Thread: pgplsql temporary tables

pgplsql temporary tables

"Maximiliano Di Rienzo"
Hi, i didn't know where to send this, so forgive me if this isn't the right list.
In our company we had been using PostgreSQL for development for more than 2 years now, it's an excelent RDBMS, the only thing we miss is the ability to call stored procedures (functions returning records in PG) with a simplier syntax, but at last we get used to... one problem that we all know is the compiled pl/pgsql script that "remembers" the OID of temporary tables, and the alternative that PG devs recommend is using EXECUTE() to execute "dinamically" the query inside the function, this is tedious because for queries that uses the parameters of the function you have to concatenate them, and sometimes you can spend more time in debugging concatenation issues than the query itself.
So, since the PREPARE/EXECUTE (would be a little easier to code if supported) don't work in pl/pgsql and the OIDs are remembered, we develop a function that recompiles another function, i attach it here for your review.
This way before calling a function with temporary tables we call "select recompilar('function_name')" and then call the actual function, that once recompiled works well. This is equivalent to recreate the function from a command line.
We know this is not the right way to do it and it affects the performance since PG must recompile the function script, but for functions that aren't called frecuently and are dificult to code using concatenatios this is a good approach.
This version only works on PostgreSQL 8 since it looks for argument names in the declaration of the function, you can remove the references to proargnames and should work on 7.x too.
Best regards.
Lic. Maximiliano Di Rienzo
IT Manager
M.P.: 2502 - MCP ID: 2725911
Tel.: 351 4283419 - Cel.: 351 155901603
Fulfill Technology S.A.
27 de Abril 424 - Piso 3 Of. A - Córdoba
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Re: pgplsql temporary tables

"Merlin Moncure"
>Hi, i didn't know where to send this, so forgive me if this isn't the
right >list.

probably general.

> compiled pl/pgsql script that "remembers" the OID of temporary tables,

Have you considered that if the temp table is created outside of the
function that uses it, this is not a problem?

Make one function, init_temp_tables() which is called after connection.
It creates all your tables so they are persistent between calls.  (FWIW,
your function is clever).
