Thread: Microseconds granularity SIGALRM interrupt support

Microseconds granularity SIGALRM interrupt support

Hi, <br /><br /> Currently we have enable_sig_alarm() which provides millisecond level granularity in specifying delay.
Itried using it by just specifying nonzero value for the timeval.it_value.tv_usec field before calling setitimer, but
didn'tseem to work well. <br /><br /> Do we have any function in the postgres codebase which provides microseconds
levelof delay coupled with SIGALRM support?<br /><br /> Regards,<br /> Nikhils<br /><span class="q"
id="q_10e6451ba3354deb_4">EnterpriseDB  <a href=""
target="_blank"></a></span><br/>-- <br />All the world's a stage, and most of us are
desperatelyunrehearsed. <br /> 

Re: Microseconds granularity SIGALRM interrupt support

Tom Lane
NikhilS <> writes:
> Do we have any function in the postgres codebase which provides microseconds
> level of delay coupled with SIGALRM support?

On most Unixen the resolution of SIGALRM is millisecond(s), so you'd be
living in a dream world if you assumed it would work.
        regards, tom lane