Thread: another question i met during reviewing

another question i met during reviewing

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td style="font: inherit;" valign="top">Here is another example
fortesting "Automatic update view", seems that "check option" doesn't work, i am not sure any other things i need to
do,or it is a bug for the patch, anyone give me a help? <br /><br />Thanks<br /><br />postgres=# create view
old_customeras<br />postgres-# select name,<br />postgres-#        age,<br />postgres-#        city<br />postgres-#
fromcustomer<br />postgres-# where age > 30<br />postgres-# with check option;<br />NOTICE:  CREATE VIEW will create
implicitINSERT/UPDATE/DELETE rules<br />postgres=# insert into old_customer values ('Kalley', 43, 'Kava');<br />INSERT
01<br />postgres=# insert into old_customer values ('Kalley', 21, 'loppe');<br />INSERT 0 1<br />postgres=# select *
fromcustomer;<br /> Jim                  |  25 | WDC                 <br /> Kim                  |  34 |
Pet                <br /> Lottery              |  75 | Polley              <br /> Kalley               |  43 |
Kava               <br /> Kalley               |  21 | loppe               <br />postgres=# select * from
old_customer;<br/> Kim                  |  34 | Pet                 <br /> Lottery              |  75 |
Polley             <br /> Kalley               |  43 | Kava                <br />postgres=# insert into old_customer
values('Mathaa', 20, 'loaa');<br />INSERT 0 1<br />postgres=# select * from old_customer;<br /> Kim                  | 
34| Pet                 <br /> Lottery              |  75 | Polley              <br /> Kalley               |  43 |
Kava  <br /><br /><br /></td></tr></table><br /> 

Re: another question i met during reviewing

"Jaime Casanova"
On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 10:40 PM, Unicron <> wrote:
> Here is another example for testing "Automatic update view", seems that
> "check option" doesn't work, i am not sure any other things i need to do, or
> it is a bug for the patch, anyone give me a help?

actually that is intentional, there was a lot of problems in original
implementation of CHECK OPTION :)

Jaime Casanova
Soporte y capacitación de PostgreSQL
Asesoría y desarrollo de sistemas
Guayaquil - Ecuador
Cel. +59387171157