Thread: Bitmap index - first look 1) Sometimes index doesn't find all matching rows: postgres=# SELECT * FROM qq WHERE t ='asd'; i | t ---+----- 2 | asd 1 | asd 2 | asd (3 rows) postgres=# SET enable_seqscan=off; SET postgres=# SELECT * FROM qq WHERE t ='asd'; i | t ---+----- 2 | asd (1 row) How to reproduce: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS qq; CREATE TABLE qq ( i int, t text ); INSERT INTO qq VALUES (1, 'qwe'); INSERT INTO qq VALUES (2, 'asd'); CREATE INDEX qqidx ON qq USING bitmap (i,t); INSERT INTO qq VALUES (1, 'asd'); INSERT INTO qq VALUES (2, 'asd'); SELECT * FROM qq; SELECT * FROM qq WHERE t ='asd'; SET enable_seqscan=off; SELECT * FROM qq WHERE t ='asd'; 2) Why is pg_am.amstrategies set to 5 while index supports only equal operation? 3) Typo in bmbulkdelete: /* allocate stats if first time through, else re-use existing struct */ if (result == NULL) result = (IndexBulkDeleteResult *) palloc0(sizeof(IndexBulkDeleteResult)); result = (IndexBulkDeleteResult *) palloc0(sizeof(IndexBulkDeleteResult)); 'result' is allocated twice. 4) Bitmap index is marked with pg_am.amcanorder = 'f', so you don't need to support ammarkpos/amrestrpos - see -- Teodor Sigaev E-mail: WWW:
One more point on pg_am: amsearchnull is equal to "f" however the index stores and could find nulls perfectly.<br /><br/>Regards,<br />Vladimir Sitnikov<br />
After looking at additional heap and b-tree index placed in pg_bitmapindex namespace... Additional heap contains unique values and page's number with offset number in bitmap index, b-tree index contains tuples with the same values and ItemPointer to heap's row. So, heap is an unnecessary step - b-tree index should store ItemPointer to the bitmap index directly. -- Teodor Sigaev E-mail: WWW:
On Fri, Nov 07, 2008 at 03:56:25PM +0300, Teodor Sigaev wrote: > After looking at additional heap and b-tree index placed in > pg_bitmapindex namespace... > > Additional heap contains unique values and page's number with offset > number in bitmap index, b-tree index contains tuples with the same values > and ItemPointer to heap's row. So, heap is an unnecessary step - b-tree > index should store ItemPointer to the bitmap index directly. Hi Teodor, B-tree points to LOVItem (heap's row) because the LOVItem contains some vector metadata, plus the last two words of the actual bitmap vector, last_compword and last_word; they are stored there because they will be changing in most cases. Let me explain with an example; let BM_WORD_SIZE be 2, so that we have 16 bits per word. Suppose that the size of vector is N, with k = N % 16 > 0, that is, up to now max(tidnum) == N. Then if we (non-HOT) update a row, or if we insert a row, then that row will have tidnum = N' > N, so that the corresponding vector will need to be "enlarged" by N'-N bits. In the case N' % 16 == N % 16 then we will have to update the last word, which will be locate in the LOVItem in last_word, without scanning BMV pages. Another case which is dealt at LOVItem level is when N' % 16 > N % 16 and last_compword is compressed and last_word can merge with last_compword in a single word (e.g. if last_compword is the compressed word representing M 1's, and if last_word is a word of 1's, then they will merge in the single compressed word representing M+1 1's). I agree that this is more complicated than the abstract model of bitmap indexes; we kept this design, which came from the author of the previous version of the patch, because it seems likely to be an useful optimization. Thank you for your comments (also for the useful remarks on the catalog); best regards, Dr. Gianni Ciolli - 2ndQuadrant Italia PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support |
Could you please put more comments on the index build procedure?<br /><br />I guess it strongly relies on the fact the blocknumber increases as tuples are returned from "heap scan", doesn't it? However, thanks to synchronized scans the orderof tuples could be a little bit different.<br /><br />I found no evidence of "build index" being able to add tid #10 after it has created the bitmap for tids 1000...2000. As far as I understand it never tries to update words that werewritten during index creation.<br /><br />That particular "if (_blockno != buf->hot_buffer_block) {" in buf_add_tid_with_filllooks to be a wrong thing for me -- I believe it is a way to often (it will try to sync the buffer aftereach 300/8=~40 bytes since there are no more than 300 tuples on a single page)<br /> I would not flush the bitmap everydata block, but I would keep "hot buffer" as a temporary view (uncompressed) of the bitmap being build. So as tuplescome, we either set the bit directry in the "hot buffer" (if it covers the relevant tid range) or flush that view tothe bitmap (merging, and splitting the bitmap where it is required) and repoint the window so it starts with block of tidthat triggered flushing. Does that make sense?<br /><br /><br />Regards,<br />Vladimir Sitnikov<br />
>> Additional heap contains unique values and page's number with offset >> number in bitmap index, b-tree index contains tuples with the same values >> and ItemPointer to heap's row. So, heap is an unnecessary step - b-tree >> index should store ItemPointer to the bitmap index directly. > B-tree points to LOVItem (heap's row) because the LOVItem contains > some vector metadata, plus the last two words of the actual bitmap > vector, last_compword and last_word; they are stored there because > they will be changing in most cases. I'm talking about pg_bitmapindex.pg_bm_OID tables - they contain distinct values from indexed table and pair of (blockNumber, offsetNumber), which is exactly ItemPointerData. I suppose, that pair points somewhere in bitmap index. In other hand, tuple of index 'pg_bitmapindex.pg_bm_OID_idx' contains the same distinct values and ItemPointer pointed to row in corresponding pg_bitmapindex.pg_bm_OID table. Why doesn't ItemPointer in pg_bitmapindex.pg_bm_OID_idx point into bitmap index file? Actually, you don't need a pg_bitmapindex.pg_bm_OID tables at all - the same data could be stored in pg_bitmapindex.pg_bm_OID_idx itself. But this is not a strong objection, just an a optimization. BTW, see comments near index_getnext(): * Note: caller must check scan->xs_recheck, and perform rechecking of the * scankeys if required. We do not do that here because we don't have * enough information to do it efficiently in the generalcase. Although it's not true for b-tree now, but it may change. -- Teodor Sigaev E-mail: WWW: