Thread: small typed-table bug in gram.y

small typed-table bug in gram.y

Robert Haas
While examining gram.y today I happened to notice an oversight in the
grammar rules for creating typed tables: the fourth CREATE TABLE
production ignores $2.  Which I think means (although of course I
didn't test it) that if you do something like "CREATE TEMP TABLE IF
NOT EXISTS foo OF bar", the TEMP won't stick.

Robert Haas
The Enterprise Postgres Company

Re: small typed-table bug in gram.y

"Kevin Grittner"
Robert Haas <> wrote:
> While examining gram.y today I happened to notice an oversight in
> grammar rules for creating typed tables: the fourth CREATE TABLE
> production ignores $2.  Which I think means (although of course I
> didn't test it) that if you do something like "CREATE TEMP TABLE IF
> NOT EXISTS foo OF bar", the TEMP won't stick.
I tried it on a build from yesterday's HEAD.  You're right.