Thread: Elephants


<p>Hi ,<br /><br />I have just shown my support for India's forests. Please see the mail below and support our forests
/><br/> Regards,<br /><br /><hr /><br /> Dear ,<br /><br /> The dangerous forest versus coal tussle has claimed its
firstvictim – the endangered Indian elephant. The Chhattisgarh government has scrapped plans for an <strong>elephant
reserve</strong>in order to allow the same forests to be mined for coal. <sup>[1]</sup><br /><br /> Last year the
environmentand forest ministry defined regions rich in forest cover and biodiversity as <strong>No-Go</strong> areas
formining. <sup>[2]</sup> The coal ministry wants the government to scrap this classification. <sup>[3]</sup> A Group
ofMinisters (GoM) constituted to resolve this will take a decision later in the year. <sup>[4]</sup><br /><br /> These
No-Goareas are among the last remaining <strong>forests</strong> in our country. They are home to
<strong>wildlife</strong>such as tigers, leopards and elephants, and crucial to the <strong>livelihoods of
millions</strong>.<sup>[5]</sup> If mining is allowed here, we can bid good bye to all of these. We need to pick our
sidesfor this epic match. Big ministries backed by private lobbies are siding with coal – and against the forests.<br
/><br/><strong>Can you show your support for the elephants and our forests?</strong><br /><br /><a
/><br/><br /> This is the first preparatory step for our massive fight to save our forests and the communities who
dependon them. The government needs to know that millions of Indians want their forests protected and declared No-Go
formining.<br /><br /> Instead of increasing its dependence on coal the government needs to invest in exploring
<strong>renewableenergy options</strong>. <sup>[6]</sup> Once destroyed, these forests will never get resurrected even
withthe best reforestation efforts. <br /><br /> Clearing forests will only hasten climate change. Coal mining not only
destroysforests and displaces communities but also contaminates nearby rivers and water sources.<sup>[7]</sup> India's
remainingforests and wildlife and communities must be protected from mining.<br /><br /><strong>Show your support for
theelephants and their forests now.</strong><br /><br /><a
/><br/> Thanks a billion!<br /><br /><img name="Cont_0
src="/><br /> Preethi Herman<br />
ClimateCampaigner<br /> Greenpeace India <br /><br /><hr /><strong>Sources:</strong><br /><br /> 1. Chhattisgarh govt
scrapselephant reserve plan for coal mining, <em>The Times of India</em>, January 16, 2011<br /><a
/><br/> 2. 35% of India's coal mining areas are in 'no go' zones, <em>DNA</em>, March 27, 2010<br /><a
/><br/> 3. Allow mining in 90% no-go zones, <em>Hindusthan Times</em>, October 29 2010<br /><a
xt="SPCLICK"></a><br/><br /> 4. GoM
willlook into sensitive 'no-go' mining areas, <em>Deccan Herald</em>, January 13, 2011<br /><a
name="src4'"></a><br/><br /> 5. Forests will
rescueIndia, says Jairam Ramesh, <em></em>, August 11, 200 <br /><a
/><br/> 6. Energy Revolution, <em>Greenpeace</em>, March 23, 2009 <br /><a
name="src6"></a><br/><br /> Greenpeace
providesan alternate energy vision for India, <em>Greenpeace</em>, March 24, 2009<br /><a
name="src7"></a><br/><br /> 7. Case study of
Damodarriver, <em></em><br /><a
href=""name="src8"></a><br/><br /><hr /><strong>P.S. Want to support our
campaigns?We don't take money from any corporation, government or political party! We never have, and we never will. Do
helpGreenpeace remain fiercely and proudly independent. <a href=""
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