On Sun, Nov 20, 2005 at 05:21:03PM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> Michael Fuhr <mike@fuhr.org> writes:
> > Is PQexecParams just shorthand for a prepare followed by an execute?
> Yes, but it uses the unnamed statement, so in recent server versions you
> should get a postponed plan that uses the Bind parameter values. What
> test case are you looking at exactly?
I'm using 8.1.0 from CVS. I have a table that contains city names;
I can send you the SQL to create and populate a test table if
necessary. Here's a simplified client program (the original has
error checking but I've stripped it out for brevity; this simplified
version behaves the same way):
#include "libpq-fe.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
{ PGconn *conn; PGresult *res; const char *query_fixed; const char *query_param; char const
query_fixed = "SELECT * FROM city WHERE name = 'Fairview'"; query_param = "SELECT * FROM city WHERE name = $1";
values[1] = "Fairview"; conn = PQconnectdb("dbname=test"); res = PQexec(conn, "SET debug_print_plan TO on");
res = PQexec(conn, "SET client_min_messages TO debug1");
fprintf(stderr, "# PQexec\n"); PQexec(conn, query_fixed);
fprintf(stderr, "# PQexecParams\n"); PQexecParams(conn, query_param, 1, NULL, values, NULL, NULL, 0);
fprintf(stderr, "# PQprepare\n"); PQprepare(conn, "stmt", query_param, 1, NULL);
PQfinish(conn); return EXIT_SUCCESS;
When I run this program I see the following; you can see that
plan_rows and the plan itself differ:
% ./exectest | & egrep 'PQ|DETAIL'
# PQexec
DETAIL: {BITMAPHEAPSCAN :startup_cost 2.12 :total_cost 54.87 :plan_rows 35 :plan_width
# PQexecParams
DETAIL: {INDEXSCAN :startup_cost 0.00 :total_cost 6.01 :plan_rows 2 :plan_width 16
# PQprepare
DETAIL: {INDEXSCAN :startup_cost 0.00 :total_cost 6.01 :plan_rows 2 :plan_width 16
If I insert tens of thousands of matching rows, re-analyze, and
disable enable_bitmapscan, I get the following:
% ./exectest | & egrep 'PQ|DETAIL'
# PQexec
DETAIL: {SEQSCAN :startup_cost 0.00 :total_cost 1396.90 :plan_rows 40220 :plan_width
# PQexecParams
DETAIL: {INDEXSCAN :startup_cost 0.00 :total_cost 7.89 :plan_rows 3 :plan_width 16
# PQprepare
DETAIL: {INDEXSCAN :startup_cost 0.00 :total_cost 13.73 :plan_rows 6 :plan_width 16
pg_stat_user_tables show one new seq_scan and one new idx_scan,
which corresponds to the plans shown (the program doesn't call
PQexecPrepared so the third statement never gets executed). Also,
this particular example shows a difference between PQexecParams and
PQprepare that I hadn't noticed before.
Is my test flawed? Have I overlooked something?
Michael Fuhr