Thread: regression in analyze

regression in analyze

"Jaime Casanova"
Hi all,

Attached test shows a regression in analyze command.
Expected rows in an empty table is 2140 even after an ANALYZE is executed

Jaime Casanova
Soporte y capacitación de PostgreSQL
Asesoría y desarrollo de sistemas
Guayaquil - Ecuador
Cel. +59387171157


Re: regression in analyze

Matteo Beccati

> Attached test shows a regression in analyze command.
> Expected rows in an empty table is 2140 even after an ANALYZE is executed

Doesn't seem to be a regression to me, as I've just checked that 8.0 did
behave the same. However the question also was raised a few days ago on
the italian mailing list and I couldn't find a reasonable explanation
for it.


Matteo Beccati

OpenX -

Re: regression in analyze

"Jaime Casanova"
On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 9:24 AM, Matteo Beccati <> wrote:
> Hi,
>> Attached test shows a regression in analyze command.
>> Expected rows in an empty table is 2140 even after an ANALYZE is executed
> Doesn't seem to be a regression to me, as I've just checked that 8.0 did
> behave the same. However the question also was raised a few days ago on
> the italian mailing list and I couldn't find a reasonable explanation
> for it.

mmm.... yeah! i'm seeing the same at 8.3 too :(

Jaime Casanova
Soporte y capacitación de PostgreSQL
Asesoría y desarrollo de sistemas
Guayaquil - Ecuador
Cel. +59387171157

Re: regression in analyze

Matteo Beccati

>              * We approximate "never vacuumed" by "has relpages = 0", which
>              * means this will also fire on genuinely empty relations.  Not
>              * great, but fortunately that's a seldom-seen case in the real
>              * world, and it shouldn't degrade the quality of the plan too
>              * much anyway to err in this direction.
>              */
>             if (curpages < 10 && rel->rd_rel->relpages == 0)
>                 curpages = 10;
> commenting that two lines make the estimates correct. now that we have
> plan invalidation that hack is still needed?
> i know that as the comment suggest this has no serious impact but
> certainly this is user visible.

I guess the reason is that a 0 estimate for a non empty table which was
analyzed before the data was inserted and not yet analyzed again could
cause much more troubles... anyway, I was just curious to get an
"official" anwser ;)


Matteo Beccati

OpenX -

Re: regression in analyze

"Jaime Casanova"
On 11/6/08, Jaime Casanova <> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 9:24 AM, Matteo Beccati <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> Attached test shows a regression in analyze command.
>>> Expected rows in an empty table is 2140 even after an ANALYZE is
>>> executed
>> Doesn't seem to be a regression to me, as I've just checked that 8.0 did
>> behave the same. However the question also was raised a few days ago on
>> the italian mailing list and I couldn't find a reasonable explanation
>> for it.

this is related to this hack: src/backend/optimizer/util/plancat.c:342
           /*            * HACK: if the relation has never yet been vacuumed, use a            * minimum estimate of 10
pages. This emulates a desirable aspect            * of pre-8.0 behavior, which is that we wouldn't assume a newly
     * created relation is really small, which saves us from making            * really bad plans during initial data
loading. (The plans are            * not wrong when they are made, but if they are cached and used            * again
afterthe table has grown a lot, they are bad.) It would            * be better to force replanning if the table size
haschanged a            * lot since the plan was made ... but we don't currently have any            * infrastructure
forredoing cached plans at all, so we have to            * kluge things here instead.            *            * We
approximate"never vacuumed" by "has relpages = 0", which            * means this will also fire on genuinely empty
relations. Not            * great, but fortunately that's a seldom-seen case in the real            * world, and it
shouldn'tdegrade the quality of the plan too            * much anyway to err in this direction.            */
if(curpages < 10 && rel->rd_rel->relpages == 0)               curpages = 10; 

commenting that two lines make the estimates correct. now that we have
plan invalidation that hack is still needed?
i know that as the comment suggest this has no serious impact but
certainly this is user visible.

Jaime Casanova
Soporte y capacitación de PostgreSQL
Asesoría y desarrollo de sistemas
Guayaquil - Ecuador
Cel. +59387171157