Thread: contrib check fail at pgcrypto on Windows Server 2008 64bit 9.0dev (HEAD near alpha5)

Hi, all.

I built pgsql with following regulation (for buildfarm new entry).- Windows Server 2008 64bit- VC2005- 9.0dev (HEAD
nearalpha5) 64bit

And I got a fail at "vcregress contribcheck" about only pgcrypto.
All CREATE FUNCTION of pgcrypto got ERROR.
(It passed "vcregress check")

STATEMENT:  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION decrypt_iv(bytea, bytea, bytea, text)       RETURNS bytea       AS
'$libdir/pgcrypto','pg_decrypt_iv'       LANGUAGE C IMMUTABLE STRICT;
ERROR:  could not load library "C:/Users/Administrator/mhome/pgsql-inst/lib/pgcrypto.dll": The specified module could
notbe found.

I tried LOAD command following:

test=# LOAD 'sslinfo.dll';
test=# LOAD 'pgcrypto.dll';
ERROR:  could not load library "C:/Users/Administrator/mhome/pgsql-inst/lib/pgcrypto.dll": The specified module could
notbe found.

I traced it with VC2005 debugger.
API "LoadLibrary" was called (and return NULL).
DLL's "DllMain" was not called in case of "pgcrypto.dll".

Is there any idea ?
use strict;
use warnings;
our $config = {   platform=>'x64',   asserts=>1,   ldap=>1,   nls=>undef, tcl=>undef, perl=>undef,  python=>undef,
krb5=>undef,  openssl=>'c:\OpenSSL',   uuid=>undef,  xml=>undef,  xslt=>undef,  iconv=>undef,   zlib=>'c:\zlib'

______________________________________________________________________TAKATSUKA Haruka  <>SRA OSS,