NULLBITMAP(v);
> +     bitmask = 1;
> +     hasnulls = false;
> + 
> +     for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++)
> +     {
> +         bool        isNull;
> +         bool        oprresult;
> + 
> +         /* Get source element, checking for NULL */
> +         if (bitmap && (*bitmap & bitmask) == 0)
> +         {
> +             isNull = true;
> +         }
> +         else
> +         {
> +             elt = fetch_att(s, typbyval, typlen);
> +             s = att_addlength_datum(s, typlen, elt);
> +             s = (char *) att_align_nominal(s, typalign);
> +             isNull = false;
> + 
> +             /*
> +              * Apply the operator to the element pair
> +              */
> +             locfcinfo.arg[0] = elt;
> +             locfcinfo.arg[1] = old_value;
> +             locfcinfo.argnull[0] = false;
> +             locfcinfo.argnull[1] = false;
> +             locfcinfo.isnull = false;
> +             oprresult = DatumGetBool(FunctionCallInvoke(&locfcinfo));
> +             if (!oprresult)
> +             {
> +                 values[i] = elt;
> +             }
> +             else if (!new_value_isnull)
> +             {
> +                 values[i] = new_value;
> +             }
> +             else {
> +                 isNull = true;
> +             }

Remove the braces around single-statement blocks.

> +         }
> + 
> +         nulls[i] = isNull;
> +         if (isNull)
> +             hasnulls = true;
> +         else
> +         {
> +             /* Ensure data is not toasted */
> +             if (typlen == -1)
> +                 values[i] = PointerGetDatum(PG_DETOAST_DATUM(values[i]));

The only value that might need a detoast is new_value.  Do so once at the top
of the function.

> +             /* Update total result size */
> +             nbytes = att_addlength_datum(nbytes, typlen, values[i]);
> +             nbytes = att_align_nominal(nbytes, typalign);
> +             /* check for overflow of total request */
> +             if (!AllocSizeIsValid(nbytes))
> +                 ereport(ERROR,
> +                         (errcode(ERRCODE_PROGRAM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED),
> +                          errmsg("array size exceeds the maximum allowed (%d)",
> +                                 (int) MaxAllocSize)));
> +         }
> + 
> +         /* advance bitmap pointer if any */
> +         if (bitmap)
> +         {
> +             bitmask <<= 1;
> +             if (bitmask == 0x100)
> +             {
> +                 bitmap++;
> +                 bitmask = 1;
> +             }
> +         }
> +     }
> + 
> +     /* Allocate and initialize the result array */
> +     if (hasnulls)
> +     {
> +         dataoffset = ARR_OVERHEAD_WITHNULLS(ndim, nitems);
> +         nbytes += dataoffset;
> +     }
> +     else
> +     {
> +         dataoffset = 0;            /* marker for no null bitmap */
> +         nbytes += ARR_OVERHEAD_NONULLS(ndim);
> +     }
> +     result = (ArrayType *) palloc0(nbytes);
> +     SET_VARSIZE(result, nbytes);
> +     result->ndim = ndim;
> +     result->dataoffset = dataoffset;
> +     result->elemtype = element_type;
> +     memcpy(ARR_DIMS(result), ARR_DIMS(v), 2 * ndim * sizeof(int));
> + 
> +     /*
> +      * Note: do not risk trying to pfree the results of the called function
> +      */

The comment does not apply here; a comparison function has no result to free.

> +     CopyArrayEls(result,
> +                  values, nulls, nitems,
> +                  typlen, typbyval, typalign,
> +                  false);
> + 
> +     pfree(values);
> +     pfree(nulls);
> + 
> +     PG_RETURN_ARRAYTYPE_P(result);
> + }
> diff --git a/src/backend/utils/adt/ri_triggers.c b/src/backend/utils/adt/ri_triggers.c
> index 03a974a..58a92e1 100644
> *** a/src/backend/utils/adt/ri_triggers.c
> --- b/src/backend/utils/adt/ri_triggers.c

> *************** typedef struct RI_ConstraintInfo
> *** 106,111 ****
> --- 110,116 ----
>       NameData    conname;        /* name of the FK constraint */
>       Oid            pk_relid;        /* referenced relation */
>       Oid            fk_relid;        /* referencing relation */
> +     bool        confisarray;

Comment that member.

> + Datum
> + RI_FKey_arrcascade_upd(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
> + {

These belong earlier in the file, adjacent to the other PK trigger functions.

> +                 /* ----------
> +                  * The query string built is
> +                  *    UPDATE ONLY <fktable> SET fkatt1 = array_replace(fkatt1, $n, $1) [, ...]
> +                  *            WHERE $n = fkatt1 [AND ...]
> +                  * The type id's for the $ parameters are those of the
> +                  * corresponding PK attributes.
> +                  * ----------
> +                  */

RI_FKey_cascade_upd() has this to say at the corresponding juncture:
            /* ----------             * The query string built is             *    UPDATE ONLY <fktable> SET fkatt1 =
$1[, ...]             *            WHERE $n = fkatt1 [AND ...]             * The type id's for the $ parameters are
thoseof the             * corresponding PK attributes.  Note that we are assuming             * there is an assignment
castfrom the PK to the FK type;             * else the parser will fail.             * ----------             */

Since we're matching a polymorphic function here, the types of the second and
third arguments must precisely match the element type of the first argument.
Even when an implicit cast exists, we must insert cast syntax.  Test case:

CREATE TABLE parent (c smallint PRIMARY KEY);
INSERT INTO parent VALUES (1), (2);
INSERT INTO child VALUES ('{1,2}');
UPDATE parent SET c = 3 WHERE c = 2;
DELETE FROM parent WHERE c = 1;

> +                 initStringInfo(&querybuf);
> +                 initStringInfo(&qualbuf);
> +                 quoteRelationName(fkrelname, fk_rel);
> +                 appendStringInfo(&querybuf, "UPDATE ONLY %s SET", fkrelname);
> +                 querysep = "";
> +                 qualsep = "WHERE";
> +                 for (i = 0, j = riinfo.nkeys; i < riinfo.nkeys; i++, j++)
> +                 {
> +                     Oid            pk_type = RIAttType(pk_rel, riinfo.pk_attnums[i]);
> +                     Oid            fk_type = RIAttType(fk_rel, riinfo.fk_attnums[i]);
> + 
> +                     quoteOneName(attname,
> +                                  RIAttName(fk_rel, riinfo.fk_attnums[i]));
> +                     appendStringInfo(&querybuf,
> +                                      "%s %s = array_replace(%s, $%d, $%d)",
> +                                      querysep, attname, attname, j + 1, i + 1);

Break this line to keep it within 78 columns.  Otherwise, pgindent will
reverse-indent it.  There are some other examples in your patch.  Please run
your patch through this command, inspect the output, and fix any that don't
<patchfile expand -t4 | awk 'length > 78'

> *** a/src/include/catalog/pg_constraint.h
> --- b/src/include/catalog/pg_constraint.h
> *************** CATALOG(pg_constraint,2606)
> *** 78,83 ****
> --- 78,84 ----
>        * constraint.    Otherwise confrelid is 0 and the char fields are spaces.
>        */
>       Oid            confrelid;        /* relation referenced by foreign key */
> +     bool        confisarray;    /* true if an EACH REFERENCE foreign key */
>       char        confupdtype;    /* foreign key's ON UPDATE action */
>       char        confdeltype;    /* foreign key's ON DELETE action */
>       char        confmatchtype;    /* foreign key's match type */

Putting the field at this location adds three bytes of padding.  Please locate
it elsewhere to avoid that.

> *** a/src/include/catalog/pg_proc.h
> --- b/src/include/catalog/pg_proc.h

> *************** DESCR("referential integrity ON DELETE N
> *** 1976,1981 ****
> --- 1981,1995 ----
>   DATA(insert OID = 1655 (  RI_FKey_noaction_upd PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 0 f f f t f v 0 0 2279 "" _null_ _null_ _null_
_null_RI_FKey_noaction_upd _null_ _null_ _null_ ));
>   DESCR("referential integrity ON UPDATE NO ACTION");
> + DATA(insert OID = 3144 (  RI_FKey_arrcascade_del    PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 0 f f f t f v 0 0 2279 "" _null_ _null_
_null__null_ RI_FKey_arrcascade_del _null_ _null_ _null_ ));
> + DESCR("referential integrity ON DELETE CASCADE");
> + DATA(insert OID = 3145 (  RI_FKey_arrcascade_upd    PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 0 f f f t f v 0 0 2279 "" _null_ _null_
_null__null_ RI_FKey_arrcascade_upd _null_ _null_ _null_ ));
> + DESCR("referential integrity ON UPDATE CASCADE");
> + DATA(insert OID = 3146 (  RI_FKey_arrsetnull_del    PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 0 f f f t f v 0 0 2279 "" _null_ _null_
_null__null_ RI_FKey_arrsetnull_del _null_ _null_ _null_ ));
> + DESCR("referential integrity ON DELETE SET NULL");
> + DATA(insert OID = 3147 (  RI_FKey_arrsetnull_upd    PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 0 f f f t f v 0 0 2279 "" _null_ _null_
_null__null_ RI_FKey_arrsetnull_upd _null_ _null_ _null_ ));
> + DESCR("referential integrity ON UPDATE SET NULL");

Those descriptions need to reflect the actual clauses involved.


Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Simon Riggs
On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 8:42 PM, Noah Misch <> wrote:

> You currently forbid multi-column EACH FKs.  I agree that we should allow only
> one array column per FK; with more, the set of required PK rows would be
> something like the Cartesian product of the elements of array columns.
> However, there are no definitional problems, at least for NO ACTION, around a
> FK constraint having one array column and N scalar columns.  Whether or not
> you implement that now, let's choose a table_constraint syntax leaving that
> opportunity open.  How about:
>        FOREIGN KEY(col_a, EACH col_b, col_c) REFERENCES pktable (a, b, c)

I don't think we should be trying to cover every possible combination
of arrays, non-arrays and all the various options. The number of
combinations is making this patch larger than it needs to be and as a
result endangers its being committed in this release just on committer
time to cope with the complexity. We have a matter of weeks to get
this rock solid.

Yes, lets keep syntax open for future additions, but lets please
focus/edit this down to a solid, useful patch for 9.2.

For me, one array column, no other non-array columns and delete
restrict would cover 90+% of use cases. Bearing in mind you can cover
other cases by writing your own triggers, I don't think solving every
problem makes sense in a single release. Once we have a solid base we
can fill in the rare cases later.

 Simon Riggs         
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Noah Misch
On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 09:06:49PM +0000, Simon Riggs wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 21, 2012 at 8:42 PM, Noah Misch <> wrote:
> > You currently forbid multi-column EACH FKs. ?I agree that we should allow only
> > one array column per FK; with more, the set of required PK rows would be
> > something like the Cartesian product of the elements of array columns.
> > However, there are no definitional problems, at least for NO ACTION, around a
> > FK constraint having one array column and N scalar columns. ?Whether or not
> > you implement that now, let's choose a table_constraint syntax leaving that
> > opportunity open. ?How about:
> > ? ? ? ?FOREIGN KEY(col_a, EACH col_b, col_c) REFERENCES pktable (a, b, c)
> I don't think we should be trying to cover every possible combination
> of arrays, non-arrays and all the various options. The number of
> combinations is making this patch larger than it needs to be and as a
> result endangers its being committed in this release just on committer
> time to cope with the complexity. We have a matter of weeks to get
> this rock solid.
> Yes, lets keep syntax open for future additions, but lets please
> focus/edit this down to a solid, useful patch for 9.2.

+1.  Let's change the syntax to leave that door open but not use the
flexibility at this time.

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Gabriele Bartolini
Hi Noah,

Il 21/01/12 21:42, Noah Misch ha scritto:
> On Sat, Jan 14, 2012 at 08:18:48PM +0100, Marco Nenciarini wrote:
> I greatly like that name; it would still make sense for other 
> aggregate types, should we ever expand its use. Please complete the 
> name change: the documentation, catalog entries, etc should all call 
> them something like "each foreign key constraints" (I don't 
> particularly like that exact wording).
Ok, we'll go with "EACH Foreign Key Constraints" but I would allow the 
synonym "Foreign Key Array", especially in the documentation.
> How about: FOREIGN KEY(col_a, EACH col_b, col_c) REFERENCES pktable 
> (a, b, c)
We really like this syntax. However, as also Simon suggested, we'd go 
for switching to this syntax, but stick to a simpler implementation for 
9.2. We will then be able to expand the functionality, by keeping the 
same syntax, from 9.3.
> To complete the ARRAY -> EACH transition, I would suggest names like 
Sounds perfect.

Marco will go through all your comments and will send version 3 shortly.

Thank you,

--  Gabriele Bartolini - 2ndQuadrant Italia PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Marco Nenciarini
Hi guys,

Please find attached version 3 of our patch. We thoroughly followed your
suggestions and were able to implement "EACH foreign key constraints"
with multi-column syntax as well.

"EACH foreign key constraints" represent PostgreSQL implementation of
what are also known as Foreign Key Arrays.

Some limitations occur in this release, but as previously agreed these
can be refined and defined in future release implementations.

