Thread: Server crash during simple c-language function

Server crash during simple c-language function

Tomáš Kovářík

I'm resending it to here, since I didn't got no response from the
"general" group.

I am trying to create a simple c-language function for "PostgreSQL
8.4.4, compiled by Visual C++ build 1400, 32-bit" running on Windows 7
(32-bit). It works, until I use a SPI.

1) CRASH: I successfully execute a simple query using SPI_exec(), but
when getting the result, it crashes:
SPI_getvalue(SPI_tuptable->vals[0], SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, 1);
I tried to look wherever I could, but I have no idea what could go wrong.

2) NOT COMPILE: When I want to read value of global SPI_result, I
cannot compile - unresolved external symbol "_SPI_result". I am
currently linking with 'postgres.lib" and I haven't found anything
else what to link with additionally. Compiling using Visual Studio
2008, C/C++ project set to compile for "C".

Can anybody point out, what I am doing wrong?
The complete code and project are below.

Thanks, Tomas

======================== CODE =============
#define BUILDING_DLL 1

#include "postgres.h"
#include "fmgr.h"
#include "executor/spi.h"



__declspec (dllexport)
Datum crash_repro(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
{int exec_result;
exec_result = SPI_exec("select 'test'", 0);
elog(NOTICE, "exect_result_state = %i", exec_result);elog(NOTICE, "SPI_processed = %u", SPI_processed);
if ((SPI_processed > 0) && (SPI_tuptable != NULL)){    elog(NOTICE, "SPI_tuptable is not NULL");
SPI_getvalue(SPI_tuptable->vals[0],SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, 1);}

===================== VISUAL STUDIO PROJECT ===============
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Re: Server crash during simple c-language function

Robert Haas
2010/9/15 Tomáš Kovářík <>:
> I am trying to create a simple c-language function for "PostgreSQL
> 8.4.4, compiled by Visual C++ build 1400, 32-bit" running on Windows 7
> (32-bit). It works, until I use a SPI.
> 1) CRASH: I successfully execute a simple query using SPI_exec(), but
> when getting the result, it crashes:
> SPI_getvalue(SPI_tuptable->vals[0], SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, 1);
> I tried to look wherever I could, but I have no idea what could go wrong.
> 2) NOT COMPILE: When I want to read value of global SPI_result, I
> cannot compile - unresolved external symbol "_SPI_result". I am
> currently linking with 'postgres.lib" and I haven't found anything
> else what to link with additionally. Compiling using Visual Studio
> 2008, C/C++ project set to compile for "C".
> Can anybody point out, what I am doing wrong?
> The complete code and project are below.

I tried your example on MacOS X and it worked OK, so it's probably
some bit of Windows-specific weirdness, but unfortunately my
Windows-fu is pretty poor, so I can't speculate...

Robert Haas
The Enterprise Postgres Company

Re: Server crash during simple c-language function

Tomáš Kovářík
Thanks Robert for the test on MacOS X. I wanted to be sure that it is
not only my installation issue, so I tried the same on Windows Server
2003 with PostgreSQL 8.3; the same crash. Is there anybody who has
written a C-function on Windows platform?


2010/9/15 Robert Haas <>:
> 2010/9/15 Tomáš Kovářík <>:
>> I am trying to create a simple c-language function for "PostgreSQL
>> 8.4.4, compiled by Visual C++ build 1400, 32-bit" running on Windows 7
>> (32-bit). It works, until I use a SPI.
>> 1) CRASH: I successfully execute a simple query using SPI_exec(), but
>> when getting the result, it crashes:
>> SPI_getvalue(SPI_tuptable->vals[0], SPI_tuptable->tupdesc, 1);
>> I tried to look wherever I could, but I have no idea what could go wrong.
>> 2) NOT COMPILE: When I want to read value of global SPI_result, I
>> cannot compile - unresolved external symbol "_SPI_result". I am
>> currently linking with 'postgres.lib" and I haven't found anything
>> else what to link with additionally. Compiling using Visual Studio
>> 2008, C/C++ project set to compile for "C".
>> Can anybody point out, what I am doing wrong?
>> The complete code and project are below.
> I tried your example on MacOS X and it worked OK, so it's probably
> some bit of Windows-specific weirdness, but unfortunately my
> Windows-fu is pretty poor, so I can't speculate...
> --
> Robert Haas
> EnterpriseDB:
> The Enterprise Postgres Company

Re: Server crash during simple c-language function

Robert Haas
2010/9/16 Tomáš Kovářík <>:
> Thanks Robert for the test on MacOS X. I wanted to be sure that it is
> not only my installation issue, so I tried the same on Windows Server
> 2003 with PostgreSQL 8.3; the same crash. Is there anybody who has
> written a C-function on Windows platform?

Maybe you should look at some of the examples in contrib, and then
modify them...

Robert Haas
The Enterprise Postgres Company