Thread: Logging conflicted queries on deadlocks

Logging conflicted queries on deadlocks

Parag Goyal
Can you please  help me solve the problem of ERROR deadlock detected
This is the log incurred in postgressqlXXXX.log
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "displet"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "screenscrapesource"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "squidmodeconfiguration"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "videosource"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "websource"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "decorator"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "display"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "application"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "audiodecorator"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "borderdecorator"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "display_snapshot"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "imagedecorator"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "labeldecorator"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "statusborderdecorator"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "window"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "applicationwindow"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "datetimedecorator"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "logodecorator"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "perspectivewindow"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "snapshot_window"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "sourcenamedecorator"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "statictextdecorator"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "statusborderdecorator_linestyle"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "statusimagedecorator"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "statuslabeldecorator"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "display"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "perspective"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "snapshot"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "application"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "display_snapshot"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "displet"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "message"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "perspectivewindow"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "snapshot_window"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "window"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "applicationwindow"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "decorator"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "audiodecorator"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "borderdecorator"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "imagedecorator"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "labeldecorator"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "statusborderdecorator"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "datetimedecorator"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "logodecorator"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "sourcenamedecorator"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "statictextdecorator"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "statusborderdecorator_linestyle"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "statusimagedecorator"
2009-01-21 15:47:20 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "statuslabeldecorator"
2009-01-21 15:47:21 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "systemvariablebinding"
2009-01-21 15:47:21 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "borderdecorator"
2009-01-21 15:47:21 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "statusborderdecorator_linestyle"
2009-01-21 15:47:21 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "display"
2009-01-21 15:47:21 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "display_snapshot"
2009-01-21 15:47:21 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "snapshot_window"
2009-01-21 15:47:21 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "application"
2009-01-21 15:47:21 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "window"
2009-01-21 15:47:21 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "applicationwindow"
2009-01-21 15:47:21 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "perspectivewindow"
2009-01-21 15:53:29 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "displet"
2009-01-21 15:53:29 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "screenscrapesource"
2009-01-21 15:53:30 IST ERROR:  deadlock detected
2009-01-21 15:53:30 IST DETAIL:  Process 12648 waits for AccessShareLock on relation 156727 of database 16403; blocked by process 11632.
 Process 11632 waits for AccessExclusiveLock on relation 156745 of database 16403; blocked by process 12648.