This patch adds:

* support for EACH REFERENCES column constraint on array types
  - e.g. c1 INT[] EACH REFERENCES t1
* support for EACH foreign key table constraints
* support for EACH foreign keys in multi-column foreign key table
  - e.g. FOREIGN KEY (c1, EACH c2) REFERENCES t1 (u1, u2)
* support for two new referential actions on update/delete operations
  for single-column only EACH foreign keys:
** EACH CASCADE (deletes or updates elements inside the referencing
** EACH SET NULL (sets to NULL referencing element inside the foreign
* support for array_replace and array_remove functions as required by
the above actions

As previously said, we preferred to keep this patch simple for 9.2 and
forbid EACH CASCADE and EACH SET NULL on multi-column foreign keys.
After all, majority of use cases is represented by EACH foreign key
column constraints (single-column foreign key arrays), and more
complicated use cases can be discussed for 9.3 - should this patch make
it. :)
We can use multi-dimensional arrays as well as referencing columns. In
that case though, ON DELETE EACH CASCADE will behave like ON DELETE EACH
SET NULL. This is a safe way of implementing the action.
We have some ideas on how to implement this, but we feel it is better to
limit the behaviour for now.

As far as documentation is concerned, we:
* added actions and constraint info in the catalog
* added an entire section on "EACH foreign key constraints" in the data
definition language chapter (we've simplified the second example,
greatly following Noah's advice - let us know if this is ok with you)
* added array_remove (currently limited to single-dimensional arrays)
and array_replace in the array functions chapter
* modified REFERENCES/FOREIGN KEY section in the CREATE TABLE command's
documentation and added a special section on the EACH REFERENCES clause
(using square braces as suggested)

Here follows a short list of notes for Noah:

* You proposed these changes: ARRAY CASCADE -> EACH CASCADE and ARRAY
SET NULL -> EACH SET NULL. We stack with EACH CASCADE and decided to
prepend the "EACH" keyword to standard's CASCADE and SET NULL. Grammar
is simpler and the emphasis is on the EACH keyword.
* Multi-dimensional arrays: ON DELETE EACH CASCADE -> ON DELETE EACH SET
NULL. We cannot determine the array's number of dimensions at definition
time as it depends on the actual values. As anticipated above, we have
some ideas on multi-dimensional element removal, but not for this patch
for the aforementioned reasons.
* Support of EACH CASCADE/SET NULL in ConvertTriggerToFK(): we decided
to leave it.


Marco Nenciarini - 2ndQuadrant Italy
PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support |


Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

"Erik Rijkers"
(I reply to an older message but I did use the newest patch, version 3)

I wanted to have a look at v3 of this patch today, but it seems it won't apply and compile anymore.

Here are the protestations of patch:

patching file src/include/catalog/pg_proc.h
Hunk #1 FAILED at 868.
Hunk #2 FAILED at 1985.
2 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file src/include/catalog/pg_proc.h.rej

and in case it's any use, a cat of src/include/catalog/pg_proc.h.rej:

*** 868,873 **** DATA(insert OID = 2335 (  array_agg           PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 0 t f f f f i 1 0 2277 "2283"
_null_ _null_ _null_ _null_ aggregate_dummy _null_ _null_ _null_ )); DESCR("concatenate aggregate input into an
 DATA(insert OID = 760 (  smgrin               PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 0 f f f t f s 1 0 210 "2275" _null_
_null_ _null_ _null_    smgrin _null_ _null_ _null_ )); DESCR("I/O"); DATA(insert OID = 761 (  smgrout           PGNSP
PGUID12 1 0 0 0 f f f t f s 1 0 2275 "210" _null_
_null_ _null_ _null_    smgrout _null_ _null_ _null_ ));
--- 868,878 ---- DATA(insert OID = 2335 (  array_agg           PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 0 t f f f f i 1 0 2277 "2283"
_null_ _null_ _null_ _null_ aggregate_dummy _null_ _null_ _null_ )); DESCR("concatenate aggregate input into an

+ DATA(insert OID = 3157 (  array_remove       PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 0 f f f f f i 2 0 2277 "2277
2283" _null_ _null_ _null_ _null_ array_remove _null_ _null_ _null_ ));
+ DESCR("remove any occurrence of an element from an array");
+ DATA(insert OID = 3158 (  array_replace       PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 0 f f f f f i 3 0 2277 "2277
2283 2283" _null_ _null_ _null_ _null_ array_replace _null_ _null_ _null_ ));
+ DESCR("replace any occurrence of an element in an array");
+ DATA(insert OID = 760 (  smgrin               PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 0 f f f t f s 1 0 210 "2275" _null_
_null_ _null_ _null_    smgrin _null_ _null_ _null_ )); DESCR("I/O"); DATA(insert OID = 761 (  smgrout           PGNSP
PGUID12 1 0 0 0 f f f t f s 1 0 2275 "210" _null_
_null_ _null_ _null_    smgrout _null_ _null_ _null_ ));
*** 1980,1985 **** DATA(insert OID = 1655 (  RI_FKey_noaction_upd PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 0 f f f t f v 0 0 2279 ""
_null_ _null_ _null_ _null_ RI_FKey_noaction_upd _null_ _null_ _null_ )); DESCR("referential integrity ON UPDATE NO
 DATA(insert OID = 1666 (  varbiteq            PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 0 f f f t f i 2 0 16 "1562 1562"
_null_ _null_ _null_ _null_ biteq _null_ _null_ _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1667 (  varbitne            PGNSP PGUID 12
10 0 0 f f f t f i 2 0 16 "1562 1562"
_null_ _null_ _null_ _null_ bitne _null_ _null_ _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1668 (  varbitge            PGNSP PGUID 12
10 0 0 f f f t f i 2 0 16 "1562 1562"
_null_ _null_ _null_ _null_ bitge _null_ _null_ _null_ ));
--- 1985,1999 ---- DATA(insert OID = 1655 (  RI_FKey_noaction_upd PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 0 f f f t f v 0 0 2279 ""
_null_ _null_ _null_ _null_ RI_FKey_noaction_upd _null_ _null_ _null_ )); DESCR("referential integrity ON UPDATE NO

+ DATA(insert OID = 3159 (  RI_FKey_eachcascade_del    PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 0 f f f t f v 0 0 2279 ""
_null_ _null_ _null_ _null_ RI_FKey_eachcascade_del _null_ _null_ _null_ ));
+ DESCR("referential integrity ON DELETE EACH CASCADE");
+ DATA(insert OID = 3160 (  RI_FKey_eachcascade_upd    PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 0 f f f t f v 0 0 2279 ""
_null_ _null_ _null_ _null_ RI_FKey_eachcascade_upd _null_ _null_ _null_ ));
+ DESCR("referential integrity ON UPDATE EACH CASCADE");
+ DATA(insert OID = 3161 (  RI_FKey_eachsetnull_del    PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 0 f f f t f v 0 0 2279 ""
_null_ _null_ _null_ _null_ RI_FKey_eachsetnull_del _null_ _null_ _null_ ));
+ DESCR("referential integrity ON DELETE EACH SET NULL");
+ DATA(insert OID = 3162 (  RI_FKey_eachsetnull_upd    PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 0 f f f t f v 0 0 2279 ""
_null_ _null_ _null_ _null_ RI_FKey_eachsetnull_upd _null_ _null_ _null_ ));
+ DESCR("referential integrity ON UPDATE EACH SET NULL");
+ DATA(insert OID = 1666 (  varbiteq            PGNSP PGUID 12 1 0 0 0 f f f t f i 2 0 16 "1562 1562"
_null_ _null_ _null_ _null_ biteq _null_ _null_ _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1667 (  varbitne            PGNSP PGUID 12
10 0 0 f f f t f i 2 0 16 "1562 1562"
_null_ _null_ _null_ _null_ bitne _null_ _null_ _null_ )); DATA(insert OID = 1668 (  varbitge            PGNSP PGUID 12
10 0 0 f f f t f i 2 0 16 "1562 1562"
_null_ _null_ _null_ _null_ bitge _null_ _null_ _null_ ));

I'd like to try this out a bit; could you see if you can fix it?


Erik Rijkers

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Peter Geoghegan
On 21 February 2012 15:22, Erik Rijkers <> wrote:
> (I reply to an older message but I did use the newest patch, version 3)
> I wanted to have a look at v3 of this patch today, but it seems it won't apply and compile anymore.

That's just because a new column has been added to pg_proc -
proleakproof. Generalise from the example of commit
cd30728fb2ed7c367d545fc14ab850b5fa2a4850 - it modified ever pg_proc
entry, and this patch needs the same treatment:;a=blobdiff;f=src/include/catalog/pg_proc.h;h=fb2923f94db06cd528d588fa52ca3294e025f9f6;hp=d926a88ff8468a43e7d2982273709fbc34058ade;hb=cd30728fb2ed7c367d545fc14ab850b5fa2a4850;hpb=2bbd88f8f841b01efb073972b60d4dc1ff1f6fd0

Peter Geoghegan
PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training and Services

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Gabriele Bartolini
Hello Erik,

Il 21/02/12 16:22, Erik Rijkers ha scritto:
> (I reply to an older message but I did use the newest patch, version 3)
> I wanted to have a look at v3 of this patch today, but it seems it won't apply and compile anymore.

As Peter pointed out, it is due to a new Boolean field added in the
pg_proc catalog. I have updated our patch to set this value to false by

> I'd like to try this out a bit; could you see if you can fix it?

Thank you so much for dedicating your time on reviewing this patch.

I have attached version 3b (noting that is just a very small
modification/change to major 3 version of the patch), which passes all


  Gabriele Bartolini - 2ndQuadrant Italia
  PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support |


Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Noah Misch
Hi Marco,

This version fixes everything I noted in my last review.  Apart from corner
cases I note, the patch is technically sound.  I pose a few policy-type
questions; comments from a broader audience would help those.

On Mon, Feb 06, 2012 at 07:04:42PM +0100, Marco Nenciarini wrote:
> Please find attached version 3 of our patch. We thoroughly followed your
> suggestions and were able to implement "EACH foreign key constraints" 
> with multi-column syntax as well.

[actual review based on v3b]

> * support for EACH foreign keys in multi-column foreign key table 
>   constraints
>   - e.g. FOREIGN KEY (c1, EACH c2) REFERENCES t1 (u1, u2)

You support, and have test cases for, constraints with multiple EACH columns.
The documentation and comments do not explain their semantics.  On reviewing
the behavior and code, you have implemented it in terms of a Cartesian
product.  That's logical, but when is such a constraint actually useful?  If
someone can think of an application, great; let's document his example.
Otherwise, let's reject such constraints at DDL time.

> As previously said, we preferred to keep this patch simple for 9.2 and 
> forbid EACH CASCADE and EACH SET NULL on multi-column foreign keys.
> After all, majority of use cases is represented by EACH foreign key
> column constraints (single-column foreign key arrays), and more
> complicated use cases can be discussed for 9.3 - should this patch make
> it. :)

Good call.

> We can use multi-dimensional arrays as well as referencing columns. In 
> that case though, ON DELETE EACH CASCADE will behave like ON DELETE EACH
> SET NULL. This is a safe way of implementing the action. 
> We have some ideas on how to implement this, but we feel it is better to
> limit the behaviour for now.

This still feels awfully unprincipled to me.  How about just throwing an error
when we need to remove an element from a multidimensional array?  Essentially,
have ON DELETE EACH CASCADE downgrade to ON DELETE RESTRICT when it encounters
a multidimensional array.  That's strictly less code than what you have now,
and it keeps our options open.  We can always change from error to set-null
later, but we can't so readily change from set-null to anything else.

As I pondered this patch again, I came upon formal hazards around non-default
operator classes.  Today, ATAddForeignKeyConstraint() always chooses pfeqop,
ffeqop and ppeqop in the same operator family.  If it neglected this, we would
get wrong behavior when one of the operators is sensitive to a change to which
another is insensitive.  For EACH FK constraints, this patch sets ffeqop =
ARRAY_EQ_OP unconditionally.  array_eq() uses the TYPECACHE_EQ_OPR (usually
from the default B-tree operator class).  That operator may not exist at all,
let alone share an operator family with pfeqop.  Shall we deal with this by
retrieving TYPECACHE_EQ_OPR in ATAddForeignKeyConstraint() and rejecting the
constraint creation if it does not share an operator family with pfeqop?  The
same hazard affects ri_triggers.c use of array_remove() and array_replace(),
and the same change mitigates it.

Let me say again how much I like the test coverage from this patch.  It's
great to think of something worth verifying and find existing coverage for it
in the submitted test cases.

> *** a/doc/src/sgml/catalogs.sgml
> --- b/doc/src/sgml/catalogs.sgml

> ***************
> *** 2102,2107 ****
> --- 2106,2118 ----
>         <entry></entry>
>         <entry>If a check constraint, a human-readable representation of the expression</entry>
>        </row>
> + 
> +      <row>
> +       <entry><structfield>confisarray</structfield></entry>

Name is now confiseach.

pg_constraint.confeach needs documentation.

> +       <entry><type>bool</type></entry>
> +       <entry></entry>
> +       <entry>If a foreign key, true if a EACH REFERENCE foreign key</entry>
> +      </row>
>       </tbody>
>      </tgroup>
>     </table>
> *** a/doc/src/sgml/ddl.sgml
> --- b/doc/src/sgml/ddl.sgml

> +    <para>
> +     Another option you have with foreign keys is to use a
> +     referencing column which is an array of elements with
> +     the same type (or a compatible one) as the referenced
> +     column in the related table. This feature, commonly known
> +     as <firstterm>foreign key arrays</firstterm>, is implemented

Is it indeed "commonly known" by that name?  My web searching did not turn up
any independent use of the term.

