Thread: Suggestion for Enum Support Functions

Suggestion for Enum Support Functions

toronto programmer
Dear Postgres developers,

I have been working with Oracle for few years now in my work, and I tried some free databases for a project that I'm developing for my own use, I have tried H2,FireBird and postgres, and found the last to be the most stable and feature-rich, so thanks for all the good work.

I have read the 8.3 documentation, and with reference to Enum Support Functions found on, i think it is useful to add 2 functions, enum_after(anyenum) and enum_before(anyenum), so having :

CREATE TYPE rainbow AS ENUM ('red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'purple');
enum_after('orange'::rainbow) will return 'yellow'
enum_after('purple'::rainbow) will return an error
enum_before('purple'::rainbow) will return 'blue'

a good to have function would be enum_size(anyenum) which would return 6 in the previous example
that will be helpful in dealing with enums

Best regards

Hashim Kubba

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Re: Suggestion for Enum Support Functions

Andrew Dunstan

toronto programmer wrote:
> Dear Postgres developers,
> I have been working with Oracle for few years now in my work, and I 
> tried some free databases for a project that I'm developing for my own 
> use, I have tried H2,FireBird and postgres, and found the last to be 
> the most stable and feature-rich, so thanks for all the good work.
> I have read the 8.3 documentation, and with reference to Enum Support 
> Functions found on 
>, i 
> think it is useful to add 2 functions, enum_after(anyenum) and 
> enum_before(anyenum), so having :
> CREATE TYPE rainbow AS ENUM ('red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'purple');
> enum_after('orange'::rainbow) will return 'yellow'
> enum_after('purple'::rainbow) will return an error
> enum_before('purple'::rainbow) will return 'blue'
> a good to have
>  function would be enum_size(anyenum) which would return 6 in the previous example
> that will be helpful in dealing with enums

You could easily create these for yourself, of course. For example:

 create or replace function enum_size(anyenum)   returns int as   $$ select array_upper(enum_range($1),1) $$   language

Successor and predecessor functions would be a bit more work, but not 
hard. I don't think they should error out at the range extremes, though. 
Perhaps returning NULL would  be better.

We could look at adding these as builtins for 8.4, but it's too late now 
to add them for 8.3. Besides, I think we need to see how enums are used 
in the field before deciding if any extensions are needed.

