Thread: Re: [CORE] GPL Source and Copyright Questions

Re: [CORE] GPL Source and Copyright Questions

Bruce Momjian
I did some research on this item.  I downloaded the source code to WN from:

I could only find the most recent version. wn-2.4.7.  I then looked at
its image.c file:

I looked at the last two functions in the file and compared it to what
we have in CVS, particularly the version of the code when it was first
added to CVS:;content-type=text%2Fplain

Again, look at the last two functions in the file.

You will see similarities and differences.  Many of the variable names
are the same, and there is an identical comment block.  The algorithm
used is very similar as well, but the style and formatting is different.

I have updated the code comment in CVS to mention the web site, GPL
license, and article describing the algorithm.

Not sure where to go from here.


bruce wrote:
> Tom Lane wrote:
> > [ redirecting to -hackers, as I see no need for this to be a core issue ]
> > 
> > Charles Comiskey <> writes:
> > > Hello,
> > > I've recently looked through the PostgreSQL code and a couple of questions 
> > > surfaced.  I was hoping someone here may be able to answer them.  Two have 
> > > links to possible GPL sources and the third is just a contribution 
> > > question. 
> > 
> > > item #1: Does the geo_ops.c file contain GPL code?
> > > Embedded within the geo_ops.c file is a John Franks copyright statement 
> > > referring to wn/image.c file from WN Server 1.15.1.  WN Server appears to 
> > > have been under the GPL license since 0.94 and continues to be offered 
> > > under the GPL license today.  John's letter to Linux Journal seems to only 
> > > point the user to his WN Server distribution vs granting any specific 
> > > license.
> The comment is:
>     /* poly_contain_pt()
>      * Test to see if the point is inside the polygon.
>      * Code adapted from integer-based routines in
>      *  Wn: A Server for the HTTP
>      *  File: wn/image.c
>      *  Version 1.15.1
>      *  Copyright (C) 1995  <by John Franks>
>      * (code offered for use by J. Franks in Linux Journal letter.)
>      */
> That term "adapted from" isn't something Thomas would idly type, I
> think.  I bet it means he looked at John Franks' code and used it as a
> base for our code.  I am not concerned.
> > > Questions:
> > > 1) Is any John Franks code really in this file?
> > > 2) Did John provide a separate license for PostgreSQL to license it under 
> > > the BSD license?
> > 
> > This code seems to have been inserted by Tom Lockhart on 1997-07-29
> > (geo_ops.c rev 1.13).  Tom, any info on the copyright status?
> > 
> > > References:
> > > - 1994 e-mail with GPL reference to WN Server v0.94: 
> > >
> > > - 1995 e-mail from John with GPL license text reference: 
> > >
> > > - WN Server url today:
> > > - Link to Linux Journal article:
> > 
> > 

--  Bruce Momjian EnterpriseDB
 + If your life is a hard drive, Christ can be your backup. +