2009-01-21 15:53:30 IST STATEMENT:  select squidmodec0_.mId as mId24_5_, squidmodec0_.mHoverDelay as mHoverDe2_24_5_, squidmodec0_.mBorderWidth as mBorderW3_24_5_, squidmodec0_.mEnabled as mEnabled24_5_, squidmodec0_.mLeftSource_mId as mLeftSou8_24_5_, squidmodec0_.mRightSource_mId as mRightSo6_24_5_, squidmodec0_.mTopSource_mId as mTopSource7_24_5_, squidmodec0_.mBottomSource_mId as mBottomS5_24_5_, source1_.mId as mId32_0_, source1_.mName as mName32_0_, source1_.mType as mType32_0_, source1_.mTag as mTag32_0_, source1_.mDescription as mDescrip5_32_0_, source1_.mOnline as mOnline32_0_, source1_.mAcknowledged as mAcknowl7_32_0_, source1_.mAutoDetected as mAutoDet8_32_0_, source1_.mTimezone as mTimezone32_0_, source1_.width as width32_0_, source1_.height as height32_0_, source1_1_.mHost as mHost33_0_, source1_1_.mPassword as mPassword33_0_, source1_1_.mPort as mPort33_0_, source1_1_.mTargetType as mTargetT5_33_0_, source1_1_.mDesktopIdent as mDesktop6_33_0_, source1_1_.x as x33_0_, source1_1_.y as y33_0_, source1_1_.width as width33_0_, source1_1_.height as height33_0_, source1_1_.mWindowTitle as mWindow11_33_0_, source1_1_.mManualUpdateMode as mManual12_33_0_, source1_1_.mUpdateInterval as mUpdate13_33_0_, source1_2_.mURL as mURL34_0_, source1_2_.mAudioDelay as mAudioDe3_34_0_, source1_2_.mAudioURL as mAudioURL34_0_, source1_2_.mRemoteDesktopHost_mId as mRemoteD5_34_0_, source1_3_.mURL as mURL35_0_, case when source1_1_.mId is not null then 1 when source1_2_.mId is not null then 2 when source1_3_.mId is not null then 3 when source1_.mId is not null then 0 end as clazz_0_, screenscra2_.mId as mId32_1_, screenscra2_1_.mName as mName32_1_, screenscra2_1_.mType as mType32_1_, screenscra2_1_.mTag as mTag32_1_, screenscra2_1_.mDescription as mDescrip5_32_1_, screenscra2_1_.mOnline as mOnline32_1_, screenscra2_1_.mAcknowledged as mAcknowl7_32_1_, screenscra2_1_.mAutoDetected as mAutoDet8_32_1_, screenscra2_1_.mTimezone as mTimezone32_1_, screenscra2_1_.width as width32_1_, screenscra2_1_.height as height32_1_, screenscra2_.mHost as mHost33_1_, screenscra2_.mPassword as mPassword33_1_, screenscra2_.mPort as mPort33_1_, screenscra2_.mTargetType as mTargetT5_33_1_, screenscra2_.mDesktopIdent as mDesktop6_33_1_, screenscra2_.x as x33_1_, screenscra2_.y as y33_1_, screenscra2_.width as width33_1_, screenscra2_.height as height33_1_, screenscra2_.mWindowTitle as mWindow11_33_1_, screenscra2_.mManualUpdateMode as mManual12_33_1_, screenscra2_.mUpdateInterval as mUpdate13_33_1_, source3_.mId as mId32_2_, source3_.mName as mName32_2_, source3_.mType as mType32_2_, source3_.mTag as mTag32_2_, source3_.mDescription as mDescrip5_32_2_, source3_.mOnline as mOnline32_2_, source3_.mAcknowledged as mAcknowl7_32_2_, source3_.mAutoDetected as mAutoDet8_32_2_, source3_.mTimezone as mTimezone32_2_, source3_.width as width32_2_, source3_.height as height32_2_, source3_1_.mHost as mHost33_2_, source3_1_.mPassword as mPassword33_2_, source3_1_.mPort as mPort33_2_, source3_1_.mTargetType as mTargetT5_33_2_, source3_1_.mDesktopIdent as mDesktop6_33_2_, source3_1_.x as x33_2_, source3_1_.y as y33_2_, source3_1_.width as width33_2_, source3_1_.height as height33_2_, source3_1_.mWindowTitle as mWindow11_33_2_, source3_1_.mManualUpdateMode as mManual12_33_2_, source3_1_.mUpdateInterval as mUpdate13_33_2_, source3_2_.mURL as mURL34_2_, source3_2_.mAudioDelay as mAudioDe3_34_2_, source3_2_.mAudioURL as mAudioURL34_2_, source3_2_.mRemoteDesktopHost_mId as mRemoteD5_34_2_, source3_3_.mURL as mURL35_2_, case when source3_1_.mId is not null then 1 when source3_2_.mId is not null then 2 when source3_3_.mId is not null then 3 when source3_.mId is not null then 0 end as clazz_2_, source4_.mId as mId32_3_, source4_.mName as mName32_3_, source4_.mType as mType32_3_, source4_.mTag as mTag32_3_, source4_.mDescription as mDescrip5_32_3_, source4_.mOnline as mOnline32_3_, source4_.mAcknowledged as mAcknowl7_32_3_, source4_.mAutoDetected as mAutoDet8_32_3_, source4_.mTimezone as mTimezone32_3_, source4_.width as width32_3_, source4_.height as height32_3_, source4_1_.mHost as mHost33_3_, source4_1_.mPassword as mPassword33_3_, source4_1_.mPort as mPort33_3_, source4_1_.mTargetType as mTargetT5_33_3_, source4_1_.mDesktopIdent as mDesktop6_33_3_, source4_1_.x as x33_3_, source4_1_.y as y33_3_, source4_1_.width as width33_3_, source4_1_.height as height33_3_, source4_1_.mWindowTitle as mWindow11_33_3_, source4_1_.mManualUpdateMode as mManual12_33_3_, source4_1_.mUpdateInterval as mUpdate13_33_3_, source4_2_.mURL as mURL34_3_, source4_2_.mAudioDelay as mAudioDe3_34_3_, source4_2_.mAudioURL as mAudioURL34_3_, source4_2_.mRemoteDesktopHost_mId as mRemoteD5_34_3_, source4_3_.mURL as mURL35_3_, case when source4_1_.mId is not null then 1 when source4_2_.mId is not null then 2 when source4_3_.mId is not null then 3 when source4_.mId is not null then 0 end as clazz_3_, source5_.mId as mId32_4_, source5_.mName as mName32_4_, source5_.mType as mType32_4_, source5_.mTag as mTag32_4_, source5_.mDescription as mDescrip5_32_4_, source5_.mOnline as mOnline32_4_, source5_.mAcknowledged as mAcknowl7_32_4_, source5_.mAutoDetected as mAutoDet8_32_4_, source5_.mTimezone as mTimezone32_4_, source5_.width