Thread: A third lock method

A third lock method

"Kevin Grittner"
I've been reviewing code to get a better handle on the scope of
changes to support serializable transactions, in preparation for
next month's meetings with our CIO.  My posts should start getting
progressively less hand-wavy.  :-)
I've come to a few conclusions:
(1)  The notions of having multiple serializable implementations
(SSI, S2PL, OCC) which can be mapped as a configuration option is
really not worth it.  The cases where S2PL or OCC beat SSI are too
narrow to be worth the effort, and the pluggable approach seems like
it would be much more invasive and destabilizing than just picking
one and doing it more directly.
(2)  If we're going with SSI, it appears that it would be a very
good idea to define a third lock method (SIREAD_LOCKMETHOD perhaps)
for the SIREAD locks.  For one thing, that could keep them out of
the way of normal conflict detection (they don't conflict with
anything, per se) and out of the way of deadlock detection,
including rearrangement of waiting transactions.  For another, they
have a different life-cycle -- they must stick around (along with
some minimal transaction information) until all transactions with a
snapshot prior to their commit have completed.  That seems cleaner
and easier with a separate lock method.

Re: A third lock method

Bruce Momjian
Kevin Grittner wrote:
> I've been reviewing code to get a better handle on the scope of
> changes to support serializable transactions, in preparation for
> next month's meetings with our CIO.  My posts should start getting
> progressively less hand-wavy.  :-)
> I've come to a few conclusions:
> (1)  The notions of having multiple serializable implementations
> (SSI, S2PL, OCC) which can be mapped as a configuration option is
> really not worth it.  The cases where S2PL or OCC beat SSI are too
> narrow to be worth the effort, and the pluggable approach seems like
> it would be much more invasive and destabilizing than just picking
> one and doing it more directly.


> (2)  If we're going with SSI, it appears that it would be a very
> good idea to define a third lock method (SIREAD_LOCKMETHOD perhaps)
> for the SIREAD locks.  For one thing, that could keep them out of
> the way of normal conflict detection (they don't conflict with
> anything, per se) and out of the way of deadlock detection,
> including rearrangement of waiting transactions.  For another, they
> have a different life-cycle -- they must stick around (along with
> some minimal transaction information) until all transactions with a
> snapshot prior to their commit have completed.  That seems cleaner
> and easier with a separate lock method.

I must be missing something but I thought the only problem with our
existing snapshot system was that you could see a row updated after your
snapshot was created, and that the solution to that was to abort the
transaction that would see the new row.  Can you tell me what I am

--  Bruce Momjian  <> EnterpriseDB
 + If your life is a hard drive, Christ can be your backup. +

Re: A third lock method

"Kevin Grittner"
Bruce Momjian  wrote: 
> I must be missing something but I thought the only problem with our
> existing snapshot system was that you could see a row updated after
> your snapshot was created, and that the solution to that was to
> abort the transaction that would see the new row. Can you tell me
> what I am missing? 
Well, that's roughly on target as a 30,000 foot overview, although I
think you're also working in an issue from the read committed
The issue with read committed is that you start with one snapshot but
may wind up combining views of data from that initial snapshot with
one or more updated versions of rows from subsequent commits -- if
you blocked on a conflicting write which was subsequently committed.
I recently started a thread which drifted into a discussion of that
issue, but it's almost completely orthogonal to the issue of
implementing truly serializable transactions -- the overlap is that a
fix for the read committed anomalies might provide groundwork for an
optimization to the serializable implementation.  After re-reading
the thread on the read committed issue and pondering it a bit more,
I'm inclined to think that we should worry about that if and when
serializable is working and we actually see problems that the
aforementioned optimization might fix.  (Unless someone cares enough
about the read committed anomalies to want to champion that as a
separate issue.) 
What I'm trying to stay focused on is the serializable
implementation.  I'd settle for the traditional Strict 2 Phase
Locking (S2PL) approach, but since there is a new technique which
appears to perform much better than that for most workloads, and has
most of the benefits of snapshot isolation (reads don't block writes
and vice versa), I figure why not go for the gold. 
You are right in that the new technique will basically work like
snapshot isolation but will roll back a transaction when there is one
transaction which reads data which is modified by a concurrent
transaction and writes data which is read by a concurrent
transaction (assuming all are serializable).  Years of research by Dr
Alan Fekete et al has established that only when there is a cycle of
such read-write dependencies among transactions, the graph contains a
"pivot" transaction which has dependencies in both directions (to the
same or different transactions), and a transaction which is on the
write end of such an edge commits first, can snapshot isolation mode
show behavior inconsistent with fully serializable behavior.  The SSI
technique doesn't attempt to build and analyze a complete graph of
such dependencies because the overhead would be prohibitive; rather,
it looks for the "pivot" which must be present in such a graph. 
The SSI technique requires that serializable transactions (but not
transactions in other isolation levels) use a non-blocking SIREAD
lock to track reads, so that the read-write dependencies among
concurrent serializable transactions can be identified.  The hard
part is that this does require some implementation of predicate
locking to prevent problems with phantom rows.  Honestly, that is
probably going to be over half the battle.  I had been nibbling
around the edges of the serializable issue trying to address
optimizations which should help performance of serializable
transactions by reducing the rollback rate; but came to the
conclusion that that was all premature optimization and a
distraction.  I think the thing to do is start with the hard part, so
I've been reading up on practical techniques for implementing
predicate locking, and reading through the PostgreSQL locking code,
trying to get my head around this.  Once this hardest part is solved,
I really think that a workable serializable mode is not too far past
it, and *then* would be the time to look at optimizations. 
It's just a little bit of a stretch to call SILOCKs locks, because
they don't actually block anything. They are used at various points
to see where a transaction is reading data which has been modified by
another transaction or vice versa.  And they do need to be kept until
all concurrent transactions have completed.  Other than those quirks,
they behave pretty much like read locks, though, so it seems to make
sense to use the locking system for them.  The differences are such
that I thought a new lock method might be appropriate.  This thread
is to try to solicit opinions on whether that makes sense to anyone
but me.  :-) 
Once I sort out the subject issue, I'm about ready to try to start
generating a very rough prototype of predicate locking.  I don't want
to start a discussion of those details on this thread, because it
seems to me that a decision on the subject issue affects significant
details about how I go about that. 
Consider this the 5,000 foot overview.  Previous thread contain much
more, and references to more authoritative documents.
This is not a small effort.  I'll be surprised if it comes in at less
than 2,000 lines of code, plus documentation and tests.  I'm not
really expecting it to make the next release after 8.5.  With some
luck, maybe the next release after that.  And that's all conditional
on our CIO approving programming time for the effort.  I'm currently
trying to dig in far enough to provide more accurate estimates and
time lines to facilitate approval.
Hopefully I haven't just scared you off of your offer to help.  ;-)

