Thread: SOS, help me please, one problem towards the postgresql develope on windows

<p>my postgresql source code is at c:/mingw/postgresql and instal to C:/msys/1.0/local/pgsql/<br />I add a function to
src\backend\utils\adt\geo_ops.cas the following:<br /><em>Datum <br />box_add2(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)<br />{<br /> BOX    
*box= PG_GETARG_BOX_P(0); <br /> Point    *p =
PG_GETARG_POINT_P(1);</em><p><em> PG_RETURN_BOX_P(box_construct((box->high.x+ 2* p->x),<br />         
(box->low.x+ 2* p->x),<br />          (box->high.y +2* p->y),<br />          (box->low.y + 2*
p->y)));<br/>}<br /></em>there is another similar one(this is the original one): <br /><em>Datum<br
/>box_add(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)<br/>{<br /> BOX     *box = PG_GETARG_BOX_P(0);<br /> Point    *p =
PG_GETARG_POINT_P(1);</em><p><em> PG_RETURN_BOX_P(box_construct((box->high.x+ p->x),<br />         
(box->low.x+ p->x),<br />          (box->high.y + p->y),<br />          (box->low.y + p->y)));<br
/>}</em><br/>And i also add the declaration to the src\include\utils\geo_decls.h like this: <p>extern Datum
box_add2(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);<p>andthen I did the following like step by step:<p><br />$ cd /c/mingw/postgresql<br />$
./configure<br/>....<br />///as i download the alib, but don't kown where it should be put. so i ignore this, does it
<p>matter????<br/>configure: error: zlib library not found<br />If you have zlib already installed, see config.log for
detailson the<br />failure.  It is possible the compiler isn't looking in the proper directory.<br />Use --without-zlib
todisable zlib support. <br />$ make<br />...<br />All of PostgreSQL successfully made. Ready to install.<br />$ make
install<br/>....<br />PostgreSQL installation complete.<br />$ initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data           //before this
iadd the environments <p>variableslike this: <br />PGDATA=C:/msys/1.0/local/pgsql/data<br
/>PGHOME=C:/msys/1.0/local/pgsql<br/>PGHOST=localhost<br />PGPORT=5434<br />PATH= C:/msys/1.0/local/pgsql/bin<br
/>.....<br/>Success. You can now start the database server using: <p>    "C:\msys\1.0\local\pgsql\bin\postgres" -D
"C:/msys/1.0/local/pgsql/data"<br/>or<br />    "C:\msys\1.0\local\pgsql\bin\pg_ctl" -D "C:/msys/1.0/local/pgsql/data"
-llogfile start <p>$ pg_ctl start -l logfile<br />server starting<p>$ createdb testdb<br />CREATE DATABASE<p>then I use
pgadminIIIto open the database:<br />just run the scripts:<br /><em>select box_add(box
'((0,0),(1,1))',point'(2,2)')</em><br/>got: <br />(3,3),(2,2)<p><em>select box_add2(box
'((0,0),(1,1))',point'(2,2)')</em><br/>got:<br /><strong>ERROR: function box_add2(box, point) does not exist<br />SQL
state:42883<br />advice:No function matches the given name and argument types. You may need to add explicit
</strong><strong>typecasts.<br />chars:8</strong><p>anyone know this??? why this happened? what should I do? <br
/>thankyouvery much!!!<p>