In any event, this should be the only place where we mention multiple names
for the feature.  Pick one preferred term and use it for all other mentions.
The documentation, comments and messages currently have a mix of "each foreign
key", "EACH foreign key" and "foreign key array".

> +    <para>
> +     Even though the most common use case for foreign key arrays
> +     is on a single column key, you can define an <quote>each foreign
> +     key constraint</quote> on a group of columns. As the following
> +     contrived example shows, it needs to be written in table constraint form:
> + <programlisting>
> +   a integer PRIMARY KEY,
> +   b integer,
> +   c integer[],
> +   <emphasis>FOREIGN KEY (b, EACH c) REFERENCES other_table (c1, c2)</emphasis>
> + );
> + </programlisting>

Rather than merely showing an abstract syntax example, some words about the
semantics are in order.  You might have a parent table with primary key
(category, value).  Then your child table(s) have a category column and an
array of values.  The constraint then ensures that all the entries in the
array exist in the parent table *and* belong to the proper category.

> *** a/src/backend/commands/tablecmds.c
> --- b/src/backend/commands/tablecmds.c

> ***************
> *** 5736,5741 **** ATAddForeignKeyConstraint(AlteredTableInfo *tab, Relation rel,
> --- 5759,5807 ----
>                   (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_FOREIGN_KEY),
>                    errmsg("number of referencing and referenced columns for foreign key disagree")));
> +     /* Enforce each foreign key restrictions */
> +     if (fkconstraint->fk_is_each)
> +     {
> +         /*
> +          * ON UPDATE CASCADE action is not supported on EACH foreign keys
> +          */
> +         if (fkconstraint->fk_upd_action == FKCONSTR_ACTION_CASCADE)
> +             ereport(ERROR,
> +                 (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_FOREIGN_KEY),
> +                 errmsg("ON UPDATE CASCADE action is not supported on "
> +                        "EACH foreign keys"),
> +                 errhint("Use ON UPDATE EACH CASCADE, instead")));

Note from the Error Message Style Guide that errhint and errdetail messages
shall be complete sentences.

> + 
> +         /*
> +          * EACH CASCADE and EACH SET NULL actions are only available
> +          * in single-column EACH foreign keys
> +          */
> +         if (numpks > 1 &&
> +             (fkconstraint->fk_upd_action == FKCONSTR_ACTION_ARRCASCADE
> +             || fkconstraint->fk_upd_action == FKCONSTR_ACTION_ARRSETNULL
> +             || fkconstraint->fk_del_action == FKCONSTR_ACTION_ARRCASCADE
> +             || fkconstraint->fk_del_action == FKCONSTR_ACTION_ARRSETNULL))
> +             ereport(ERROR,
> +                 (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_FOREIGN_KEY),
> +                 errmsg("EACH CASCADE and EACH SET NULL actions are only "
> +                         "available on single-column EACH foreign keys")));
> +     }
> +     else
> +     {
> +         /*
> +          * EACH CASCADE and EACH SET NULL actions are only available
> +          * in EACH foreign keys
> +          */
> +         if (fkconstraint->fk_upd_action == FKCONSTR_ACTION_ARRCASCADE
> +             || fkconstraint->fk_upd_action == FKCONSTR_ACTION_ARRSETNULL
> +             || fkconstraint->fk_del_action == FKCONSTR_ACTION_ARRCASCADE
> +             || fkconstraint->fk_del_action == FKCONSTR_ACTION_ARRSETNULL)
> +             ereport(ERROR,
> +                 (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_FOREIGN_KEY),
> +                 errmsg("EACH CASCADE and EACH SET NULL actions are only "
> +                        "available on EACH foreign keys")));

I would just reuse the previous error message.  It will be fine, maybe even
better, for everyone to see the phrase "single-column".

> ***************
> *** 5812,5823 **** ATAddForeignKeyConstraint(AlteredTableInfo *tab, Relation rel,
>               Oid            target_typeids[2];
>               input_typeids[0] = pktype;
> !             input_typeids[1] = fktype;
>               target_typeids[0] = opcintype;
>               target_typeids[1] = opcintype;
>               if (can_coerce_type(2, input_typeids, target_typeids,
>                                   COERCION_IMPLICIT))
> !                 pfeqop = ffeqop = ppeqop;
>           }
>           if (!(OidIsValid(pfeqop) && OidIsValid(ffeqop)))
> --- 5905,5925 ----
>               Oid            target_typeids[2];
>               input_typeids[0] = pktype;
> !             input_typeids[1] = fktyped;

By sending the base type instead of the domain type to can_coerce_type(), this
changes behavior ever so slightly for ordinary foreign keys.  It would take
something fairly baroque to get a different result.  Perhaps a polymorphic
opcintype and an FK column of a domain over an enum.  Still, please don't
change that part of the logic.

>               target_typeids[0] = opcintype;
>               target_typeids[1] = opcintype;
>               if (can_coerce_type(2, input_typeids, target_typeids,
>                                   COERCION_IMPLICIT))
> !             {
> !                 pfeqop = ppeqop;
> ! 
> !                 /*
> !                  * In caso of an EACH FK the ffeqop must be left untouched


> *** a/src/backend/parser/gram.y
> --- b/src/backend/parser/gram.y

> ***************
> *** 2900,2917 **** ConstraintElem:
>                                      yyscanner);
>                       $$ = (Node *)n;
>                   }
> !             | FOREIGN KEY '(' columnList ')' REFERENCES qualified_name
>                   opt_column_list key_match key_actions ConstraintAttributeSpec
>                   {
>                       Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint);
>                       n->contype = CONSTR_FOREIGN;
>                       n->location = @1;
>                       n->pktable            = $7;
> !                     n->fk_attrs            = $4;
>                       n->pk_attrs            = $8;
>                       n->fk_matchtype        = $9;
>                       n->fk_upd_action    = (char) ($10 >> 8);
>                       n->fk_del_action    = (char) ($10 & 0xFF);
>                       processCASbits($11, @11, "FOREIGN KEY",
>                                      &n->deferrable, &n->initdeferred,
>                                      &n->skip_validation,
> --- 2918,2959 ----
>                                      yyscanner);
>                       $$ = (Node *)n;
>                   }
> !             | FOREIGN KEY '(' foreignKeyColumnList ')' REFERENCES qualified_name
>                   opt_column_list key_match key_actions ConstraintAttributeSpec
>                   {
>                       Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint);
>                       n->contype = CONSTR_FOREIGN;
>                       n->location = @1;
>                       n->pktable            = $7;
> !                     n->fk_attrs         = $4;
>                       n->pk_attrs            = $8;
>                       n->fk_matchtype        = $9;
>                       n->fk_upd_action    = (char) ($10 >> 8);
>                       n->fk_del_action    = (char) ($10 & 0xFF);
> + 
> +                     /*
> +                      * Split the content of foreignKeyColumnList
> +                      * in two separate list. One lis of fileds

Two typos.

> +                      * and one list of boolean values.
> +                      */
> +                     {
> +                         ListCell *i;
> + 
> +                         n->fk_attrs = NIL;
> +                         n->fk_is_each = false;
> +                         n->fk_each_attrs = NIL;
> +                         foreach (i, $4)
> +                         {
> +                             ForeignKeyColumnElem *elem =
> +                                 (ForeignKeyColumnElem *)lfirst(i);
> + 
> +                             n->fk_attrs = lappend(n->fk_attrs, elem->name);
> +                             n->fk_is_each |= elem->each;
> +                             n->fk_each_attrs = lappend(n->fk_each_attrs,
> +                                                        makeString(elem->each?"t":"f"));
> +                         }
> +                     }

This processing should happen in parse_utilcmd.c rather than gram.y.  Magic
values "t" and "f" won't do.  Make fk_attrs a list of ForeignKeyColumnElem or
else at least use an int list of true/false.  Either way, you would no longer
need the decode loop in tablecmds.c.

> *** a/src/backend/utils/adt/arrayfuncs.c
> --- b/src/backend/utils/adt/arrayfuncs.c

> + Datum
> + array_replace(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
> + {

> +     for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++)
> +     {
> +         bool        isNull;
> +         bool        oprresult;
> + 
> +         /* Get source element, checking for NULL */
> +         if (bitmap && (*bitmap & bitmask) == 0)
> +         {
> +             if (old_value_isnull)
> +             {
> +                 values[i] = new_value;
> +                 isNull = false;
> +                 changed = true;
> +             }
> +             else
> +                 isNull = true;
> +         }

This does the wrong thing if old_value_isnull == new_value_isnull == true:

[local] regression=# select array_replace('{4,null,5}'::int[], null, null);array_replace 

(With text[], that yields a crash.)

> *** a/src/backend/utils/adt/ri_triggers.c
> --- b/src/backend/utils/adt/ri_triggers.c

> ! Datum
> ! RI_FKey_eachcascade_upd(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
>   {

> !                 /* ----------
> !                  * The query string built is
> !                  *    UPDATE ONLY <fktable>
> !                  *        SET    fkatt1 = array_replace(fkatt1, $n, $1) [, ...]
> !                  *        WHERE $n = fkatt1 [AND ...]
> !                  * The type id's for the $ parameters are those of the
> !                  * corresponding PK attributes.
> !                  * ----------
> !                  */
> !                 initStringInfo(&querybuf);
> !                 initStringInfo(&qualbuf);
> !                 quoteRelationName(fkrelname, fk_rel);
> !                 appendStringInfo(&querybuf, "UPDATE ONLY %s SET", fkrelname);
> !                 querysep = "";
> !                 qualsep = "WHERE";

An elog(ERROR) when riinfo.nkeys != 1 would make sense here and for other
functions where we forbid multiple columns at creation time.  If nothing else,
this needs a comment that the looping is vestigial and the function only
supports single-column constraints.

> ***************
> *** 2678,2695 **** RI_Initial_Check(Trigger *trigger, Relation fk_rel, Relation pk_rel)
>        * The query string built is:
>        *    SELECT fk.keycols FROM ONLY relname fk
>        *     LEFT OUTER JOIN ONLY pkrelname pk
> !      *     ON (pk.pkkeycol1=fk.keycol1 [AND ...])
>        *     WHERE pk.pkkeycol1 IS NULL AND
>        * For MATCH unspecified:
>        *     (fk.keycol1 IS NOT NULL [AND ...])
>        * For MATCH FULL:
>        *     (fk.keycol1 IS NOT NULL [OR ...])
>        *
>        * We attach COLLATE clauses to the operators when comparing columns
>        * that have different collations.
>        *----------
>        */
>       initStringInfo(&querybuf);
>       appendStringInfo(&querybuf, "SELECT ");
>       sep = "";
>       for (i = 0; i < riinfo.nkeys; i++)
> --- 3527,3557 ----
>        * The query string built is:
>        *    SELECT fk.keycols FROM ONLY relname fk
>        *     LEFT OUTER JOIN ONLY pkrelname pk
> !      *     ON (pk.pkkeycol1=fk.keycol1 [AND ...]
>        *     WHERE pk.pkkeycol1 IS NULL AND
>        * For MATCH unspecified:
>        *     (fk.keycol1 IS NOT NULL [AND ...])
>        * For MATCH FULL:
>        *     (fk.keycol1 IS NOT NULL [OR ...])
>        *
> +      * In case of an EACH foreign key, a recheck subquery is added to
> +      * the join condition in order to check that every combination of keys
> +      * is actually referenced.
> +      * The RECHECK_SUBQUERY is
> +      *   SELECT 1 FROM
> +      *     unnest(fk.keycol1) x1(x1) [CROSS JOIN ...]
> +      *   LEFT OUTER JOIN ONLY pkrelname pk
> +      *   ON (pk.pkkeycol1=x1.x1 [AND ...])
> +      *   WHERE pk.pkkeycol1 IS NULL AND
> +      *     (fk.keycol1 IS NOT NULL [AND ...])

What is a worst-case query plan for a constraint with n ordinary keys and m
EACH keys?

> +      *
>        * We attach COLLATE clauses to the operators when comparing columns
>        * that have different collations.
>        *----------
>        */

> *** a/src/include/nodes/parsenodes.h
> --- b/src/include/nodes/parsenodes.h
> ***************
> *** 570,575 **** typedef struct DefElem
> --- 570,589 ----
>   } DefElem;
>   /*
> +  * ForeignKeyColumnElem - foreign key column (used in foreign key constaint)


> +  *
> +  * For a foreign key attribute, 'name' is the name of the table column to
> +  * index, and each is true if it is an EACH fk.
> +  */
> + typedef struct ForeignKeyColumnElem
> + {
> +     NodeTag        type;
> +     Node       *name;            /* name of the column, or NULL */
> +     bool        each;            /* true if an EACH foreign key */
> + 
> + } ForeignKeyColumnElem;
> + 
> + /*
>    * LockingClause - raw representation of FOR UPDATE/SHARE options
>    *
>    * Note: lockedRels == NIL means "all relations in query".    Otherwise it
> ***************
> *** 1510,1515 **** typedef enum ConstrType            /* types of constraints */
> --- 1524,1531 ----
>   #define FKCONSTR_ACTION_CASCADE        'c'
>   #define FKCONSTR_ACTION_SETNULL        'n'

These names need update for the array -> each terminology change.

I consider these the core changes needed to reach Ready for Committer:

- Fix crash in array_replace(arr, null, null).
- Don't look through the domain before calling can_coerce_type().
- Compare operator family of pfeqop and TYPECACHE_EQ_OPR at creation.
- Move post-processing from gram.y and remove "t"/"f" magic values.


Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Robert Haas
On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 9:01 PM, Noah Misch <> wrote:
> I consider these the core changes needed to reach Ready for Committer:
> - Fix crash in array_replace(arr, null, null).
> - Don't look through the domain before calling can_coerce_type().
> - Compare operator family of pfeqop and TYPECACHE_EQ_OPR at creation.
> - Move post-processing from gram.y and remove "t"/"f" magic values.

So, is someone working on making these changes?

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Marco Nenciarini
Il giorno gio, 08/03/2012 alle 08.11 -0500, Robert Haas ha scritto:
> On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 9:01 PM, Noah Misch <> wrote:
> > I consider these the core changes needed to reach Ready for Committer:
> >
> > - Fix crash in array_replace(arr, null, null).
> > - Don't look through the domain before calling can_coerce_type().
> > - Compare operator family of pfeqop and TYPECACHE_EQ_OPR at creation.
> > - Move post-processing from gram.y and remove "t"/"f" magic values.
> So, is someone working on making these changes?

We are working on it and I hope we can send the v4 version during the
upcoming weekend.


Marco Nenciarini - 2ndQuadrant Italy
PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support | 

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Marco Nenciarini

please find attached v4 of the EACH Foreign Key patch (formerly known
also as Foreign Key Array).

All the open issues have been fixed, including the crucial ones; see
below for details.


Marco Nenciarini - 2ndQuadrant Italy
PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support |

On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 09:01:35PM -0500, Noah Misch wrote:
> You support, and have test cases for, constraints with multiple EACH columns.
> The documentation and comments do not explain their semantics.  On reviewing
> the behavior and code, you have implemented it in terms of a Cartesian
> product.  That's logical, but when is such a constraint actually useful?  If
> someone can think of an application, great; let's document his example.
> Otherwise, let's reject such constraints at DDL time.

Now multiple EACH column are rejected.

> > We can use multi-dimensional arrays as well as referencing columns. In
> > that case though, ON DELETE EACH CASCADE will behave like ON DELETE EACH
> > SET NULL. This is a safe way of implementing the action.
> > We have some ideas on how to implement this, but we feel it is better to
> > limit the behaviour for now.
> This still feels awfully unprincipled to me.  How about just throwing an error
> when we need to remove an element from a multidimensional array?  Essentially,
> have ON DELETE EACH CASCADE downgrade to ON DELETE RESTRICT when it encounters
> a multidimensional array.  That's strictly less code than what you have now,
> and it keeps our options open.  We can always change from error to set-null
> later, but we can't so readily change from set-null to anything else.

That seems reasonable to me. Implemented and documented.

> As I pondered this patch again, I came upon formal hazards around non-default
> operator classes.  Today, ATAddForeignKeyConstraint() always chooses pfeqop,
> ffeqop and ppeqop in the same operator family.  If it neglected this, we would
> get wrong behavior when one of the operators is sensitive to a change to which
> another is insensitive.  For EACH FK constraints, this patch sets ffeqop =
> ARRAY_EQ_OP unconditionally.  array_eq() uses the TYPECACHE_EQ_OPR (usually
> from the default B-tree operator class).  That operator may not exist at all,
> let alone share an operator family with pfeqop.  Shall we deal with this by
> retrieving TYPECACHE_EQ_OPR in ATAddForeignKeyConstraint() and rejecting the
> constraint creation if it does not share an operator family with pfeqop?  The
> same hazard affects ri_triggers.c use of array_remove() and array_replace(),
> and the same change mitigates it.

Check added. As a consequence of this stricter policy, certain
previously allowed cases are now unacceptable (e.g pk FLOAT and fk
Regression tests have been added.

> Let me say again how much I like the test coverage from this patch.  It's
> great to think of something worth verifying and find existing coverage for it
> in the submitted test cases.
> > *** a/doc/src/sgml/catalogs.sgml
> > --- b/doc/src/sgml/catalogs.sgml
> > ***************
> > *** 2102,2107 ****
> > --- 2106,2118 ----
> >         <entry></entry>
> >         <entry>If a check constraint, a human-readable representation of the expression</entry>
> >        </row>
> > +
> > +      <row>
> > +       <entry><structfield>confisarray</structfield></entry>
> Name is now confiseach.


> pg_constraint.confeach needs documentation.

Most of pg_constraint columns, including all the boolean ones, are
documented only in the "description" column of

it seems that confiseach should not be an exception, since it just
indicates whether the constraint is of a certain kind or not.

> > +       <entry><type>bool</type></entry>
> > +       <entry></entry>
> > +       <entry>If a foreign key, true if a EACH REFERENCE foreign key</entry>
> > +      </row>
> >       </tbody>
> >      </tgroup>
> >     </table>
> > *** a/doc/src/sgml/ddl.sgml
> > --- b/doc/src/sgml/ddl.sgml
> > +    <para>
> > +     Another option you have with foreign keys is to use a
> > +     referencing column which is an array of elements with
> > +     the same type (or a compatible one) as the referenced
> > +     column in the related table. This feature, commonly known
> > +     as <firstterm>foreign key arrays</firstterm>, is implemented
> Is it indeed "commonly known" by that name?  My web searching did not turn up
> any independent use of the term.
> In any event, this should be the only place where we mention multiple names
> for the feature.  Pick one preferred term and use it for all other mentions.
> The documentation, comments and messages currently have a mix of "each foreign
> key", "EACH foreign key" and "foreign key array".

In the end we uniformly adopted "EACH foreign key" as the unique name
of this feature; documentation, comments and messages have been
updated accordingly.

> > +    <para>
> > +     Even though the most common use case for foreign key arrays
> > +     is on a single column key, you can define an <quote>each foreign
> > +     key constraint</quote> on a group of columns. As the following
> > +     contrived example shows, it needs to be written in table constraint form:
> > + <programlisting>
> > + CREATE TABLE t1 (
> > +   a integer PRIMARY KEY,
> > +   b integer,
> > +   c integer[],
> > +   <emphasis>FOREIGN KEY (b, EACH c) REFERENCES other_table (c1, c2)</emphasis>
> > + );
> > + </programlisting>
> Rather than merely showing an abstract syntax example, some words about the
> semantics are in order.  You might have a parent table with primary key
> (category, value).  Then your child table(s) have a category column and an
> array of values.  The constraint then ensures that all the entries in the
> array exist in the parent table *and* belong to the proper category.

That example has been replaced by a concrete one.

> > *** a/src/backend/commands/tablecmds.c
> > --- b/src/backend/commands/tablecmds.c
> > ***************
> > *** 5736,5741 **** ATAddForeignKeyConstraint(AlteredTableInfo *tab, Relation rel,
> > --- 5759,5807 ----
> >                   (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_FOREIGN_KEY),
> >                    errmsg("number of referencing and referenced columns for foreign key disagree")));
> >
> > +     /* Enforce each foreign key restrictions */
> > +     if (fkconstraint->fk_is_each)
> > +     {
> > +         /*
> > +          * ON UPDATE CASCADE action is not supported on EACH foreign keys
> > +          */
> > +         if (fkconstraint->fk_upd_action == FKCONSTR_ACTION_CASCADE)
> > +             ereport(ERROR,
> > +                 (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_FOREIGN_KEY),
> > +                 errmsg("ON UPDATE CASCADE action is not supported on "
> > +                        "EACH foreign keys"),
> > +                 errhint("Use ON UPDATE EACH CASCADE, instead")));
> Note from the Error Message Style Guide that errhint and errdetail messages
> shall be complete sentences.


> > +
> > +         /*
> > +          * EACH CASCADE and EACH SET NULL actions are only available
> > +          * in single-column EACH foreign keys
> > +          */
> > +         if (numpks > 1 &&
> > +             (fkconstraint->fk_upd_action == FKCONSTR_ACTION_ARRCASCADE
> > +             || fkconstraint->fk_upd_action == FKCONSTR_ACTION_ARRSETNULL
> > +             || fkconstraint->fk_del_action == FKCONSTR_ACTION_ARRCASCADE
> > +             || fkconstraint->fk_del_action == FKCONSTR_ACTION_ARRSETNULL))
> > +             ereport(ERROR,
> > +                 (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_FOREIGN_KEY),
> > +                 errmsg("EACH CASCADE and EACH SET NULL actions are only "
> > +                         "available on single-column EACH foreign keys")));
> > +     }
> > +     else
> > +     {
> > +         /*
> > +          * EACH CASCADE and EACH SET NULL actions are only available
> > +          * in EACH foreign keys
> > +          */
> > +         if (fkconstraint->fk_upd_action == FKCONSTR_ACTION_ARRCASCADE
> > +             || fkconstraint->fk_upd_action == FKCONSTR_ACTION_ARRSETNULL
> > +             || fkconstraint->fk_del_action == FKCONSTR_ACTION_ARRCASCADE
> > +             || fkconstraint->fk_del_action == FKCONSTR_ACTION_ARRSETNULL)
> > +             ereport(ERROR,
> > +                 (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_FOREIGN_KEY),
> > +                 errmsg("EACH CASCADE and EACH SET NULL actions are only "
> > +                        "available on EACH foreign keys")));
> I would just reuse the previous error message.  It will be fine, maybe even
> better, for everyone to see the phrase "single-column".


> > ***************
> > *** 5812,5823 **** ATAddForeignKeyConstraint(AlteredTableInfo *tab, Relation rel,
> >               Oid            target_typeids[2];
> >
> >               input_typeids[0] = pktype;
> > !             input_typeids[1] = fktype;
> >               target_typeids[0] = opcintype;
> >               target_typeids[1] = opcintype;
> >               if (can_coerce_type(2, input_typeids, target_typeids,
> >                                   COERCION_IMPLICIT))
> > !                 pfeqop = ffeqop = ppeqop;
> >           }
> >
> >           if (!(OidIsValid(pfeqop) && OidIsValid(ffeqop)))
> > --- 5905,5925 ----
> >               Oid            target_typeids[2];
> >
> >               input_typeids[0] = pktype;
> > !             input_typeids[1] = fktyped;
> By sending the base type instead of the domain type to can_coerce_type(), this
> changes behavior ever so slightly for ordinary foreign keys.  It would take
> something fairly baroque to get a different result.  Perhaps a polymorphic
> opcintype and an FK column of a domain over an enum.  Still, please don't
> change that part of the logic.


> >               target_typeids[0] = opcintype;
> >               target_typeids[1] = opcintype;
> >               if (can_coerce_type(2, input_typeids, target_typeids,
> >                                   COERCION_IMPLICIT))
> > !             {
> > !                 pfeqop = ppeqop;
> > !
> > !                 /*
> > !                  * In caso of an EACH FK the ffeqop must be left untouched
> Typo.


> > *** a/src/backend/parser/gram.y
> > --- b/src/backend/parser/gram.y
> > ***************
> > *** 2900,2917 **** ConstraintElem:
> >                                      yyscanner);
> >                       $$ = (Node *)n;
> >                   }
> > !             | FOREIGN KEY '(' columnList ')' REFERENCES qualified_name
> >                   opt_column_list key_match key_actions ConstraintAttributeSpec
> >                   {
> >                       Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint);
> >                       n->contype = CONSTR_FOREIGN;
> >                       n->location = @1;
> >                       n->pktable            = $7;
> > !                     n->fk_attrs            = $4;
> >                       n->pk_attrs            = $8;
> >                       n->fk_matchtype        = $9;
> >                       n->fk_upd_action    = (char) ($10 >> 8);
> >                       n->fk_del_action    = (char) ($10 & 0xFF);
> >                       processCASbits($11, @11, "FOREIGN KEY",
> >                                      &n->deferrable, &n->initdeferred,
> >                                      &n->skip_validation,
> > --- 2918,2959 ----
> >                                      yyscanner);
> >                       $$ = (Node *)n;
> >                   }
> > !             | FOREIGN KEY '(' foreignKeyColumnList ')' REFERENCES qualified_name
> >                   opt_column_list key_match key_actions ConstraintAttributeSpec
> >                   {
> >                       Constraint *n = makeNode(Constraint);
> >                       n->contype = CONSTR_FOREIGN;
> >                       n->location = @1;
> >                       n->pktable            = $7;
> > !                     n->fk_attrs         = $4;
> >                       n->pk_attrs            = $8;
> >                       n->fk_matchtype        = $9;
> >                       n->fk_upd_action    = (char) ($10 >> 8);
> >                       n->fk_del_action    = (char) ($10 & 0xFF);
> > +
> > +                     /*
> > +                      * Split the content of foreignKeyColumnList
> > +                      * in two separate list. One lis of fileds
> Two typos.


