Thread: Raw size

Raw size

Ioannis Theoharis


i have a table:

create table triples(att0 varchar(1000),att1 int4,att2 varchar(20),att3 varchar(1000)

My table has 990 raws.

The (possibly wrong) way, with wich i compute the size of the table is:
att0: 1000 * 1 Byte + 4 = 1004 Bytes
att2: 20 * 1 Byte + 4 = 24 Bytes
att3: 1000 * 1 Byte + 4 = 1004

2032 Bytes + 40 (for oid) = 2072 Bytes

990 * 2072 = 2,051,280 Bytes

BUT after clustering triples according to an index on att1:

select relname, relpages from pg_class ;            relname             | relpages
---------------------------------+----------triples                         |      142  (8KB/buffer)

142 * 8 * 1024 = 1,163,264 Bytes

Is there any compression or what?

Re: Raw size

"Bort, Paul"
<p><font size="2">> </font><br /><font size="2">> 990 * 2072 = 2,051,280 Bytes</font><br /><font size="2">>
</font><br/><font size="2">> BUT after clustering triples according to an index on att1:</font><br /><font
size="2">></font><br /><font size="2"><snip></font><br /><font size="2">> </font><br /><font size="2">>
142* 8 * 1024 = 1,163,264 Bytes</font><br /><font size="2">> </font><br /><font size="2">> </font><br /><font
size="2">>Is there any compression or what?</font><br /><font size="2">> </font><p><font size="2">varchar means
'charactervarying'. What varies is the length. So a varchar(1000) with 'foo' in it only takes a few bytes ('foo' plus
lengthinfo) instead of 1000 bytes.</font><p><font size="2">If you really want a fixed-length field, nchar or char
shoulddo what you want. </font> 

Re: Raw size

Jaime Casanova
On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 20:07:13 +0200 (EET), Ioannis Theoharis
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> i have a table:
> create table triples(
>     att0 varchar(1000),
>     att1 int4,
>     att2 varchar(20),
>     att3 varchar(1000)
> )
> My table has 990 raws.
> The (possibly wrong) way, with wich i compute the size of the table is:
> att0: 1000 * 1 Byte + 4 = 1004 Bytes
i don't know what the varchar size is in byte but i think is not 1 per
character. IIRC, it varies on diferent encodings.

Jaime Casanova

Re: Raw size

Christopher Kings-Lynne
> BUT after clustering triples according to an index on att1:
> select relname, relpages from pg_class ;
>              relname             | relpages
> ---------------------------------+----------
>  triples                         |      142  (8KB/buffer)
> 142 * 8 * 1024 = 1,163,264 Bytes
> Is there any compression or what?

Yes, there is:


Re: Raw size

Ioannis Theoharis

> varchar means 'character varying'. What varies is the length. So a
> varchar(1000) with 'foo' in it only takes a few bytes ('foo' plus length
> info) instead of 1000 bytes.

Yes i know it, but i have vorgotten to inform you that all the values of
this attribute have really 1000 characthers length.

> If you really want a fixed-length field, nchar or char should do what you
> want.

Re: Raw size

Ioannis Theoharis

> >
> > Is there any compression or what?
> Yes, there is:

thanks, is there any way to increase the limit, upper wich toast strategy
is selected? By defaullt is Block_size/4 = about 2000 Bytes.

Re: Raw size

Christopher Kings-Lynne
>>> Is there any compression or what?
>> Yes, there is:
> thanks, is there any way to increase the limit, upper wich toast strategy
> is selected? By defaullt is Block_size/4 = about 2000 Bytes.

Dunno, but you can alter the column and go 'set storage' to control the 
storage strategy for TOAST on the column...


Re: Raw size

Hannu Krosing
Ühel kenal päeval (neljapäev, 10. märts 2005, 20:07+0200), kirjutas
Ioannis Theoharis:
> Hi,
> i have a table:
> create table triples(
>     att0 varchar(1000),
>     att1 int4,
>     att2 varchar(20),
>     att3 varchar(1000)
> )
> My table has 990 raws.
> The (possibly wrong) way, with wich i compute the size of the table is:

Varchar fields (actually most *char and text fields) use only actual
length bytes + some overhead for tuple header + page header, so unless
you fill all varchar(1000) fields with exactly 1000-byte strings, you
should use less than that.

> Is there any compression or what?

Compression is not used for tuples under 2k, so there _may_ be
coimpression depending on your exact data and TOAST settings.

> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
>       joining column's datatypes do not match
Hannu Krosing <>