Thread: 7.3.7 packaged ...

7.3.7 packaged ...

"Marc G. Fournier"
If someone wants to take a peak at it ... it *shrunk* from 7.3.6 ...

-rw-r--r--  1 pgsql  pgsql  10367088 Aug 17 15:53 postgresql-7.3.7.tar.gz
-rw-r--r--  1 pgsql  pgsql  11288430 Mar  4 21:35 postgresql-7.3.6.tar.gz

I'm re-running the build right now, to see if there are any errors that 
I've missed, since 900k compressed seems to be major shrinkage, as if a 
file didnt' get copied in right ...

Marc G. Fournier           Hub.Org Networking Services (
Email:           Yahoo!: yscrappy              ICQ: 7615664

What else is needed for PITR?

"Simon Riggs"
Could I ask the general question:

"What else is needed for PITR?"

- What isn't clear about how PITR works? what it is or what its good for?
- What additional features are required?
- What additional tools are required to make it useful?
- What additional documentation do we want? (Assuming you've read what's

I want to get the list out now, so we can see review what the priorities

I'm particularly interested in everybody listening that might not feel they
could normally contribute to the discussion, though of course, all comments
are welcome.

Many of these may not be appropriate for 8.0, but we can add these to the
TODO list for 8.1.

Best regards, Simon Riggs