Thread: Problem with correct compiling and linking server side C function on Windows ,c++ Builder


I tried to find soultion for this problem on -cygwin list , but there they sent me to teh list -win32.
But I foun on the site that this is that list (also -hacker-win32),so I came here to -hackers.
My problem is as follows , maybe you can help me....:
I ma working on
a server-side function written in "C" which should get a bytea type
image - simple jpg picture , resize and compress it with defined
paramters and return also a bytea type. I made working test code that
worked fine as a console program.
My boss demands it to be compiled in Windows (postgreSQL server
is  running on Windows 2003)  , so  I created this project in Borland
C++ Builder 6.0.
I am not using Cygwin.
PostgreSQL C external function has to be built into dll , so I created new project DLL Wizard - C style dll.

Later I changed some code , and pasted it to the DLL "C" style , and  wanted to build dll.
My Code:
#include "postgres.h

#include <windows.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stat.h>
#include <setjmp>
#include "jerror.h"
#include "jpeglib.h"

#pragma argsused

extern __declspec(dllexport) bytea* kompresuj(bytea* obrazek,int zdjwyj_sz, int zdjwyj_w,int stkompr);

int WINAPI DllEntryPoint(HINSTANCE hinst, unsigned long reason, void* lpReserved)
        return 1;


struct my_error_mgr {
struct jpeg_error_mgr pub;
jmp_buf setjmp_buffer;
typedef struct my_error_mgr *my_error_ptr;
void my_error_exit(j_common_ptr cinfo)
my_error_ptr myerr = (my_error_ptr) cinfo->err;

(*cinfo->err->output_message) (cinfo);
longjmp(myerr->setjmp_buffer, 1);

int czytajwymiarywej(char *filename,int wymiary[])
{        struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo;
        struct my_error_mgr jerr;

        FILE *infile;

        if ((infile = open(filename, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY,S_IREAD)) == NULL) {
        return -1;
        } = my_error_exit;
        cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&;

        if (setjmp(jerr.setjmp_buffer)) {
        return -2;


        jpeg_stdio_src(&cinfo, infile);
        (void) jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, TRUE);
        wymiary[0] = cinfo.image_width;
        wymiary[1] = cinfo.image_height;

        return 0;
int read_jpeg(j_decompress_ptr cinfoptr, unsigned char **image_buffer,int *image_width, int *image_height)
{       JSAMPARRAY jpeg_buffer;
        long int i_buffer, i_image;
        (void) jpeg_start_decompress(cinfoptr);

        *image_buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc(*image_width *
*image_height * (*cinfoptr).out_color_components* sizeof(unsigned
        if (*image_buffer == NULL) {
        (void) jpeg_finish_decompress(cinfoptr);

        return -3;
jpeg_buffer = (*(*cinfoptr).mem->alloc_sarray)((j_common_ptr)
cinfoptr, JPOOL_IMAGE,(*cinfoptr).output_width *
(*cinfoptr).output_components, 1);

        i_image = 0;
        while ((*cinfoptr).output_scanline < (*cinfoptr).output_height) {
                (void) jpeg_read_scanlines(cinfoptr, jpeg_buffer, 1);
                if ((*cinfoptr).output_components == 3) {

                        for (i_buffer = 0; (unsigned)i_buffer <
(*cinfoptr).output_width * (*cinfoptr).output_components; i_buffer++,
                        (*image_buffer)[i_image] = jpeg_buffer[0][i_buffer];

        (void) jpeg_finish_decompress(cinfoptr);
        return 0;
int write_jpeg(j_compress_ptr cinfoptr, unsigned char *image_buffer,int quality, int image_width, int image_height)

{   JSAMPROW row_pointer[1];

if (quality < 0) quality = 0; else if(quality > 100) quality = 100;
jpeg_set_quality(cinfoptr, quality, FALSE);
jpeg_start_compress(cinfoptr, TRUE);

while ((*cinfoptr).next_scanline < (*cinfoptr).image_height) {

        row_pointer[0] = &image_buffer[(*cinfoptr).next_scanline* image_width * (*cinfoptr).input_components];
        (void) jpeg_write_scanlines(cinfoptr, row_pointer, 1);

return 0;

bytea* kompresuj(bytea* obrazek,int zdjwyj_sz, int zdjwyj_w,int stkompr)
 int rc;unsigned char *zdjwej,*zdjwyj;
        int zdjwej_w, zdjwej_sz;

        int jakosc,i, j, k, ib, jb; double ratio;
        int rozmiar;
        bytea* zdjwyjwyn;
        /* Dekompresja - ustawianie obiektu cinfo */
        struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo;
        struct my_error_mgr jerr;