Re: A third lock method

Bruce Momjian
Kevin Grittner wrote:
> Once I sort out the subject issue, I'm about ready to try to start
> generating a very rough prototype of predicate locking.  I don't want
> to start a discussion of those details on this thread, because it
> seems to me that a decision on the subject issue affects significant
> details about how I go about that.
> Consider this the 5,000 foot overview.  Previous thread contain much
> more, and references to more authoritative documents.
> This is not a small effort.  I'll be surprised if it comes in at less
> than 2,000 lines of code, plus documentation and tests.  I'm not
> really expecting it to make the next release after 8.5.  With some
> luck, maybe the next release after that.  And that's all conditional
> on our CIO approving programming time for the effort.  I'm currently
> trying to dig in far enough to provide more accurate estimates and
> time lines to facilitate approval.
> Hopefully I haven't just scared you off of your offer to help.  ;-)

Thanks, I do understand it better now.

--  Bruce Momjian  <> EnterpriseDB
 + If your life is a hard drive, Christ can be your backup. +

Re: A third lock method

"Albe Laurenz"
Bruce Momjian wrote:
> I must be missing something but I thought the only problem with our
> existing snapshot system was that you could see a row updated after your
> snapshot was created, and that the solution to that was to abort the
> transaction that would see the new row.  Can you tell me what I am
> missing?

But with "snapshot isolation" (what our "serializable" corresponds to)
you cannot see rows updated after snapshot creation, right?

So phantom reads cannot occur, but we still are not truly

See the example I concocted in
for illustration.

Laurenz Albe

PS: Different from what Kevin claimed, Oracle also cannot grant
you strictly serializable transactions, because they also use
snapshot isolation. Seems that they get away with it.
My feeling is that the cases where this would be a problem are pretty
rare; my example referenced above feels artificial for a good reason.

If we can do it better than Oracle, I'm not against it :^)

Re: A third lock method

Nicolas Barbier
2009/12/31 Bruce Momjian <>:

> I must be missing something but I thought the only problem with our
> existing snapshot system was that you could see a row updated after your
> snapshot was created, and that the solution to that was to abort the
> transaction that would see the new row.  Can you tell me what I am
> missing?

The problem is rather the opposite. A minimal example of a situation
that the current implementation allows, and which the new proposal
tries to fix is:

1. The database contains rows X and Y having one column, and having
different values for that column (i.e., X != Y).
2. "Serializable" (in the current PG sense) transactions A and B run
concurrently (i.e., both take their snapshot before the other commits,
so they don't see each other's changes).
3. Y := X; A reads X and updates Y to become the same as X.
4. X := Y; B reads Y and updates X to become the same as Y.

Result: Sequentially executing A and B in either order leads to a
result where X = Y. Still, after the above steps 1-4, the values of X
and Y are switched around (and thus X != Y). Therefore, the execution
was (by definition) not serializable. This is caused by the fact that
in a serializable execution either A would have seen the update
performed by B, or B would have seen the update performed by A. This
problem is called "write skew" in the paper (their example is less
theoretical, but also more complex because of the use of COUNT(..).)

So instead of aborting transactions "because otherwise they would see
too many changes", the goal is rather to abort transactions "because
otherwise they wouldn't have seen enough changes".

The SIREAD locks are used to mark "the versions that have been read by
whom" (for all transactions that were concurrent with any of the
active transactions), so that potentially problematic writes that
occur after reads can be detected: "I wrote a new version of something
that was already read by a concurrent transaction, so in any
serialization, I must come after that other transaction". The other
direction ("I read something that has a newer version than what I just
read, so in any serialization, I must come before that other
transaction") can be detected straightforwardly.


Re: A third lock method

"Kevin Grittner"
"Albe Laurenz"  wrote:

> See the example I concocted in
Sure, let's look at that example.  Of course, *any* transaction run
by itself won't show differences from true serializable behavior
*regardless* of the mode in which it runs -- because it actually was
serialized.  Let's see how your example might work if the function
was being run on two different backends at the same time with
different personid values.
Connection 1:
[Currently no highlander; the function does this for personid = 1]
SELECT ishighlander INTO b FROM scots WHERE id=personid;
IF b THEN RETURN; /* no need to do anything */
UPDATE scots SET ishighlander=TRUE WHERE id=personid;
SELECT count(*) INTO n FROM scots WHERE ishighlander;
IF (n > 1) THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'There can be only one';
[Connection 1 now sees a highlander; not yet committed]

Connection 2:
[Currently no highlander according to this snapshot]
[the function does exactly the same thing as on Connection 1,but for personid 2]
[It doesn't see the work of Connection 1,so it's count shows the update is OK]
Now they commit, in either order.  You now have two highlanders in
the database.  You have just demonstrated another case of write skew,
where snapshot isolation does not behave in a truly serializable
fashion, allowing constraints enforced in application software or
functions (including triggers) to be violated.  With the changes I'm
working on, one of these would be rolled back with a serialization
> PS: Different from what Kevin claimed, Oracle also cannot grant
> you strictly serializable transactions, because they also use
> snapshot isolation.
Apologies if that is still true.  I don't use Oracle and one of the
recent articles I recently read seemed to indicate otherwise.
Thanks for the correction.

Re: A third lock method

"Kevin Grittner"
"Albe Laurenz"  wrote:
> But with "snapshot isolation" (what our "serializable" corresponds
> to) you cannot see rows updated after snapshot creation, right?
> So phantom reads cannot occur, but we still are not truly
> serializable.
My previous reply missed your point entirely, didn't it?
Let me try again.
You are absolutely right that the phantom phantom rows can't pop up
during a transaction running at snapshot isolation level.  So the
"phantom read" problem, per se, is not an issue.
The problem with phantoms rows in snapshot isolation is not that they
pop up within a concurrent transaction, but that a concurrent
transaction does not block on trying to read them (as they would with
an S2PL serializable implementation) but will just miss them, even
though they might later be (or might already be) committed ahead of
the current transaction.  They need to be considered in the SSI
read-write dependency checks.
Perhaps the affect of such inserts (or updates into a selected range)
manifest is a different enough way that a new term is merited, but
I'm inclined to think not.  The conditions in which they become an
issue are the same.  The techniques for detecting them are the same.
These phantoms just appear to the current connection upon commit of
its transaction rather than in the middle of it, but either way they
cause problems if the current transaction is modifying data based on
its view of them.

Re: A third lock method

"Kevin Grittner"
I wrote:
> It's just a little bit of a stretch to call SILOCKs locks, because
> they don't actually block anything. They are used at various points
> to see where a transaction is reading data which has been modified
> by another transaction or vice versa. And they do need to be kept
> until all concurrent transactions have completed. Other than those
> quirks, they behave pretty much like read locks, though, so it
> seems to make sense to use the locking system for them. The
> differences are such that I thought a new lock method might be
> appropriate. This thread is to try to solicit opinions on whether
> that makes sense to anyone but me. :-)
> Once I sort out the subject issue, I'm about ready to try to start
> generating a very rough prototype of predicate locking. I don't
> want to start a discussion of those details on this thread, because
> it seems to me that a decision on the subject issue affects
> significant details about how I go about that.
Based on feedback from Robert Haas on another thread, I think this
thread should be considered wrapped.  It seems to me like SIREAD
locks should be handled by a different lock method, but before I go
there I will probably initially develop and test the predicate
locking logic by using ACCESS EXCLUSIVE locks for all reads, just to
confirm correct coverage of the predicates.
Thanks, all.