Thread: postgresql-8.1RC1 on Solaris 10, amd64x2

postgresql-8.1RC1 on Solaris 10, amd64x2

Cedric Berger
./configure --without-readline
Everything compiled fine, and all tests passed on "make check".

However, when I looked at my server this morning, one of the four
postmaster process was taking all CPU on one of my core (no db was
created, the postmaster should have been totally idle)
 load averages:  0.09,  0.10,  
08:47:40 252 processes: 250 sleeping, 2 on cpu CPU states: 46.9% idle,  2.0% user, 51.0% kernel,  0.0% iowait,  0.0%
swapMemory: 2048M real, 1321M free, 389M swap in use, 3077M swap free
  PID USERNAME LWP PRI NICE  SIZE   RES STATE    TIME    CPU COMMAND 7188 postgres   1   0    0   17M   12M cpu/0
5:0750.00% postgres10440 root       1  49    0 3192K 1296K cpu/1    0:00  0.20% top10392 cedric     1  59    0 9700K
2056Ksleep    0:00  0.01% sshd10438 root       1  59    0 5212K 2040K sleep    0:00  0.01% zsh

I tried to stop postgress using: 'su - postgres -c "pg_ctl stop -swm fast"'
but that function never returns. Even kill -9 couldn't stop the process.

This looks like a Solaris bug firstly, but I thought I'd mention it.

Re: postgresql-8.1RC1 on Solaris 10, amd64x2

Andrew Dunstan

Cedric Berger wrote:

> I tried to stop postgress using: 'su - postgres -c "pg_ctl stop -swm 
> fast"'
> but that function never returns. Even kill -9 couldn't stop the process.
> This looks like a Solaris bug firstly, but I thought I'd mention it.

Yeah, that sounds like it's stuck in the kernel.



Re: postgresql-8.1RC1 on Solaris 10, amd64x2

"Qingqing Zhou"
"Cedric Berger" <> wrote
> I tried to stop postgress using: 'su - postgres -c "pg_ctl stop -swm 
> fast"'
> but that function never returns. Even kill -9 couldn't stop the process.

If repeatable, can you strace (maybe not called this in Solaris) what 
postgres is doing?