        /* Kompresja dane do kompresji */
        struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfokompr;
        struct my_error_mgr jerr1;
        /* ------------------------*/
        //typedef void* declspec(dllimport) funkcjaTYP (MemoryContext,Size);

        //HINSTANCE uchwytDLL = LoadLibrary("libecpg.dll");
        //funkcjaTYP *funkcja = (funkcjaTYP*) GetProcAddress(uchwytDLL, "_MemoryContextAlloc"); = my_error_exit;

        cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&;
        if (setjmp(jerr.setjmp_buffer)) {

        jpeg_stdio_src(&cinfo, (FILE*)obrazek->vl_dat);
        (void) jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, TRUE);

               cinfo.dct_method = JDCT_FLOAT;

= 1;
               cinfo.do_block_smoothing = true;
               cinfo.out_color_space = JCS_RGB;
               cinfo.quantize_colors = 0;
               //info.desired_number_of_colors  = wymilosckolbmp;

               cinfo.two_pass_quantize = true;
               cinfo.dither_mode = JDITHER_ORDERED;
                if (zdjwej_sz > zdjwej_w)
                    ratio = zdjwyj_sz / (double)zdjwej_sz;

                    zdjwyj_w = (int)((double)zdjwej_w * ratio);
                ratio = zdjwyj_w / (double)zdjwej_w;
                zdjwyj_sz = (int)((double)zdjwej_sz * ratio);

                rc = read_jpeg(&cinfo, &zdjwej ,&zdjwej_sz, &zdjwej_w);
                if (rc != 0) {jpeg_destroy_decompress(&cinfo);}

                zdjwyj = (unsigned char*)malloc(zdjwyj_sz * zdjwyj_w *cinfo.output_components * sizeof(unsigned char));
                for (j = 0; j < zdjwyj_w; j++)
                jb = (int)((double)j / ratio);

                        for (i = 0; i < zdjwyj_sz; i++)
                        ib = (int)((double)i / ratio);
for (k = 0; k < 3; k++)    zdjwyj[(j * zdjwyj_sz + i) * 3 + k]=
zdjwej[(jb * zdjwej_sz + ib) * 3 + k];

       = my_error_exit;
                cinfokompr.err = jpeg_std_error(&;

                //zdjwyjwyn = (bytea*) palloc(sizeof(bytea));
                jpeg_stdio_dest(&cinfokompr, (FILE*)zdjwyjwyn->vl_dat);

                        cinfokompr.image_width = zdjwyj_sz;
cinfokompr.image_height = zdjwyj_w;
                        cinfokompr.in_color_space = JCS_RGB;
                        cinfokompr.dct_method = JDCT_FLOAT;

                        jpeg_set_linear_quality(&cinfokompr, 80,0);
                        cinfokompr.smoothing_factor = 20;
                rc = write_jpeg(&cinfokompr,zdjwyj,stkompr,zdjwyj_sz, zdjwyj_w);

                if (rc!= 0) return NULL ;
                return zdjwyjwyn;
               return NULL;

But linker threw such errors:

Unresolved External: _pgwin32_fopen referended from .... // and so on

Unresolved External: _pg_sprintfl referended from .... // and so on "

Why???? I have included postgres.h , and all other required files .
I tried to build almost the same code but in C++ style DLL.
DLL file was created succesfully , but on the other hand postgreSQL couldn't find exported function...

DLL was in non-undernstadable format for postgresql.

Is it fault of windows??? Have I to use Cygwin , and cygwin include  and library files to  successfully  build this function??
Ahh , function has to be called by a Trigger ...

Can you advice me some solution???

Maciej Grygorcewicz

maciekgrygorcewicz ( at ) gmail ( dot ) com
prometeusz1 ( at ) o2 ( dot ) pl

GG 1638280

Maciej Grygorcewicz
kom 0602471330
GG 1638280