> > +                      * and one list of boolean values.
> > +                      */
> > +                     {
> > +                         ListCell *i;
> > +
> > +                         n->fk_attrs = NIL;
> > +                         n->fk_is_each = false;
> > +                         n->fk_each_attrs = NIL;
> > +                         foreach (i, $4)
> > +                         {
> > +                             ForeignKeyColumnElem *elem =
> > +                                 (ForeignKeyColumnElem *)lfirst(i);
> > +
> > +                             n->fk_attrs = lappend(n->fk_attrs, elem->name);
> > +                             n->fk_is_each |= elem->each;
> > +                             n->fk_each_attrs = lappend(n->fk_each_attrs,
> > +                                                        makeString(elem->each?"t":"f"));
> > +                         }
> > +                     }
> This processing should happen in parse_utilcmd.c rather than gram.y.  Magic
> values "t" and "f" won't do.  Make fk_attrs a list of ForeignKeyColumnElem or
> else at least use an int list of true/false.  Either way, you would no longer
> need the decode loop in tablecmds.c.

Fixed. We have removed the magic values and moved decoding of the
ForeignKeyColumnElem list inside parse_utilcmd.c.

> > *** a/src/backend/utils/adt/arrayfuncs.c
> > --- b/src/backend/utils/adt/arrayfuncs.c
> > + Datum
> > + array_replace(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
> > + {
> > +     for (i = 0; i < nitems; i++)
> > +     {
> > +         bool        isNull;
> > +         bool        oprresult;
> > +
> > +         /* Get source element, checking for NULL */
> > +         if (bitmap && (*bitmap & bitmask) == 0)
> > +         {
> > +             if (old_value_isnull)
> > +             {
> > +                 values[i] = new_value;
> > +                 isNull = false;
> > +                 changed = true;
> > +             }
> > +             else
> > +                 isNull = true;
> > +         }
> This does the wrong thing if old_value_isnull == new_value_isnull == true:
> [local] regression=# select array_replace('{4,null,5}'::int[], null, null);
>  array_replace
> ---------------
>  {4,0,5}
> (With text[], that yields a crash.)


> > *** a/src/backend/utils/adt/ri_triggers.c
> > --- b/src/backend/utils/adt/ri_triggers.c
> > ! Datum
> > ! RI_FKey_eachcascade_upd(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
> >   {
> > !                 /* ----------
> > !                  * The query string built is
> > !                  *    UPDATE ONLY <fktable>
> > !                  *        SET    fkatt1 = array_replace(fkatt1, $n, $1) [, ...]
> > !                  *        WHERE $n = fkatt1 [AND ...]
> > !                  * The type id's for the $ parameters are those of the
> > !                  * corresponding PK attributes.
> > !                  * ----------
> > !                  */
> > !                 initStringInfo(&querybuf);
> > !                 initStringInfo(&qualbuf);
> > !                 quoteRelationName(fkrelname, fk_rel);
> > !                 appendStringInfo(&querybuf, "UPDATE ONLY %s SET", fkrelname);
> > !                 querysep = "";
> > !                 qualsep = "WHERE";
> An elog(ERROR) when riinfo.nkeys != 1 would make sense here and for other
> functions where we forbid multiple columns at creation time.  If nothing else,
> this needs a comment that the looping is vestigial and the function only
> supports single-column constraints.

Logic implemented and comment added.

> > ***************
> > *** 2678,2695 **** RI_Initial_Check(Trigger *trigger, Relation fk_rel, Relation pk_rel)
> >        * The query string built is:
> >        *    SELECT fk.keycols FROM ONLY relname fk
> >        *     LEFT OUTER JOIN ONLY pkrelname pk
> > !      *     ON (pk.pkkeycol1=fk.keycol1 [AND ...])
> >        *     WHERE pk.pkkeycol1 IS NULL AND
> >        * For MATCH unspecified:
> >        *     (fk.keycol1 IS NOT NULL [AND ...])
> >        * For MATCH FULL:
> >        *     (fk.keycol1 IS NOT NULL [OR ...])
> >        *
> >        * We attach COLLATE clauses to the operators when comparing columns
> >        * that have different collations.
> >        *----------
> >        */
> >       initStringInfo(&querybuf);
> >       appendStringInfo(&querybuf, "SELECT ");
> >       sep = "";
> >       for (i = 0; i < riinfo.nkeys; i++)
> > --- 3527,3557 ----
> >        * The query string built is:
> >        *    SELECT fk.keycols FROM ONLY relname fk
> >        *     LEFT OUTER JOIN ONLY pkrelname pk
> > !      *     ON (pk.pkkeycol1=fk.keycol1 [AND ...]
> > !      *      [AND NOT EXISTS(<RECHECK_SUBQUERY>)])
> >        *     WHERE pk.pkkeycol1 IS NULL AND
> >        * For MATCH unspecified:
> >        *     (fk.keycol1 IS NOT NULL [AND ...])
> >        * For MATCH FULL:
> >        *     (fk.keycol1 IS NOT NULL [OR ...])
> >        *
> > +      * In case of an EACH foreign key, a recheck subquery is added to
> > +      * the join condition in order to check that every combination of keys
> > +      * is actually referenced.
> > +      * The RECHECK_SUBQUERY is
> > +      *   SELECT 1 FROM
> > +      *     unnest(fk.keycol1) x1(x1) [CROSS JOIN ...]
> > +      *   LEFT OUTER JOIN ONLY pkrelname pk
> > +      *   ON (pk.pkkeycol1=x1.x1 [AND ...])
> > +      *   WHERE pk.pkkeycol1 IS NULL AND
> > +      *     (fk.keycol1 IS NOT NULL [AND ...])
> What is a worst-case query plan for a constraint with n ordinary keys and m
> EACH keys?

The subquery complexity can be compared with the one of the main query.
Anyway, it is a one-off cost, paid at constraint creation, which I
believe is acceptable. The fact that we now implement only single-column
EACH foreign keys might suggest that we postpone this discussion at a
later time.

> > +      *
> >        * We attach COLLATE clauses to the operators when comparing columns
> >        * that have different collations.
> >        *----------
> >        */
> > *** a/src/include/nodes/parsenodes.h
> > --- b/src/include/nodes/parsenodes.h
> > ***************
> > *** 570,575 **** typedef struct DefElem
> > --- 570,589 ----
> >   } DefElem;
> >
> >   /*
> > +  * ForeignKeyColumnElem - foreign key column (used in foreign key constaint)
> Typo.


> > +  *
> > +  * For a foreign key attribute, 'name' is the name of the table column to
> > +  * index, and each is true if it is an EACH fk.
> > +  */
> > + typedef struct ForeignKeyColumnElem
> > + {
> > +     NodeTag        type;
> > +     Node       *name;            /* name of the column, or NULL */
> > +     bool        each;            /* true if an EACH foreign key */
> > +
> > + } ForeignKeyColumnElem;
> > +
> > + /*
> >    * LockingClause - raw representation of FOR UPDATE/SHARE options
> >    *
> >    * Note: lockedRels == NIL means "all relations in query".    Otherwise it
> > ***************
> > *** 1510,1515 **** typedef enum ConstrType            /* types of constraints */
> > --- 1524,1531 ----
> >   #define FKCONSTR_ACTION_CASCADE        'c'
> >   #define FKCONSTR_ACTION_SETNULL        'n'
> These names need update for the array -> each terminology change.


> I consider these the core changes needed to reach Ready for Committer:
> - Fix crash in array_replace(arr, null, null).
> - Don't look through the domain before calling can_coerce_type().
> - Compare operator family of pfeqop and TYPECACHE_EQ_OPR at creation.
> - Move post-processing from gram.y and remove "t"/"f" magic values.

All done.


Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Gabriele Bartolini

Il 15/03/12 05:03, Marco Nenciarini ha scritto:
> please find attached v4 of the EACH Foreign Key patch (formerly known
> also as Foreign Key Array).
Please find attached version v4b which replaces v4 and fixes a bug in
array_replace() and adds further regression tests on array_replace() and
fixes a few typos in the documentation.

Thank you,

  Gabriele Bartolini - 2ndQuadrant Italia
  PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support |


Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Noah Misch
[used followup EACH-foreign-key.v4b.patch.bz2 for review]

On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 07:03:08PM +0100, Marco Nenciarini wrote:
> please find attached v4 of the EACH Foreign Key patch (formerly known
> also as Foreign Key Array).

> On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 09:01:35PM -0500, Noah Misch wrote:

> > > We can use multi-dimensional arrays as well as referencing columns. In 
> > > that case though, ON DELETE EACH CASCADE will behave like ON DELETE EACH
> > > SET NULL. This is a safe way of implementing the action. 
> > > We have some ideas on how to implement this, but we feel it is better to
> > > limit the behaviour for now.
> > 
> > This still feels awfully unprincipled to me.  How about just throwing an error
> > when we need to remove an element from a multidimensional array?  Essentially,
> > have ON DELETE EACH CASCADE downgrade to ON DELETE RESTRICT when it encounters
> > a multidimensional array.  That's strictly less code than what you have now,
> > and it keeps our options open.  We can always change from error to set-null
> > later, but we can't so readily change from set-null to anything else.
> That seems reasonable to me. Implemented and documented.

I like the semantics now.  You implemented this by doing two scans per PK
delete, the first to detect multidimensional dependants of the PK row and the
second to fix 1-dimensional dependants.  We don't require an index to support
the scan, so this can mean two seq scans.  Currently, the only benefit to
doing it this way is a change of error message.  Here is the current error
message when we would need to remove a multidimensional array element:
 ERROR:  update or delete on table "pktableforarray" violates foreign key constraint "fktableforarray_ftest1_fkey" on
table"fktableforarray" DETAIL:  Key (ptest1)=(2) is still referenced from table "fktableforarray".

If I just rip out the first scan, we get the same outcome with a different
error message:
 ERROR:  removing elements from multidimensional arrays is not supported CONTEXT:  SQL statement "UPDATE ONLY
"public"."fktableforarray"SET "ftest1" = array_remove("ftest1", $1) WHERE $1 OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) ANY ("ftest1")"

That has less polish, but I think it's actually more useful.  The first
message gives no indication that a multidimensional array foiled your ON
DELETE EACH CASCADE.  The second message hints at that cause.

I recommend removing the new block of code in RI_FKey_eachcascade_del() and
letting array_remove() throw the error.  If you find a way to throw a nicer
error without an extra scan, by all means submit that to a future CF as an
improvement.  I don't think it's important enough to justify cycles at this
late hour of the current CF.

> > As I pondered this patch again, I came upon formal hazards around non-default
> > operator classes.  Today, ATAddForeignKeyConstraint() always chooses pfeqop,
> > ffeqop and ppeqop in the same operator family.  If it neglected this, we would
> > get wrong behavior when one of the operators is sensitive to a change to which
> > another is insensitive.  For EACH FK constraints, this patch sets ffeqop =
> > ARRAY_EQ_OP unconditionally.  array_eq() uses the TYPECACHE_EQ_OPR (usually
> > from the default B-tree operator class).  That operator may not exist at all,
> > let alone share an operator family with pfeqop.  Shall we deal with this by
> > retrieving TYPECACHE_EQ_OPR in ATAddForeignKeyConstraint() and rejecting the
> > constraint creation if it does not share an operator family with pfeqop?  The
> > same hazard affects ri_triggers.c use of array_remove() and array_replace(),
> > and the same change mitigates it.
> Check added. As a consequence of this stricter policy, certain
> previously allowed cases are now unacceptable (e.g pk FLOAT and fk
> INT[]).
> Regression tests have been added.

Ah, good.  Not so formal after all.

> > pg_constraint.confeach needs documentation.
> Most of pg_constraint columns, including all the boolean ones, are
> documented only in the "description" column of
> it seems that confiseach should not be an exception, since it just
> indicates whether the constraint is of a certain kind or not.

Your patch adds two columns to pg_constraint, confiseach and confeach, but it
only mentions confiseach in documentation.  Just add a similar minimal mention
of confeach.

> > > ***************
> > > *** 5736,5741 **** ATAddForeignKeyConstraint(AlteredTableInfo *tab, Relation rel,
> > > --- 5759,5807 ----
> > >                   (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_FOREIGN_KEY),
> > >                    errmsg("number of referencing and referenced columns for foreign key disagree")));
> > >   
> > > +     /* Enforce each foreign key restrictions */
> > > +     if (fkconstraint->fk_is_each)
> > > +     {
> > > +         /*
> > > +          * ON UPDATE CASCADE action is not supported on EACH foreign keys
> > > +          */
> > > +         if (fkconstraint->fk_upd_action == FKCONSTR_ACTION_CASCADE)
> > > +             ereport(ERROR,
> > > +                 (errcode(ERRCODE_INVALID_FOREIGN_KEY),
> > > +                 errmsg("ON UPDATE CASCADE action is not supported on "
> > > +                        "EACH foreign keys"),
> > > +                 errhint("Use ON UPDATE EACH CASCADE, instead")));
> > 
> > Note from the Error Message Style Guide that errhint and errdetail messages
> > shall be complete sentences.
> Fixed.

That is to say, they start with a capital letter and end with a period.  Your
old text was fine apart from the lack of a period.  (Your new text also lacks
a period.)

