Thread: problem with PQExecParams

problem with PQExecParams

"prasanna mavinakuli"
<p>   <br /> Hi,<br /><br /> Problem Description:<br />   <br /> We need to insert binary data to tables and retrieve
the<br /> Same-(data type is bytea).<br /> We are using PQExecParams for inserting and retrieving<br /> Data.<br />
Tablecontains other than binary data also.<br /><br /> When we tried to fetch the integer data (type-int2)<br /> We are
notable to get anything from that result set(alws value is zero).but Pqexec returns the desired value<br /><br />
Questions:<br/><br /> 1)how can we get the integer value from the result set which is got from executing
PQexecParams;<br/> (the sample code is given below)<br /><br /> 2)if it's not possible then how can we get the BINARY
valuesusing<br /> Pqexec    <br /><br /> Here is the code snapshot:<br /><br /> string query="select intval from dummy
whereintval=7;";<br />       <br />             res1=PQexecParams(conn,query.c_str(),0,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,1);<br />  
         for(unsigned char i=0;i<4;i++)<br />             {<br />                 printf("%d
\n",(PQgetvalue(res1,0,0)[i]));<br/>                 //prints 0000 here      <br />           }<br />       <br />    
       cout<<"value from pqexec params ****"<<atoi(PQgetvalue(res1,0,0))<<endl; //prints 0 here<br />
     <br />             cout<<"using pqexec ***"<<endl;<br />             res1=PQexec(conn,"select intval
fromdummy where intval=7;");//prints 7 below.<br />             cout<<"value from pqexec params
****"<<atoi(PQgetvalue(res1,0,0))<<endl;<br/><br /><br /> Prasanna. <br /><br /><a

Re: problem with PQExecParams

Michael Fuhr
On Wed, Aug 31, 2005 at 12:08:10PM -0000, prasanna mavinakuli wrote:
> We need to insert binary data to tables and retrieve the 
> Same-(data type is bytea).
> We are using PQExecParams for inserting and retrieving
> Data.

This doesn't belong on pgsql-hackers, which is for discussing
development of PostgreSQL itself.  Please post to one of the other
lists; if you're not sure which one then pgsql-general is usually
a good place.

Michael Fuhr