Thread: WIP: transformation hook modules and JSON support

WIP: transformation hook modules and JSON support

Pavel Stehule

I am sending samples of transformation hook modules. One module is
JSON support:.

>From these modules only JSON support has general usage - so only JSON
should be integrated to core.

Pavel Stehule

=== README ===
JSON generating functions - this module contains functions, that allows
simply generation JSON objects. Inspiration of this module was Json library .

note: an result isn't same as Roland library. Roland more respect javascript
rules. This library more respect JSON standard from

RAW parameters and labeled parameters
PostgreSQL parser ensure well typed parameters for any functions.
Types of parameters.
are described in pg_proc record. Exception from this rule are raw
parameters (of "any"
type). Raw parameters are passed without any conversion..

Sample of function with raw parameters is function json_array:

postgres=# select json.json_array(10,20,30,'Pavel',current_date);
(1 row)

postgres=# select
json.json_array(10,20,30,'Pavel',json.json_array(20,30), true, false);
(1 row)

Smart parameter take some addition info from calling environment. One
sample of smart
parameter's function is SQL/XML function xmforest..

Json library use raw parameters for automatical double quotes wrapping
of string values.
json_object functions use labeled parameters. Aditional info use as
property name..

postgres=# select json_object(10,'akaka',29);
ERROR:  invalid input syntax for integer: "akaka"
LINE 1: select json_object(10,'akaka',29);
postgres=# load 'json';
Time: 1,677 ms
postgres=# select json_object(10,'akaka',29);
ERROR:  unnamed JSON attribute must be a column reference
LINE 1: select json_object(10,'akaka',29);
postgres=# select json_object(10 as b,'akaka' as c,29 as x);
1 row)

Function json_members is very specific. PostgreSQL definition should be like
json_members(text, "any", text, "any", text, "any", ...). Parameters
are pairs of
property name and json value. First in pair should be text or any type
with implicit
cast to text.

postgres=# select json.json_members('a',2,'b',current_date);
(1 row)

postgres=# select json.json_object(json.json_members('a',2,'b',current_date));
(1 row)


Re: WIP: transformation hook modules and JSON support

Alvaro Herrera
Pavel Stehule escribió:
> Hello
> I am sending samples of transformation hook modules. One module is
> JSON support:.
> From these modules only JSON support has general usage - so only JSON
> should be integrated to core.

I'm only seeing trivial examples below, where you form the JSON objects
by plastering literals together.  Does this work on a scenario where the
values come from a table?

The question is not at all theoretical -- right now our site uses a JSON file that's just a dump of a
table in a database.  This file contains a list of lists, and a number
of properties for each (name, group it belongs to, description).
Obviously each one needs its label too.

Right now we generate this with a JSON Perl module.

Alvaro Herrera                      
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.

Re: WIP: transformation hook modules and JSON support

Pavel Stehule
2009/4/1 Alvaro Herrera <>:
> Pavel Stehule escribió:
>> Hello
>> I am sending samples of transformation hook modules. One module is
>> JSON support:.
>> From these modules only JSON support has general usage - so only JSON
>> should be integrated to core.
> I'm only seeing trivial examples below, where you form the JSON objects
> by plastering literals together.  Does this work on a scenario where the
> values come from a table?

what do you thing?

My implementation works similar like SQL/XML functions - so of course,
you can read data from tables. But actually, these functions are not
100% optimised.

> The question is not at all theoretical -- right now our
> site uses a JSON file that's just a dump of a
> table in a database.  This file contains a list of lists, and a number
> of properties for each (name, group it belongs to, description).
> Obviously each one needs its label too.

nested JSON structures are possible.

Pavel Stehule

> Right now we generate this with a JSON Perl module.
> --
> Alvaro Herrera                      
> The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.