> > This processing should happen in parse_utilcmd.c rather than gram.y.  Magic
> > values "t" and "f" won't do.  Make fk_attrs a list of ForeignKeyColumnElem or
> > else at least use an int list of true/false.  Either way, you would no longer
> > need the decode loop in tablecmds.c.
> Fixed. We have removed the magic values and moved decoding of the
> ForeignKeyColumnElem list inside parse_utilcmd.c.

When I said "int list", I meant a T_IntList (via lappend_int(), lfirst_int(),
etc.).  You used a T_List of T_Integer.

> > > ***************
> > > *** 2678,2695 **** RI_Initial_Check(Trigger *trigger, Relation fk_rel, Relation pk_rel)
> > >        * The query string built is:
> > >        *    SELECT fk.keycols FROM ONLY relname fk
> > >        *     LEFT OUTER JOIN ONLY pkrelname pk
> > > !      *     ON (pk.pkkeycol1=fk.keycol1 [AND ...])
> > >        *     WHERE pk.pkkeycol1 IS NULL AND
> > >        * For MATCH unspecified:
> > >        *     (fk.keycol1 IS NOT NULL [AND ...])
> > >        * For MATCH FULL:
> > >        *     (fk.keycol1 IS NOT NULL [OR ...])
> > >        *
> > >        * We attach COLLATE clauses to the operators when comparing columns
> > >        * that have different collations.
> > >        *----------
> > >        */
> > >       initStringInfo(&querybuf);
> > >       appendStringInfo(&querybuf, "SELECT ");
> > >       sep = "";
> > >       for (i = 0; i < riinfo.nkeys; i++)
> > > --- 3527,3557 ----
> > >        * The query string built is:
> > >        *    SELECT fk.keycols FROM ONLY relname fk
> > >        *     LEFT OUTER JOIN ONLY pkrelname pk
> > > !      *     ON (pk.pkkeycol1=fk.keycol1 [AND ...]
> > > !      *      [AND NOT EXISTS(<RECHECK_SUBQUERY>)])
> > >        *     WHERE pk.pkkeycol1 IS NULL AND
> > >        * For MATCH unspecified:
> > >        *     (fk.keycol1 IS NOT NULL [AND ...])
> > >        * For MATCH FULL:
> > >        *     (fk.keycol1 IS NOT NULL [OR ...])
> > >        *
> > > +      * In case of an EACH foreign key, a recheck subquery is added to
> > > +      * the join condition in order to check that every combination of keys
> > > +      * is actually referenced.
> > > +      * The RECHECK_SUBQUERY is
> > > +      *   SELECT 1 FROM
> > > +      *     unnest(fk.keycol1) x1(x1) [CROSS JOIN ...]
> > > +      *   LEFT OUTER JOIN ONLY pkrelname pk
> > > +      *   ON (pk.pkkeycol1=x1.x1 [AND ...])
> > > +      *   WHERE pk.pkkeycol1 IS NULL AND
> > > +      *     (fk.keycol1 IS NOT NULL [AND ...])
> > 
> > What is a worst-case query plan for a constraint with n ordinary keys and m
> > EACH keys?
> The subquery complexity can be compared with the one of the main query.
> Anyway, it is a one-off cost, paid at constraint creation, which I
> believe is acceptable. The fact that we now implement only single-column
> EACH foreign keys might suggest that we postpone this discussion at a
> later time.

If the cost doesn't exceed O(F log P), where F is the size of the FK table and
P is the size of the PK table, I'm not worried.  If it can be O(F^2), we would
have a problem to be documented, if not fixed.

Your change to array_replace() made me look at array_remove() again and
realize that it needs the same treatment.  This command yields a segfault: SELECT array_remove('{a,null}'::text[],

This latest version introduces two calls to get_element_type(), both of which
should be get_base_element_type().

Patch "Avoid FK validations for no-rewrite ALTER TABLE ALTER TYPE", committed
between v3b and v4 of this patch, added code to ATAddForeignKeyConstraint()
requiring an update in this patch.  Run this in the regression DB: [local] regression=# alter table fktableforeachfk
alterftest1 type int[]; ERROR:  could not find cast from 1007 to 23


I think the patch has reached the stage where a committer can review it
without wasting much time on things that might change radically.  So, I'm
marking it Ready for Committer.  Please still submit an update correcting the
above; I'm sure your committer will appreciate it.


Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Marco Nenciarini
Hi Noah,

thank you again for your thorough review, which is much appreciated.

> I think the patch has reached the stage where a committer can review
> it without wasting much time on things that might change radically.
> So, I'm marking it Ready for Committer.  Please still submit an update
> correcting the above; I'm sure your committer will appreciate it.

Attached is v5, which should address all the remaining issues.


Marco Nenciarini - 2ndQuadrant Italy
PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support |

On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 11:33:12PM -0400, Noah Misch wrote:
> I recommend removing the new block of code in RI_FKey_eachcascade_del() and
> letting array_remove() throw the error.  If you find a way to throw a nicer
> error without an extra scan, by all means submit that to a future CF as an
> improvement.  I don't think it's important enough to justify cycles at this
> late hour of the current CF.

It makes sense; we have removed the block of code and updated the error
message following your suggestion. Now the error is thrown by array_remove()
We'll keep an eye on this for further improvements in the future.

> > > pg_constraint.confeach needs documentation.
> >
> > Most of pg_constraint columns, including all the boolean ones, are
> > documented only in the "description" column of
> >
> >
> >
> > it seems that confiseach should not be an exception, since it just
> > indicates whether the constraint is of a certain kind or not.
> Your patch adds two columns to pg_constraint, confiseach and confeach, but it
> only mentions confiseach in documentation.  Just add a similar minimal mention
> of confeach.

Sorry, our mistake; a mention for confeach has now been added, and both
entries have been reordered to reflect the column position in

> That is to say, they start with a capital letter and end with a period.  Your
> old text was fine apart from the lack of a period.  (Your new text also lacks
> a period.)

Fixed, it should be fine now (another misunderstanding on our side, apologies).

> If the cost doesn't exceed O(F log P), where F is the size of the FK table and
> P is the size of the PK table, I'm not worried.  If it can be O(F^2), we would
> have a problem to be documented, if not fixed.

We have rewritten the old query in a simpler way; now its cost is O(F log P).
Here F must represent the size of the "flattened" table, that is, the total
number of values that must be checked, which seems a reasonable assumption
in any case.

> Your change to array_replace() made me look at array_remove() again and
> realize that it needs the same treatment.  This command yields a segfault:
>   SELECT array_remove('{a,null}'::text[], null);


> This latest version introduces two calls to get_element_type(), both of which
> should be get_base_element_type().


> Patch "Avoid FK validations for no-rewrite ALTER TABLE ALTER TYPE", committed
> between v3b and v4 of this patch, added code to ATAddForeignKeyConstraint()
> requiring an update in this patch.  Run this in the regression DB:
>   [local] regression=# alter table fktableforeachfk alter ftest1 type int[];
>   ERROR:  could not find cast from 1007 to 23

Thanks for pointing it out. We have added a regression test and then fixed the issue.




Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Noah Misch
On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 06:41:39PM +0100, Marco Nenciarini wrote:
> Attached is v5, which should address all the remaining issues.

Looks clean to me.

> On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 11:33:12PM -0400, Noah Misch wrote:
> > If the cost doesn't exceed O(F log P), where F is the size of the FK table and
> > P is the size of the PK table, I'm not worried.  If it can be O(F^2), we would
> > have a problem to be documented, if not fixed.
> We have rewritten the old query in a simpler way; now its cost is O(F log P).
> Here F must represent the size of the "flattened" table, that is, the total
> number of values that must be checked, which seems a reasonable assumption
> in any case.

Great; I find that approach easier to reason about.

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Tom Lane
Marco Nenciarini <> writes:
> Attached is v5, which should address all the remaining issues.

I started to look at this patch a bit.  I'm quite confused by the fact
that some, but not all, of the possible FK action types now come in an
EACH variant.  This makes no sense at all to me.  ISTM that EACH is a
property of the FK constraint as a whole, that is that it says the
constraint is from array elements on the referencing side to column
values on the referenced side, rather than the normal case of column
values to column values.  Why would the possible actions be affected,
and why only these?  The patch documentation is extremely unclear about
this.  It's even less clear about what the semantics are in multi-key
cases.  Right offhand I would say that multi-key cases are nonsensical
and should be forbidden outright, because there is no way to figure out
which collections of elements of different arrays should be considered
to be a referencing item.

Could we see a specification of what the referencing semantics are
intended to be, please?
        regards, tom lane

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Gianni Ciolli
On Thu, Mar 22, 2012 at 03:02:45PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> It's even less clear about what the semantics are in multi-key
> cases.  Right offhand I would say that multi-key cases are
> nonsensical and should be forbidden outright, because there is no
> way to figure out which collections of elements of different arrays
> should be considered to be a referencing item.

Currently multi-column keys with more than one EACH column are
unsupported, mainly because it's unclear how they should work (and I
agree that they might not work at all).

> Could we see a specification of what the referencing semantics are
> intended to be, please?

You are right, the discussion has never been put together in a single
place, as it should have.

Please find below an updated version of the specification, which Marco
and I put together from the discussion in this list, and taking into
account the changes happened in the review phase. Some comments have
also been added to explain why some choices have been forbidden.

Best regards,
Dr. Gianni Ciolli - 2ndQuadrant Italia
PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support |


ON (DELETE | UPDATE) actions for EACH foreign keys

------------------ ----------- -----------                 |    ON     |    ON     |
Action            |  DELETE   |  UPDATE   |
------------------ ----------- -----------
CASCADE           |    Row    | Forbidden |
SET NULL          |    Row    |    Row    |
SET DEFAULT       |    Row    |    Row    |
EACH CASCADE      |  Element  |  Element  |
EACH SET NULL     |  Element  |  Element  |
EACH SET DEFAULT  | Forbidden | Forbidden |
NO ACTION         |     -     |     -     |
RESTRICT          |     -     |     -     |
------------------ --------- -------------

Example 1. Table C references table B via a (non-array) foreign key.

Example 2. The referencing table A is constructed as GROUP BY of table
C in Example 1. There is an EACH foreign key on A which references B,
representing the same relationship as the foreign key in Example 1.

Remark 3. Examples 1 and 2 are related, because they represent the
same model; in making choices about a certain action on Example 2 we
will considering its relationship with Example 1.

Example 4. Assume that the FK in Example 1 has a ON DELETE CASCADE
action.  Deleting one row on table B will delete all the referencing
rows in table A.  The state that we get after the DELETE is the same
obtained by Example 2 with the ON DELETE EACH CASCADE action after
removing the same row.

Example 4 suggests to associate the "Element" behaviour to the ON

The user can choose between two different options for a CASCADE-style
action when a referenced row is deleted; both of them have use cases,
as the following Example 5 shows.

Example 5. If you remove a vertex from a polygon (represented as an
array of vertices), you can either destroy the polygon (ON DELETE
CASCADE) or transform it into a polygon with less vertices (ON DELETE

ON UPDATE SET NULL has its own purpose as a different behaviour than
ON UPDATE EACH SET NULL; again, both options are provided to the user,

ON (UPDATE | DELETE) EACH SET DEFAULT is forbidden, because table A
does not carry a default value for an array element. In theory the
default value could be retrieved from the referenced table B, but that
would be unusual and in any case different from the corresponding case
of Example 1 with ON (UPDATE | DELETE) SET DEFAULT.

ON UPDATE CASCADE is forbidden because, as far as we can see, the only
meaningful action to propagate updated values is ON UPDATE EACH

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Gabriele Bartolini
Hello Tom,<br /><br /><div class="ace-line" id="magicdomid393"><span class="">> I started to look at this patch a
bit. I'm quite confused by the fact</span></div><div class="ace-line" id="magicdomid394"><span class="">> that some,
butnot all, of the possible FK action types now come in an</span></div><div class="ace-line" id="magicdomid395"><span
class="">>EACH variant.  This makes no sense at all to me.  ISTM that EACH is a</span></div><div class="ace-line"
id="magicdomid396"><spanclass="">> property of the FK constraint as a whole, that is that it says
the</span></div><divclass="ace-line" id="magicdomid397"><span class="">> constraint is from array elements on the
referencingside to column</span></div><div class="ace-line" id="magicdomid398"><span class="">> values on the
referencedside, rather than the normal case of column</span></div><div class="ace-line" id="magicdomid399"><span
class="">>values to column values.</span></div><div class="ace-line" id="magicdomid400"><br /></div><div
class="ace-line"id="magicdomid401"><span class="">The specification that Gianni posted applies only to v5 of the
patch.<br/> The original idea was indeed to have the whole foreign key to be defined with an EACH property (initially
wewere actually thinking of the ARRAY keyword following your advice, then for grammar reasons we opted for
EACH).</span></div><divclass="ace-line" id="magicdomid402"><span class="">However, during the actual development we
facedsome difficulties with multi-column foreign keys.<br /> Through discussions on this list and with the reviewer we
optedto allow the EACH keyword at column level.</span></div><div class="ace-line" id="magicdomid403"><span class="">We
startedwith the case where at most one column is EACH, which is easier to understand.<br /> The case of two or more
EACHcolumns in the same foreign key has been left open for future development.</span></div><div class="ace-line"
id="magicdomid404"><br/></div><div class="ace-line" id="magicdomid405"><span class="">> Why would the possible
actionsbe affected, and why only these?</span></div><div class="ace-line" id="magicdomid406"><br /></div><div
class="ace-line"id="magicdomid407"><span class="">We  had to add the EACH variant to two actions (EACH CASCADE and EACH
SET NULL), in order to leave users the flexibility to choose the operation  to be performed in case of delete or update
ofone or more elements from  the referenced table.</span></div><div class="ace-line" id="magicdomid408"><span
class="">Some users indeed might prefer that, in case a referenced row is deleted,  the whole row is deleted (therefore
they'duse the standard CASCADE  action). Others mights simply require that references to that row is  removed from the
referencingarray (therefore they'd use the variant  EACH CASCADE action). The same concept applies for SET NULL (the
whole array is set to NULL) and EACH SET NULL (referencing elements are set to  NULL).</span></div><div
class="ace-line"id="magicdomid390"><br /></div> Thank you.<br /><br /> Cheers,<br /> Gabriele<br /><pre
class="moz-signature"cols="72">-- Gabriele Bartolini - 2ndQuadrant ItaliaPostgreSQL Training, Services and Support<a
class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated"href=""></a> |
<aclass="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href=""></a> 

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Marco Nenciarini
Il giorno lun, 19/03/2012 alle 18.41 +0100, Marco Nenciarini ha scritto:
> Attached is v5, which should address all the remaining issues.

