Thread: Re: A bug in scan.l

Re: A bug in scan.l

Gokulakannan Somasundaram
The previous change should follow with this.<br /><br />uescape           
[uU][eE][sS][cC][aA][pP][eE]{space}*{quote}[^']{quote}<br/><br />Thanks,<br />Gokul.<br /><br /><div
class="gmail_quote">OnWed, Sep 2, 2009 at 7:35 AM, Gokulakannan Somasundaram <span dir="ltr"><<a
href=""></a>></span>wrote:<br /><blockquote class="gmail_quote"
style="border-left:1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">There is a rule like
thisin scan.l<br /><br />uescapefail       
/><br/><br />I think this should be corrected to <br /><br /><br />uescapefail       
/><br/><br />I have replaced whitespace with space. This has to be done because whitespace allows comments. This would
causeconflict between some of the alternatives. I found this, while trying to make this rule work with LL(1). Just
thought,it might be useful.<br /><br />Thanks,<br />Gokul.<br /></blockquote></div><br />