REYNAUD Jean-Samuel <> writes:
> When I use a "select for update" request whitch uses an index, the
> locking system is inconsistant.
I've applied the attached patch to HEAD and 8.1 to fix this.
regards, tom lane
Index: createplan.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pgsql/src/backend/optimizer/plan/createplan.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -c -r1.202.2.2 createplan.c
*** createplan.c 29 Jan 2006 18:55:55 -0000
--- createplan.c 25 Apr 2006 16:46:12 -0000
*** 816,823 **** * are not equal to, but are logically implied by, the index quals; so we * also try a
predicate_implied_by()check to see if we can discard quals * that way. (predicate_implied_by assumes its first
inputcontains only
! * immutable functions, so we have to check that.) We can also discard
! * quals that are implied by a partial index's predicate. * * While at it, we strip off the
RestrictInfosto produce a list of plain * expressions.
--- 816,827 ---- * are not equal to, but are logically implied by, the index quals; so we * also try a
predicate_implied_by()check to see if we can discard quals * that way. (predicate_implied_by assumes its first
inputcontains only
! * immutable functions, so we have to check that.)
! *
! * We can also discard quals that are implied by a partial index's
! * predicate, but only in a plain SELECT; when scanning a target relation
! * of UPDATE/DELETE/SELECT FOR UPDATE, we must leave such quals in the
! * plan so that they'll be properly rechecked by EvalPlanQual testing. * * While at it, we strip off
theRestrictInfos to produce a list of plain * expressions.
*** 836,843 **** if (predicate_implied_by(clausel, nonlossy_indexquals)) continue;
! if (predicate_implied_by(clausel, best_path->indexinfo->indpred))
! continue; } qpqual = lappend(qpqual, rinfo->clause); }
--- 840,853 ---- if (predicate_implied_by(clausel, nonlossy_indexquals)) continue;
! if (best_path->indexinfo->indpred)
! {
! if (baserelid != root->parse->resultRelation &&
! !list_member_int(root->parse->rowMarks, baserelid))
! if (predicate_implied_by(clausel,
! best_path->indexinfo->indpred))
! continue;
! } } qpqual = lappend(qpqual, rinfo->clause); }
*** 920,927 **** * but are logically implied by, the index quals; so we also try a * predicate_implied_by()
checkto see if we can discard quals that way. * (predicate_implied_by assumes its first input contains only
! * functions, so we have to check that.) We can also discard quals that
! * are implied by a partial index's predicate. * * XXX For the moment, we only consider partial index
predicatesin the * simple single-index-scan case. Is it worth trying to be smart about
--- 930,941 ---- * but are logically implied by, the index quals; so we also try a * predicate_implied_by()
checkto see if we can discard quals that way. * (predicate_implied_by assumes its first input contains only
! * functions, so we have to check that.)
! *
! * We can also discard quals that are implied by a partial index's
! * predicate, but only in a plain SELECT; when scanning a target relation
! * of UPDATE/DELETE/SELECT FOR UPDATE, we must leave such quals in the
! * plan so that they'll be properly rechecked by EvalPlanQual testing. * * XXX For the moment, we only
considerpartial index predicates in the * simple single-index-scan case. Is it worth trying to be smart about
*** 945,952 **** { IndexPath *ipath = (IndexPath *) best_path->bitmapqual;
! if (predicate_implied_by(clausel, ipath->indexinfo->indpred))
! continue; } } qpqual = lappend(qpqual, clause);
--- 959,972 ---- { IndexPath *ipath = (IndexPath *) best_path->bitmapqual;
! if (ipath->indexinfo->indpred)
! {
! if (baserelid != root->parse->resultRelation &&
! !list_member_int(root->parse->rowMarks, baserelid))
! if (predicate_implied_by(clausel,
! ipath->indexinfo->indpred))
! continue;
! } } } qpqual = lappend(qpqual, clause);
*** 1282,1288 **** * join quals; failing to prove that doesn't result in an incorrect * plan. It is
theright way to proceed because adding more quals to * the stuff we got from the original query would just
makeit harder
! * to detect duplication. */ BitmapHeapPath *innerpath = (BitmapHeapPath *)
--- 1302,1310 ---- * join quals; failing to prove that doesn't result in an incorrect * plan. It is
theright way to proceed because adding more quals to * the stuff we got from the original query would just
makeit harder
! * to detect duplication. (Also, to change this we'd have to be
! * wary of UPDATE/DELETE/SELECT FOR UPDATE target relations; see
! * notes above about EvalPlanQual.) */ BitmapHeapPath *innerpath = (BitmapHeapPath *)