Thread: PostgreSQL at Linux World

PostgreSQL at Linux World

I was at Linux world Tuesday, it was pretty good. I was in the "org"
pavilion, where the "real" Linux resides. The corporate people were on the
other side of the room. (There was a divider where the rest rooms and
elevators were.)

I say that this was where the "real" linux resides because all the "real"
brains behind Linux were there,, debian, fsf, kde, gnome, gentoo,
and so on. Bruce was sort of in the middle of the room with his company.
Our booth was off in the corner. (cold drafty corner.)

Anyway, I noticed "Pervasive" software selling PostgreSQL support in the
corporate end of the room. Bless them, they were trying to sell me on a
GUI front end for PostgreSQL, asked "What tool to you use to administer
PostgreSQL?" My answer? "psql" The crestfallen salesman knew that I was
not interested in GUI frontends.

It was kind of funny, sad in a a way, but funny never the less.

Anyway, it was good to see PostgreSQL out in the corporate end of the
building, I even got a couple very cute rubber elephants.