Thread: CONTINUE error, even though inside a loop

CONTINUE error, even though inside a loop

Michael Fuhr
I'm getting "CONTINUE cannot be used outside a loop" errors even
though it's inside a loop.  The error appears to be happening when
CONTINUE passes control to the beginning of the loop but there's
no more iterating to be done.  I'd expect the loop to end at this
point instead of getting an error.  Or did I miss something in the

CREATE FUNCTION foo(x integer) RETURNS integer AS $$
DECLARE   i  integer;
BEGIN   FOR i IN 1 .. x LOOP       RAISE INFO 'before CONTINUE: i = %', i;       CONTINUE WHEN i <= 2;       RAISE INFO
'afterCONTINUE: i = %', i;   END LOOP;
   RETURN x;

SELECT foo(1);
INFO:  before CONTINUE: i = 1
ERROR:  CONTINUE cannot be used outside a loop
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "foo"

SELECT foo(2);
INFO:  before CONTINUE: i = 1
INFO:  before CONTINUE: i = 2
ERROR:  CONTINUE cannot be used outside a loop
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "foo"

SELECT foo(3);
INFO:  before CONTINUE: i = 1
INFO:  before CONTINUE: i = 2
INFO:  before CONTINUE: i = 3
INFO:  after CONTINUE: i = 3foo 
-----  3
(1 row)

Michael Fuhr

Re: CONTINUE error, even though inside a loop

Neil Conway
Michael Fuhr wrote:
> I'm getting "CONTINUE cannot be used outside a loop" errors even
> though it's inside a loop.  The error appears to be happening when
> CONTINUE passes control to the beginning of the loop but there's
> no more iterating to be done.

Woops, sorry for missing this. This should be fixed in HEAD; thanks for 
the report.
