Thread: constraints in query plans

constraints in query plans

Jeremy Drake
I set up the following experiment:

CREATE DOMAIN m_or_p AS "char" CHECK (VALUE = 'm' OR VALUE = 'p');

CREATE TABLE test_domain (fkey integer not null,k    integer not null,x1   integer not null,x2   integer,mp   m_or_p

CREATE INDEX test_domain_k_x1_x2_m ON test_domain (k, x1, x2) WHERE mp = 'm';
CREATE INDEX test_domain_k_x1_x2_p ON test_domain (k, x1, x2) WHERE mp = 'p';

then added about 375000 rows, half where mp = 'm' and half where mp = 'p'

Now, I do analyze verbose test_domain
jeremyd=# ANALYZE verbose test_domain;
INFO:  analyzing "public.test_domain"
INFO:  "test_domain": scanned 2379 of 2379 pages, containing 375226 live
rows and 0 dead rows; 3000 rows in sample, 375226 estimated total rows

Now, take a look at this
jeremyd=# explain select * from test_domain where k = 1255;                          QUERY PLAN
-----------------------------------------------------------------Seq Scan on test_domain  (cost=0.00..7069.32 rows=127
width=17) Filter: (k = 1255)
(2 rows)

I turn constraint_exclusion on and I still get the same plan.  I tried
adding the domain's constraint to the table as well

ALTER TABLE test_domain ADD CHECK (mp = 'm' OR mp = 'p');

and I still get the same plan.  It seems the constraint is not
incorporated into the plan, since I get a different plan if I include the
constraint in the WHERE clause explicitly:

jeremyd=# explain select * from test_domain where k = 1255 AND (mp = 'm' OR mp = 'p');
                QUERY PLAN

HeapScan on test_domain  (cost=9.97..423.26 rows=95 width=17)  Recheck Cond: (((k = 1255) AND ((mp)::"char" =
'm'::"char"))OR ((k = 1255) AND ((mp)::"char" = 'p'::"char")))  ->  BitmapOr  (cost=9.97..9.97 rows=127 width=0)
-> Bitmap Index Scan on test_domain_k_x1_x2_m  (cost=0.00..4.98 rows=60 width=0)              Index Cond: (k = 1255)
   ->  Bitmap Index Scan on test_domain_k_x1_x2_p  (cost=0.00..4.98 rows=67 width=0)              Index Cond: (k =
(7 rows)

And the explain analyze for each:

jeremyd=# explain analyze select * from test_domain where k = 1255 AND (mp = 'm' OR mp = 'p');
                                  QUERY PLAN

HeapScan on test_domain  (cost=9.97..423.26 rows=95 width=17) (actual time=0.325..2.397 rows=261 loops=1)  Recheck
Cond:(((k = 1255) AND ((mp)::"char" = 'm'::"char")) OR ((k = 1255) AND ((mp)::"char" = 'p'::"char")))  ->  BitmapOr
(cost=9.97..9.97rows=127 width=0) (actual time=0.269..0.269 rows=0 loops=1)        ->  Bitmap Index Scan on
test_domain_k_x1_x2_m (cost=0.00..4.98 rows=60 width=0) (actual time=0.150..0.150 rows=129 loops=1)              Index
Cond:(k = 1255)        ->  Bitmap Index Scan on test_domain_k_x1_x2_p  (cost=0.00..4.98 rows=67 width=0) (actual
time=0.101..0.101rows=132 loops=1)              Index Cond: (k = 1255)Total runtime: 3.238 ms
(8 rows)

jeremyd=# explain analyze select * from test_domain where k = 1255;
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Seq Scan
ontest_domain  (cost=0.00..7069.32 rows=127 width=17) (actual time=0.427..125.057 rows=261 loops=1)  Filter: (k =
1255)Totalruntime: 125.878 ms
(3 rows)

ISTM that with the constraint_exclusion flag on, it should see from the
constraints that all values but 'm' or 'p' are excluded for the column mp,
and thus the two queries I gave are exactly equivalent.  I noticed that
the docs said it looked at table constraints, so I added the check to the
table constraint as well, but it made no difference.  I'm not sure if this
is a bug or a limitation of the planner, but it seems that these two
queries are equivalent.  I wonder how it would work out with boolean
instead of the "char" column, it should definitely know that there are
only 2 possible values for a boolean not null column, true or false.

DROP INDEX test_domain_k_x1_x2_p;
DROP INDEX test_domain_k_x1_x2_m;
ALTER TABLE test_domain DROP CONSTRAINT test_domain_mp_check;
ALTER TABLE test_domain ALTER COLUMN mp TYPE boolean USING (CASE WHEN mp = 'm' THEN false ELSE true END);
CREATE INDEX test_domain_k_x1_x2_p ON test_domain (k, x1, x2) WHERE mp;
CREATE INDEX test_domain_k_x1_x2_m ON test_domain (k, x1, x2) WHERE NOT mp;

jeremyd=# ANALYZE verbose test_domain;
INFO:  analyzing "public.test_domain"
INFO:  "test_domain": scanned 2379 of 2379 pages, containing 375226 live
rows and 0 dead rows; 3000 rows in sample, 375226 estimated total rows

jeremyd=# explain analyze select * from test_domain where k = 1255;
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Seq Scan
ontest_domain  (cost=0.00..7069.32 rows=131 width=17) (actual time=0.317..103.822 rows=261 loops=1)  Filter: (k =
1255)Totalruntime: 104.631 ms
(3 rows)

jeremyd=# explain analyze select * from test_domain where k = 1255 AND (mp OR NOT mp);
                          QUERY PLAN

HeapScan on test_domain  (cost=10.01..434.58 rows=98 width=17) (actual time=0.162..1.132 rows=261 loops=1)  Recheck
Cond:(((k = 1255) AND mp) OR ((k = 1255) AND (NOT mp)))  ->  BitmapOr  (cost=10.01..10.01 rows=131 width=0) (actual
time=0.129..0.129rows=0 loops=1)        ->  Bitmap Index Scan on test_domain_k_x1_x2_p  (cost=0.00..5.01 rows=66
width=0)(actual time=0.077..0.077 rows=132 loops=1)              Index Cond: (k = 1255)        ->  Bitmap Index Scan on
test_domain_k_x1_x2_m (cost=0.00..5.01 rows=65 width=0) (actual time=0.042..0.042 rows=129 loops=1)              Index
Cond:(k = 1255)Total runtime: 1.947 ms
(8 rows)

Now this one looks even more strange, that adding a no-op like 'AND (mp OR
NOT mp)' to the query gives a completely different plan.  I'm thinking I
should have named the column to_be ;)

Truth is the most valuable thing we have -- so let us economize it.    -- Mark Twain

Re: constraints in query plans

Tom Lane
Jeremy Drake <> writes:
> CREATE TABLE test_domain (
>  fkey integer not null,
>  k    integer not null,
>  x1   integer not null,
>  x2   integer,
>  mp   m_or_p not null
> );

> CREATE INDEX test_domain_k_x1_x2_m ON test_domain (k, x1, x2) WHERE mp = 'm';
> CREATE INDEX test_domain_k_x1_x2_p ON test_domain (k, x1, x2) WHERE mp = 'p';

Perhaps you need a non-partial index.
        regards, tom lane

Re: constraints in query plans

Jeremy Drake
On Sun, 15 Oct 2006, Tom Lane wrote:

> Jeremy Drake <> writes:
> > CREATE TABLE test_domain (
> >  fkey integer not null,
> >  k    integer not null,
> >  x1   integer not null,
> >  x2   integer,
> >  mp   m_or_p not null
> > );
> > CREATE INDEX test_domain_k_x1_x2_m ON test_domain (k, x1, x2) WHERE mp = 'm';
> > CREATE INDEX test_domain_k_x1_x2_p ON test_domain (k, x1, x2) WHERE mp = 'p';
> Perhaps you need a non-partial index.

I just tried that,
CREATE INDEX test_domain_k_x1_x2_mp ON test_domain (k, x1, x2, mp);

and dropped the others.  That actually works properly.
jeremyd=# explain analyze select * from test_domain where k = 1255 and mp;
            QUERY PLAN

HeapScan on test_domain  (cost=5.37..237.21 rows=66 width=17) (actual time=0.115..0.707 rows=132 loops=1)  Recheck
Cond:(k = 1255)  Filter: mp  ->  Bitmap Index Scan on test_domain_k_x1_x2_mp  (cost=0.00..5.37 rows=66 width=0) (actual
time=0.081..0.081rows=132 loops=1)        Index Cond: ((k = 1255) AND (mp = true))Total runtime: 1.137 ms
(6 rows)

I thought I had to refer to all of the columns in order for this to work,
that I could not skip some in the middle, but it seems to work.

If you can survive death, you can probably survive anything.

Re: constraints in query plans

Jeff Davis
On Sun, 2006-10-15 at 20:36 -0700, Jeremy Drake wrote:
> I just tried that,
> CREATE INDEX test_domain_k_x1_x2_mp ON test_domain (k, x1, x2, mp);
> and dropped the others.  That actually works properly.
> jeremyd=# explain analyze select * from test_domain where k = 1255 and mp;
>                                                             QUERY PLAN
>  Bitmap Heap Scan on test_domain  (cost=5.37..237.21 rows=66 width=17) (actual time=0.115..0.707 rows=132 loops=1)
>    Recheck Cond: (k = 1255)
>    Filter: mp
>    ->  Bitmap Index Scan on test_domain_k_x1_x2_mp  (cost=0.00..5.37 rows=66 width=0) (actual time=0.081..0.081
>          Index Cond: ((k = 1255) AND (mp = true))
>  Total runtime: 1.137 ms
> (6 rows)
> I thought I had to refer to all of the columns in order for this to work,
> that I could not skip some in the middle, but it seems to work.

As long as "k=1255" is selective enough, the index is useful. That's
because k is the first item in the index key.

Regards,Jeff Davis