Thread: Visual Studio 2010/Windows SDK 7.1 support

Visual Studio 2010/Windows SDK 7.1 support

Craig Ringer

I'm getting set up to test your VS 2010 support patches. Sorry it's 
taken me so long - work decided to take this opportunity to become ... 
rather hectic.

I'd appreciate it if you'd post the you're building with, 
mainly so I can see what libraries and optional features you are or are 
not using with your test builds.

Also: Have you been testing both 32-bit and 64-bit builds with VC 2010, 
or have you been doing 32-bit builds only? It shouldn't matter, but it's 
worth knowing.

If you're testing 64-bit builds, how are you building/obtaining your 
dependencies, given that GnuWin32 doesn't carry 64-bit builds? 
Rebuilding GnuWin32 packages? Building from sources? I've only just got 
a 64-bit Windows dev environment set up so I'm new to building 64-bit 
Pg. Any issues you had to resolve to get the x64 libs built?

I have an existing 32-bit Pg build environment on my other machine that 
I'l be testing with as well, but I figure I may as well test x64 if I can.

Craig Ringer

Re: Visual Studio 2010/Windows SDK 7.1 support

Brar Piening
schrieb Craig Ringer:
> I'd appreciate it if you'd post the you're building with, 
> mainly so I can see what libraries and optional features you are or 
> are not using with your test builds.
I've already posted it here:

> Also: Have you been testing both 32-bit and 64-bit builds with VC 
> 2010, or have you been doing 32-bit builds only?
Both - but 32-bit was tested more extensively due to limited 
availability of 64-bit libraries.

> If you're testing 64-bit builds, how are you building/obtaining your 
> dependencies, given that GnuWin32 doesn't carry 64-bit builds? 
> Rebuilding GnuWin32 packages? Building from sources? I've only just 
> got a 64-bit Windows dev environment set up so I'm new to building 
> 64-bit Pg. Any issues you had to resolve to get the x64 libs built?
No Issues im my minimal configuration.

Perhaps someone who routinely does 64-bit builds could help out with a and some info from where to get the 64-bit libraries to build 

Thanks for reviewing!



Re: Visual Studio 2010/Windows SDK 7.1 support

Dave Page
On Sun, Jul 3, 2011 at 8:28 AM, Brar Piening <> wrote:
> Perhaps someone who routinely does 64-bit builds could help out with a
> and some info from where to get the 64-bit libraries to build
> with.

Here's what we use for the installers.

# Configuration arguments for vcbuild.
use strict;
use warnings;

our $config = {   asserts=>0,                         # --enable-cassert   integer_datetimes=>1,               #
--enable-integer-datetimes  nls=>'C:\pgBuild\gettext',        # --enable-nls=<path>   perl=>'C:\Perl-5.10',
#--with-perl   python=>'C:\Python26',         # --with-python=<path>   ldap=>1,                # --with-ldap
openssl=>'C:\pgBuild\OpenSSL',    # --with-ssl=<path>   xml=>'C:\pgBuild\libxml2',   xslt=>'C:\pgBuild\libxslt',
iconv=>'C:\pgBuild\iconv',  zlib=>'C:\pgBuild\zlib',        # --with-zlib=<path>   uuid=>'C:\pgBuild\uuid-ossp'       #


Dave Page
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