Thread: GIST and GIN indexes on varchar[] aren't working in CVS.

GIST and GIN indexes on varchar[] aren't working in CVS.

"Gregory Maxwell"
There seems to be some behavior change in current CVS with respect to
gist and gin indexes on varchar[]. Some side effect of the tsearch2

\d search_pages        Table "public.search_pages" Column   |        Type         | Modifiers
-----------+---------------------+-----------page_name | character varying   |cats      | character varying[] |
Indexes:   "search_pages_page" UNIQUE, btree (page_name)

create index search_pages_cats on search_pages using gin (cats);
ERROR:  missing support function 1 for attribute 1 of index "search_pages_cats"

create index search_pages_cats on search_pages using gist (cats);
ERROR:  data type character varying[] has no default operator class
for access method "gist"
HINT:  You must specify an operator class for the index or define a
default operator class for the data type.

This works fine in 8.2, for example:\d search_pages        Table "public.search_pages" Column   |        Type         |
-----------+---------------------+-----------page_name | character varying   |cats      | character varying[] |
Indexes:   "search_pages_page" UNIQUE, btree (page_name)   "search_pages_cats" gin (cats)

Re: GIST and GIN indexes on varchar[] aren't working in CVS.

Tom Lane
"Gregory Maxwell" <> writes:
> There seems to be some behavior change in current CVS with respect to
> gist and gin indexes on varchar[]. Some side effect of the tsearch2
> merge?

I think more likely I broke it during the opfamily rewrite :-(.  Looks
like I left out entries for _varchar (and _cidr too) thinking that the
binary-compatible functions in the same opfamily for _text and _inet
would serve ... but they won't, because arrays are never really "binary
compatible" (you have to at least substitute the other element type
OID).  Will fix.
        regards, tom lane