Thread: commitfest timing

commitfest timing

Robert Haas
On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 12:44 PM, Dean Rasheed <> wrote:
> On 14 October 2010 16:42, Robert Haas <> wrote:
>> In view of the fact that we are out of time for this CommitFest, ...
> When is the official end of this commitfest?
> I remember talk at the start, that the end would be postponed (by a
> week?) due to time spent on the git migration. Is that still the case?

Well, I guess we need to decide that.  It sounds reasonable to me.

However, even if we do that, we do need to start bouncing out fairly
aggressively those patches that are not yet ready to be looked at by a
committer.  There are 58 patches in this CommitFest.  14 were
committed, returned with feedback, or rejected before the official
start of the CommitFest.  So, at the beginning of the CommitFest, we
had roughly 44 patches to deal with.

In the past 30 days, we have committed or returned with feedback 22 of
those 44 patches, or roughly 50%.  In the remaining portion of the
CommitFest, however long we decide to make it, we need to deal with
the remaining 22 of those patches.  At this point in the CommitFest,
we should be in a situation where at least half of the unresolved
patches are Ready for Committer; the actual number is 3 of 22.  We are
way behind.  Some patches haven't even received a FIRST review yet,
and I think it's very important that we make that happen before
closing out the CommitFest.  But if a patch has been reviewed two or
more times and is still not ready, I don't think we can hold the CF
open for it, which means we mark it Returned with Feedback and ask the
author to resubmit for next time.

As another metric, consider that at a comparable point in the last
CommitFest cycle, we had one (1) remaining patch that was neither
Committed, Returned with Feedback, or moved to another CommitFest,
versus 22 at present.

Robert Haas
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company