Please find attached v6 of the EACH Foreign Key patch. From v5 only
cosmetic changes to the documentation were made.


Marco Nenciarini - 2ndQuadrant Italy
PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support |


Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Peter Eisentraut
On lör, 2012-03-24 at 10:01 +0000, Gianni Ciolli wrote:
> ON (DELETE | UPDATE) actions for EACH foreign keys
> ==================================================
> ------------------ ----------- -----------
>                   |    ON     |    ON     |
> Action            |  DELETE   |  UPDATE   |
> ------------------ ----------- -----------
> CASCADE           |    Row    | Forbidden |
> SET NULL          |    Row    |    Row    |
> SET DEFAULT       |    Row    |    Row    |
> EACH CASCADE      |  Element  |  Element  |
> EACH SET NULL     |  Element  |  Element  |
> EACH SET DEFAULT  | Forbidden | Forbidden |
> NO ACTION         |     -     |     -     |
> RESTRICT          |     -     |     -     |
> ------------------ --------- -------------
I took another fresh look at this feature after not having looked for a
month or two.  I think the functionality is probably OK, but I find the
interfaces somewhat poorly named.  Consider, "PostgreSQL adds EACH
foreign keys" -- huh?  I think they key word ELEMENT would be more
descriptive and precise, and it also leaves the door open to other kind
of non-atomic foreign key relationships outside of arrays.  EACH has no
relationship with arrays.  It might as well refer to each row.

On the matter of the above chart, there has been a long back and forth
about whether the row or the element case should be the default.  Both
cases are probably useful, but unfortunately you have now settled on
making maximum destruction the default.  Additionally, we would now have
the case that sometimes, depending on some configuration elsewhere, an
ON DELETE CASCADE deletes more than what was actually involved in the
foreign key.  What I'd suggest is to make both cases explicit.  That is,
forbid ON DELETE CASCADE altogether and make people write ON DELETE
CASCADE ROW or ON DELETE CASCADE ELEMENT.  In addition to making things
more explicit and safer, it would again leave the door open to other
kinds of relationships later.

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Noah Misch
On Fri, Apr 06, 2012 at 09:21:17AM +0300, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> On l??r, 2012-03-24 at 10:01 +0000, Gianni Ciolli wrote:
> > ON (DELETE | UPDATE) actions for EACH foreign keys
> > ==================================================
> > 
> > ------------------ ----------- -----------
> >                   |    ON     |    ON     |
> > Action            |  DELETE   |  UPDATE   |
> > ------------------ ----------- -----------
> > CASCADE           |    Row    | Forbidden |
> > SET NULL          |    Row    |    Row    |
> > SET DEFAULT       |    Row    |    Row    |
> > EACH CASCADE      |  Element  |  Element  |
> > EACH SET NULL     |  Element  |  Element  |
> > EACH SET DEFAULT  | Forbidden | Forbidden |
> > NO ACTION         |     -     |     -     |
> > RESTRICT          |     -     |     -     |
> > ------------------ --------- -------------
> > 
> I took another fresh look at this feature after not having looked for a
> month or two.  I think the functionality is probably OK, but I find the
> interfaces somewhat poorly named.  Consider, "PostgreSQL adds EACH
> foreign keys" -- huh?  I think they key word ELEMENT would be more
> descriptive and precise, and it also leaves the door open to other kind
> of non-atomic foreign key relationships outside of arrays.  EACH has no
> relationship with arrays.  It might as well refer to each row.

Good points.  Your proposed naming works for me.

> On the matter of the above chart, there has been a long back and forth
> about whether the row or the element case should be the default.  Both
> cases are probably useful, but unfortunately you have now settled on
> making maximum destruction the default.  Additionally, we would now have
> the case that sometimes, depending on some configuration elsewhere, an
> ON DELETE CASCADE deletes more than what was actually involved in the
> foreign key.  What I'd suggest is to make both cases explicit.  That is,
> forbid ON DELETE CASCADE altogether and make people write ON DELETE
> CASCADE ROW or ON DELETE CASCADE ELEMENT.  In addition to making things
> more explicit and safer, it would again leave the door open to other
> kinds of relationships later.

I'm ambivalent on this one.  ON DELETE CASCADE truly does the same thing
regardless of whether the FK incorporates an EACH column.  The current syntax
arises from that symmetry rather than a decision to dub its behavior as a
default.  That said, when a user wants CASCADE ELEMENT, your proposal would
more-rapidly divert him from wrongly using CASCADE ROW.


Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Noah Misch
On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 04:25:06PM +0200, Marco Nenciarini wrote:
> Il giorno lun, 19/03/2012 alle 18.41 +0100, Marco Nenciarini ha scritto:
> > 
> > Attached is v5, which should address all the remaining issues.
> Please find attached v6 of the EACH Foreign Key patch. From v5 only
> cosmetic changes to the documentation were made.

This has bitrotted; please refresh.

Also, please evaluate Peter's feedback:


Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Gabriele Bartolini
Hi Noah,

Il 10/06/12 22:53, Noah Misch ha scritto:
> This has bitrotted; please refresh.
> Also, please evaluate Peter's feedback:

Our goal is to work on this patch from the next commit fest.

What we are about to do for this commit fest is to split the previous 
patch and send a small one just for the array_remove() and 
array_replace() functions.

Then we will sit down and organise the development of the feature 
according to Peter's feedback. It is important indeed that we find a 
commonly accepted terminology and syntax for this feature.

I hope this sounds like a reasonable plan. Thank you.


--  Gabriele Bartolini - 2ndQuadrant Italia PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Noah Misch
On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 10:12:18PM +0200, Gabriele Bartolini wrote:
> Our goal is to work on this patch from the next commit fest.
> What we are about to do for this commit fest is to split the previous  
> patch and send a small one just for the array_remove() and  
> array_replace() functions.
> Then we will sit down and organise the development of the feature  
> according to Peter's feedback. It is important indeed that we find a  
> commonly accepted terminology and syntax for this feature.
> I hope this sounds like a reasonable plan. Thank you.

Sounds fine.  The 2012-01 CF entry for this patch has been moved to the
2012-06 CF.  Please mark that entry Returned with Feedback and create a new
entry for the subset you're repackaging for this CommitFest.


Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Marco Nenciarini
Il giorno mer, 13/06/2012 alle 18.07 -0400, Noah Misch ha scritto:
> On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 10:12:18PM +0200, Gabriele Bartolini wrote:
> > Our goal is to work on this patch from the next commit fest.
> >
> > What we are about to do for this commit fest is to split the previous  
> > patch and send a small one just for the array_remove() and  
> > array_replace() functions.
> >
> > Then we will sit down and organise the development of the feature  
> > according to Peter's feedback. It is important indeed that we find a  
> > commonly accepted terminology and syntax for this feature.
> >
> > I hope this sounds like a reasonable plan. Thank you.
> Sounds fine.  The 2012-01 CF entry for this patch has been moved to the
> 2012-06 CF.  Please mark that entry Returned with Feedback and create a new
> entry for the subset you're repackaging for this CommitFest.
> Thanks,
> nm

Dear Noah,
  I have added a new patch to the commitfest (miscellaneous category)
entitled "Support for array_remove and array_replace functions". I have
also marked the "Foreign Key Array" patch as " Returned with Feedback"
as per your request. We will start working again on this patch in the
next commitfest as anticipated by Gabriele, hoping that the array
functions will be committed by then.
  Thank you.


Marco Nenciarini - 2ndQuadrant Italy
PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support | 

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Simon Riggs
On 6 April 2012 07:21, Peter Eisentraut <> wrote:
> On lör, 2012-03-24 at 10:01 +0000, Gianni Ciolli wrote:
>> ON (DELETE | UPDATE) actions for EACH foreign keys
>> ==================================================
>> ------------------ ----------- -----------
>>                   |    ON     |    ON     |
>> Action            |  DELETE   |  UPDATE   |
>> ------------------ ----------- -----------
>> CASCADE           |    Row    | Forbidden |
>> SET NULL          |    Row    |    Row    |
>> SET DEFAULT       |    Row    |    Row    |
>> EACH CASCADE      |  Element  |  Element  |
>> EACH SET NULL     |  Element  |  Element  |
>> EACH SET DEFAULT  | Forbidden | Forbidden |
>> NO ACTION         |     -     |     -     |
>> RESTRICT          |     -     |     -     |
>> ------------------ --------- -------------
> I took another fresh look at this feature after not having looked for a
> month or two.  I think the functionality is probably OK, but I find the
> interfaces somewhat poorly named.  Consider, "PostgreSQL adds EACH
> foreign keys" -- huh?  I think they key word ELEMENT would be more
> descriptive and precise, and it also leaves the door open to other kind
> of non-atomic foreign key relationships outside of arrays.  EACH has no
> relationship with arrays.  It might as well refer to each row.
> On the matter of the above chart, there has been a long back and forth
> about whether the row or the element case should be the default.  Both
> cases are probably useful, but unfortunately you have now settled on
> making maximum destruction the default.  Additionally, we would now have
> the case that sometimes, depending on some configuration elsewhere, an
> ON DELETE CASCADE deletes more than what was actually involved in the
> foreign key.  What I'd suggest is to make both cases explicit.  That is,
> forbid ON DELETE CASCADE altogether and make people write ON DELETE
> CASCADE ROW or ON DELETE CASCADE ELEMENT.  In addition to making things
> more explicit and safer, it would again leave the door open to other
> kinds of relationships later.


 Simon Riggs         
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Jeff Davis
On Fri, 2011-11-04 at 13:48 +0100, Gabriele Bartolini wrote:
> This patch adds basic support of arrays in foreign keys, by allowing to 
> define a referencing column as an array of elements having the same type 
> as the referenced column in the referenced table.
> Every NOT NULL element in the referencing array is matched against the 
> referenced table.

I'm trying to find commonalities between this feature and my future
RANGE FOREIGN KEY feature (not past the hand-waving stage yet).

The first thing I observe is that my idea for range foreign keys is
almost the opposite of your idea for array FKs.

I was imagining a range FK to mean that the referencing side is
contained by the referenced side. This is the common definition in the
temporal world, because the valid period for the referencing row must be
within the valid period for the row it references (same for transaction
time). The referenced side must be a range, and the referencing side
must be either a range of the same type or the subtype of the range.

Other similar definitions exist by replacing "contained by" with some
other operator, though the use cases for those aren't as clear to me.

This definition works for arrays and possibly many other types
(geometry?) as well. It looks like this is orthogonal from your work,
but it does seem like it has potential for confusion in the future.


Regards,Jeff Davis

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Misa Simic
IMO, both approaches make sense...

From temporal point no doubt, referencing should be contained by
referenced table....

From other side could be useful if in master table are elements with
simple data type, but for some set of elements there could be common
properties in another table.. What today is doable on the way to in
another table have the same data type and repeat the same properties
for each element...That would be possible with Range data type, though
it does not mean always data are in range so array is probably better

However I am not sure from maintaining point of view, i,e when an
element should be removed from that common properties set - but it is
different topic :)

Kind Regards,


Sent from my Windows Phone

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Davis
Sent: 17/06/2012 08:55
To: Gabriele Bartolini
Cc: PostgreSQL-development; Marco Nenciarini
Subject: Re: [HACKERS] [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Simon Riggs
On 17 June 2012 19:16, Misa Simic <> wrote:

> IMO, both approaches make sense...


It's also a good reason to do as Peter suggests and come up with a
better description than just EACH.

Do we need something like Exclusion FKs? i.e. the FK partner of
Exclusion Constraints?

 Simon Riggs         
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

"Kevin Grittner"
Simon Riggs  wrote:
Misa Simic  wrote:
>> IMO, both approaches make sense...
> Agreed.
Can someone provide a practical example of a "foreign key with array"
use case?  The only situations I'm able to think of right now are the
same cases where you would now use a table with primary keys of two
tables to provide a many-to-many linkage.  Does this proposed feature
handle other cases or handle this type of case better?
The "referencing value is contained by the referenced value" has many
obvious uses.  For example, in our courts data we have a statute
table which effectively has a statute cite and effective date range
for the primary key, and we have a charge table with a statute cite
and an offense date used to match it to a statute row.

