Thread: merry christmas folks

merry christmas folks

Grzegorz Jaskiewicz
WITH RECURSIVE tree(b, l, lv) AS (  (   WITH RECURSIVE t(b, l) AS    (      select b/11.6, 0 AS l from (select  
generate_series(0,30)::float8 b union all select generate_series(30,0,  
-1)::float8 b) ziew        UNION ALL      select (b*1.06), l+1 FROM t WHERE l < 3    )    select b, l, 1 AS lv from t
orderby l asc  )  UNION ALL   select b*1.1, l+(lv*62) AS l , lv+1 FROM tree WHERE lv < 4 )
select array_to_string(array_agg(SUBSTRING('  ....',  
LEAST(GREATEST(b::integer,1),6), 1)),'') from tree group by l order by  
l asc;
