Thread: GiST: range of penalty method?

GiST: range of penalty method?

Neil Conway
Does anyone know what the expected range of the "penalty" GiST method
is? (i.e. Is the legal range documented anywhere? Failing that, what
does existing GiST-based code expect?)

While rewriting gistchoose() in gist.c to be less obfuscated, it
occurred to me that (a) I don't think the existing code will work as
intended if a negative penalty is returned (b) it would be good to
define a "minimum legal penalty". Once the minimum penalty has been
returned for a particular location, GiST can know that all other
locations where it might insert the node will have a penalty greater
than or equal to that value, so gistchoose() can bail-out earlier.

Therefore, I'd like to make "0.0" is the minimum legal penalty, and
require all GiST "penalty" methods to return values >= 0. I think
requiring the penalty != NaN would also be a good idea. Comments?

Note that making this change to CVS tip results in a regression failure
in contrib/btree_gist. The regression.diffs are attached. The regression
tests for rtree_gist, tsearch, tsearch2 and pg_trgm succeed after making
the modification.