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Misa Simic

2012/6/17 Simon Riggs <>

Do we need something like Exclusion FKs? i.e. the FK partner of
Exclusion Constraints?

Definatelly it would be something usefull...  Today's workaround to achieve that with additional table, and additional column in Key is a bit awkward... 

 Simon Riggs         
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Misa Simic

2012/6/17 Kevin Grittner <>

Can someone provide a practical example of a "foreign key with array"
use case?  The only situations I'm able to think of right now are the
same cases where you would now use a table with primary keys of two
tables to provide a many-to-many linkage.  Does this proposed feature
handle other cases or handle this type of case better?

I can't imagine either other usablity... Just many-to-one linkage... or to have many-to-many link with less rows in middle table... What is better - I think should be measured...

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Gianni Ciolli
On Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 09:58:17AM -0500, Kevin Grittner wrote:
> Simon Riggs  wrote:
> Misa Simic  wrote:
> >> IMO, both approaches make sense...
> >
> > Agreed.
> Can someone provide a practical example of a "foreign key with array"
> use case?  The only situations I'm able to think of right now are the
> same cases where you would now use a table with primary keys of two
> tables to provide a many-to-many linkage.  Does this proposed feature
> handle other cases or handle this type of case better?

The way I think about "array foreign keys" is that they represent the
"aggregated" form of a classical foreign key.

In the aggregated form, each row in the referencing side represents a
group of rows in the non-aggregated form.

One advantage is that constraints on each group of rows as a whole are
now possible, because they become constraints on a single row in the
aggregated form.

Example. If you have a table of points, then you can have a table of
polygons where each polygon contains an array of points. The
non-aggregated model would instead require an additional point_polygon
table which references both the point and the polygon table, because
the point <-> polygon relationship is many-to-many. In the aggregated
model, you can easily specify a CHECK constraint that requires each
polygon to have at least three points, while the corresponding
condition cannot be specified in the non-aggregated model.

Dr. Gianni Ciolli - 2ndQuadrant Italia
PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support |

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Jeff Davis
On Sun, 2012-06-17 at 21:10 +0800, Simon Riggs wrote:
> Do we need something like Exclusion FKs? i.e. the FK partner of
> Exclusion Constraints?

Yes, "Inclusion Constraints". I've known we need something like that
since I did Exclusion Constraints, but I haven't gotten further than

Regards,Jeff Davis

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Misa Simic
IMO, both approaches make sense...

From temporal point no doubt, referencing should be contained by
referenced table....

From other side could be useful if in master table are elements with
simple data type, but for some set of elements there could be common
properties in another table.. What today is doable on the way to in
another table have the same data type and repeat the same properties
for each element...That would be possible with Range data type, though
it does not mean always data are in range so array is probably better

However I am not sure from maintaining point of view, i,e when an
element should be removed from that common properties set - but it is
different topic :)

Kind Regards,


Sent from my Windows Phone

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Davis
Sent: 17/06/2012 08:55
To: Gabriele Bartolini
Cc: PostgreSQL-development; Marco Nenciarini
Subject: Re: [HACKERS] [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

"Kevin Grittner"
Misa Simic <> wrote:
> 2012/6/17 Kevin Grittner <>
>> Can someone provide a practical example of a "foreign key with
>> array" use case?  The only situations I'm able to think of right
>> now are the same cases where you would now use a table with
>> primary keys of two tables to provide a many-to-many linkage. 
>> Does this proposed feature handle other cases or handle this type
>> of case better?
> I can't imagine either other usablity... Just many-to-one
> linkage... or to have many-to-many link with less rows in middle
> table...
The many-to-one case seems like it is better handled in the other
direction -- with the referenced table holding the set of valid keys
and the referencing table holding the single key.  (I believe the
general case of this is what Jeff called an "inclusion constraint"
-- a feature he wants to add at some point.)  I can't think of a use
case where that would not be better for this type of relationship
than putting the array on the referencing side.
The many-to-many relationship does seem like a potentially useful
feature, at least in some cases.  For example, a message board where
a limited number of tags can be attached to each message -- the
message could contain an array of tag IDs.  Clearly this could be
done as a table holding message_id and tag_id, but it seems
potentially more convenient from a programming perspective to have
an array of tag_id values in the message table.  Logically, you are
associating each of these with the primary key of the row it is in. 
Are there other obvious use-cases?  If nobody can put one forward,
this seems like a good "reality test" for proposed behaviors in any
corner cases where "correct" behavior isn't obvious -- what would
you want to do to the data if it were in the separate table with
just the primary keys to link the two tables?
> What is better - I think should be measured...
It would make an interesting test to compare performance of a
suitably sized data set and reasonable workload for both techniques.
Of course, that's a non-trivial amount of work.  It seems like
people may be able to justify this just on ease-of-use, versus
claiming that it's an optimization.

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Misa Simic
2012/6/18 Kevin Grittner <>
The many-to-one case seems like it is better handled in the other
direction -- with the referenced table holding the set of valid keys
and the referencing table holding the single key.  (I believe the
general case of this is what Jeff called an "inclusion constraint"
-- a feature he wants to add at some point.)  I can't think of a use
case where that would not be better for this type of relationship
than putting the array on the referencing side.

Hi Kevin,

Well, from my point of view "many-to-one" or "one-to-many" is more related from which point we are looking to the thing... But let me better explain what I thought... 

Example 1)

If we have one table with master data TableA(ID, other properties...) and TableB(tableAIDFK, propA, propB, propC) -PK of TableB is irrelavant in this point... and let say a lot of TableA tuples could have the same TableB properties... So we can have how many common TableA tuples, that many tuples in TableB with the same values in PropA, PropB, and PropC with FK the same type as in Table A, or to have 1 tuple in TableB with Array type as FK field.... So it (1 tuple in TableB) can point many tuples in TableC... And in the same time simple element can exist in TableA, but could or doesn't have to exist in TableB...

What test would show is there any gain in this approach - I don't know... but think it should - especially if propA,PropB, and C should be updated for all of them...

Example 2)
From other side, what Jeff propose, and what is also usefull, but different thing is... to have the main data in TableA, but key field is an range datatype... what later each element what belong to the range, could have related tuple in TableB (Also, as the same range datatype - but smaller... contained by Master one... or simple datatype subtype of the range) - which is other way around... Opposite from exmaple 1 - but differnet from functional point of view... Depending what is the Master... Also, for example 1 - data in FK do not need to be in range.. so basicaly ID [1, 2 ,4 ,7] could have 1 tuple with its properties, and [3,5,6] in second tuple with different properties...

I am not sure Example 2) Jeff called "Inclusion Constraint" - Jeff can explain it better :)

Based on

Simon Riggs wrote:
>> Do we need something like Exclusion FKs? i.e. the FK partner of
>> Exclusion Constraints?

>Yes, "Inclusion Constraints". I've known we need something like that
>since I did Exclusion Constraints, but I haven't gotten further than

>       Jeff Davis

I have understood it as:

TableA(ID, properties...)
TableB(ID, properties...)

Now if we define FK on TableB to TableA... It means that row inserted in TableB, must have already row with the same ID value in TableA...

But what would be usefull, to define Exclude FK to table A,  to we prevent insert new row in Table B with ID value what already exist in TableA...

btw, if anyone is happy to point me in right direction, and there is common feeling it is usefull feature, I am happy to code it... Actually that is something what I will code anyway for "in-house" solution - but would be good to do it under Postgres standards...

Kind Regards,


Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Gabriele Bartolini
Hi guys,<br /><br />    it is time to give another go to this patch. I would like to thank everyone for suggestions
andideas expressed through this list.<br /><br />    We are happy that "Part 0" of the patch has been committed
(array_remove()and array_replace() functions), which will be useful in "Part 2" (too early now to talk about it). Let's
notrush though and focus on "Part 1" of the patch. :)<br /><blockquote
cite=""type="cite"></blockquote>    First, I
wouldlike to find a unique and general term for this feature. We started with "Foreign keys with arrays" and ended up
with"EACH foreign keys". Following Peter's suggestion, we will use the "ELEMENT" keyword (so that maybe in the future
wecan extend the usage). Our proposals are:<br /><br /> * Array Foreign Key<br /> * Foreign Key Arrays<br /> * ELEMENT
ForeignKeys<br /> * ...<br /><br />    Which one is your favourite?<br /><br />    Secondly, we have decided to split
thepatch we proposed back in March in two smaller patches. The most important goal of "Part 1" is to find a generally
acceptedsyntax. By removing ACTION handling from "Part 1" (see limitations below), we believe that the community will
beable to contribute more to driving future directions and requirements. Based on Peter's comments, we would like to
proposethe use of the "ELEMENT" keyword, rather than the "EACH" keyword proposed in March. You can find three examples
atthe bottom of this email.<br /><br />    Finally, "Part 1" of this patch will have these limitations:<br /><br /> *
Onlyone <code>ELEMENT</code> column allowed in a multi-column key (same as the proposed patch in March)<br /> *
Supportedactions<code>:<br />  * NO ACTION</code><code><br />  * RESTRICT</code><br /><br /> Cheers,<br /> Gabriele<br
/><br/><br /> Example 1: inline usage<br /><br /><tt>CREATE TABLE drivers (<br />     driver_id integer PRIMARY KEY,<br
/>    first_name text,<br />     last_name text,<br />     ...<br /> );<br /><br /> CREATE TABLE races (<br />    
race_idinteger PRIMARY KEY,<br />     title text,<br />     race_day DATE,<br />     ...<br />     final_positions
integer[]ELEMENT REFERENCES drivers<br /> );</tt><br /><br /><br /><br /> Example 2: with FOREIGN KEY<br /><br
/><tt>CREATETABLE races (<br />     race_id integer PRIMARY KEY,<br />     title text,<br />     race_day DATE,<br />
   ...<br />     final_positions integer[],<br />     FOREIGN KEY (ELEMENT final_positions) REFERENCES drivers<br />
);<br/></tt><br /><br /><br /> Example 3: with ALTER TABLE<br /><br /><tt>CREATE TABLE races (<br />     race_id
integerPRIMARY KEY,<br />     title text,<br />     race_day DATE,<br />     ...<br />     final_positions integer[]<br
/>);<br /><br /> ALTER TABLE races ADD FOREIGN KEY (ELEMENT final_positions) REFERENCES drivers;<br /></tt><br /><pre
class="moz-signature"cols="72">-- Gabriele Bartolini - 2ndQuadrant ItaliaPostgreSQL Training, Services and Support<a
class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated"href=""></a> |
<aclass="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href=""></a>

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Simon Riggs
On 30 July 2012 16:12, Gabriele Bartolini
<> wrote:

> * Array Foreign Key
> * Foreign Key Arrays
> * ELEMENT Foreign Keys
> * ...
>    Which one is your favourite?

Array Element Foreign Key

-- Simon Riggs          Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Robert Haas
On Mon, Jul 30, 2012 at 11:12 AM, Gabriele Bartolini
<> wrote:
> Hi guys,
>    it is time to give another go to this patch. I would like to thank
> everyone for suggestions and ideas expressed through this list.
>    We are happy that "Part 0" of the patch has been committed
> (array_remove() and array_replace() functions), which will be useful in
> "Part 2" (too early now to talk about it). Let's not rush though and focus
> on "Part 1" of the patch. :)
>    First, I would like to find a unique and general term for this feature.
> We started with "Foreign keys with arrays" and ended up with "EACH foreign
> keys". Following Peter's suggestion, we will use the "ELEMENT" keyword (so
> that maybe in the future we can extend the usage). Our proposals are:
> * Array Foreign Key
> * Foreign Key Arrays
> * ELEMENT Foreign Keys
> * ...
>    Which one is your favourite?

I think having the word "element" in there makes it a lot clearer.

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Alvaro Herrera
Excerpts from Simon Riggs's message of lun jul 30 11:21:46 -0400 2012:
> On 30 July 2012 16:12, Gabriele Bartolini
> <> wrote:
> > * Array Foreign Key
> > * Foreign Key Arrays
> > * ELEMENT Foreign Keys
> > * ...
> >
> >    Which one is your favourite?
> Array Element Foreign Key

I was going to say the same, except I had ELEMENT as a capitalized word
in my mind (and in the docs it'd be within <literal>).

Álvaro Herrera <>
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Gabriele Bartolini
Il 30/07/12 19:11, Alvaro Herrera ha scritto:
> I was going to say the same, except I had ELEMENT as a capitalized 
> word in my mind (and in the docs it'd be within <literal>). 
So: "Array ELEMENT Foreign Key"

+1 for me

And it can be also interchanged with "Array element Foreign Key".

--  Gabriele Bartolini - 2ndQuadrant Italia PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support

Re: [PATCH] Support for foreign keys with arrays

Gabriele Bartolini
Il 30/07/12 19:16, Gabriele Bartolini ha scritto:
> And it can be also interchanged with "Array element Foreign Key".
As promised, we have sent a patch for the "Array ELEMENT foreign key" 

We are discontinuing this thread here and continue discussing the former 
"Foreign Keys with Arrays"/"EACH Foreign Key" feature support from here:

Thank you,

--  Gabriele Bartolini - 2ndQuadrant Italia PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support