as width32_4_, source5_.height as height32_4_, source5_1_.mHost as mHost33_4_, source5_1_.mPassword as mPassword33_4_, source5_1_.mPort as mPort33_4_, source5_1_.mTargetType as mTargetT5_33_4_, source5_1_.mDesktopIdent as mDesktop6_33_4_, source5_1_.x as x33_4_, source5_1_.y as y33_4_, source5_1_.width as width33_4_, source5_1_.height as height33_4_, source5_1_.mWindowTitle as mWindow11_33_4_, source5_1_.mManualUpdateMode as mManual12_33_4_, source5_1_.mUpdateInterval as mUpdate13_33_4_, source5_2_.mURL as mURL34_4_, source5_2_.mAudioDelay as mAudioDe3_34_4_, source5_2_.mAudioURL as mAudioURL34_4_, source5_2_.mRemoteDesktopHost_mId as mRemoteD5_34_4_, source5_3_.mURL as mURL35_4_, case when source5_1_.mId is not null then 1 when source5_2_.mId is not null then 2 when source5_3_.mId is not null then 3 when source5_.mId is not null then 0 end as clazz_4_ from SquidModeConfiguration squidmodec0_ left outer join Source source1_ on squidmodec0_.mLeftSource_mId=source1_.mId left outer join ScreenScrapeSource source1_1_ on source1_.mId=source1_1_.mId left outer join VideoSource source1_2_ on source1_.mId=source1_2_.mId left outer join WebSource source1_3_ on source1_.mId=source1_3_.mId left outer join ScreenScrapeSource screenscra2_ on source1_2_.mRemoteDesktopHost_mId=screenscra2_.mId left outer join Source screenscra2_1_ on screenscra2_.mId=screenscra2_1_.mId left outer join Source source3_ on squidmodec0_.mRightSource_mId=source3_.mId left outer join ScreenScrapeSource source3_1_ on source3_.mId=source3_1_.mId left outer join VideoSource source3_2_ on source3_.mId=source3_2_.mId left outer join WebSource source3_3_ on source3_.mId=source3_3_.mId left outer join Source source4_ on squidmodec0_.mTopSource_mId=source4_.mId left outer join ScreenScrapeSource source4_1_ on source4_.mId=source4_1_.mId left outer join VideoSource source4_2_ on source4_.mId=source4_2_.mId left outer join WebSource source4_3_ on source4_.mId=source4_3_.mId left outer join Source source5_ on squidmodec0_.mBottomSource_mId=source5_.mId left outer join ScreenScrapeSource source5_1_ on source5_.mId=source5_1_.mId left outer join VideoSource source5_2_ on source5_.mId=source5_2_.mId left outer join WebSource source5_3_ on source5_.mId=source5_3_.mId where squidmodec0_.mId=$1
2009-01-21 15:53:30 IST ERROR:  deadlock detected
2009-01-21 15:53:30 IST DETAIL:  Process 11632 waits for AccessExclusiveLock on relation 156745 of database 16403; blocked by process 12832.
 Process 12832 waits for AccessShareLock on relation 156727 of database 16403; blocked by process 11632.
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "displet"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "screenscrapesource"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "squidmodeconfiguration"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "videosource"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "websource"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "decorator"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "display"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "application"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "audiodecorator"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "borderdecorator"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "display_snapshot"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "imagedecorator"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "labeldecorator"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "statusborderdecorator"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "window"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "applicationwindow"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "datetimedecorator"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "logodecorator"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "perspectivewindow"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "snapshot_window"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "sourcenamedecorator"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "statictextdecorator"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "statusborderdecorator_linestyle"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "statusimagedecorator"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "statuslabeldecorator"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "display"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "perspective"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "snapshot"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "application"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "display_snapshot"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "displet"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "message"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "perspectivewindow"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "snapshot_window"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "window"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "applicationwindow"
2009-01-21 15:54:57 IST NOTICE:  truncate cascades to table "decorator"