Thread: looking for explination of bad estimates

looking for explination of bad estimates

Robert Treat
If at the sort step of the first query you expect to return 2178 rows,
why would you expect to return 1 row after self-joining those results
back on to the original table?

rms=# explain analyze
rms-# select * from
rms-# (   SELECT
rms(#                 host_id, max(mtime) as mtime
rms(#             FROM
rms(#                 software_download
rms(#             WHERE
rms(#                 bds_status_id not in (6,17,18)
rms(#             GROUP BY
rms(#                 host_id, software_binary_id
rms(#             ) latest_download
rms-#             JOIN software_download using (host_id,mtime);
         QUERY PLAN                                                                    

Join (cost=646.29..1346.89 rows=1 width=97) (actual time=126.815..225.881 rows=10870 loops=1)  Merge Cond:
("outer".mtime= "inner".mtime)  Join Filter: ("inner".host_id = "outer".host_id)  ->  Index Scan using sd_rht_1_idx on
software_download (cost=0.00..628.95 rows=13416 width=97) (actual time=0.018..28.508 rows=13416 loops=1)  ->  Sort
(cost=646.29..651.74rows=2178 width=12) (actual time=126.775..139.811 rows=10870 loops=1)        Sort Key:
latest_download.mtime       ->  Subquery Scan latest_download  (cost=476.53..525.54 rows=2178 width=12) (actual
time=49.643..95.524rows=10870 loops=1)              ->  HashAggregate  (cost=476.53..503.76 rows=2178 width=16) (actual
time=49.639..69.748rows=10870 loops=1)                    ->  Seq Scan on software_download  (cost=0.00..377.78
rows=13167width=16) (actual time=0.006..24.266 rows=13167 loops=1)                          Filter: ((bds_status_id <>
6)AND (bds_status_id <> 17) AND (bds_status_id <> 18))Total runtime: 239.806 ms
(11 rows)

Robert Treat
Build A Brighter Lamp :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL