Thread: generating non-unicode 8-bit text data in SQL_ASCII encoding

generating non-unicode 8-bit text data in SQL_ASCII encoding

Gregory Stark
In trying to generate random incompressible data I ran into this. I thought we
said char()/ascii() would be allowed to generate either unicode code points if
your encoding was unicode or 8-bit ascii if it's SQL_ASCII.

Is there any way to generate random 8-bit characters in SQL_ASCII encoding

postgres=# \l      List of databases  Name    | Owner | Encoding  
-----------+-------+-----------postgres  | stark | SQL_ASCIItemplate0 | stark | SQL_ASCIItemplate1 | stark | SQL_ASCII
(3 rows)

postgres=# select "char"((random()*255)::integer+1);char 
(1 row)

postgres=# select "char"((random()*255)::integer+1);
ERROR:  "char" out of range
postgres=# select "char"((random()*255)::integer+1);
ERROR:  "char" out of range

--  Gregory Stark EnterpriseDB Ask me about EnterpriseDB's Slony Replication