Thread: pg_restore (libpq? parser?) bug in 8

pg_restore (libpq? parser?) bug in 8

Philip Warner
Just found this:
    createdb zzz    createlang plpgsql zzz    psql zzz    create function xxx() returns integer as        $$ begin
return1; end; $$        language plpgsql;    \q    pg_dump -Fc zzz > zzz.bck    dropdb zzz    createdb zzz
createlangplpgsql zzz    pg_restore --function="xxx()" -d zzz zzz.bck

results in 'unterminated dollar-quoted string' errors.

Doing:    pg_restore --function="xxx()"  zzz.bck > zzz.sql

then running the sql file, works fine.

The statements that are sent to the backend (using log_statements) by 
pg_restore include the comment strings. Not sure if this is relevant.

The sql is:

-- PostgreSQL database dump

SET client_encoding = 'LATIN1';
SET check_function_bodies = false;

SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;

-- Name: xxx(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: birds

CREATE FUNCTION xxx() RETURNS integer    AS $$ begin return 1; end; $$    LANGUAGE plpgsql;


-- PostgreSQL database dump complete

The error log is:

2004-08-12 01:38:48 EST<zzz,birds>: LOG:  statement: --        -- PostgreSQL database dump        --
        SET client_encoding = 'LATIN1';
2004-08-12 01:38:48 EST<zzz,birds>: LOG:  statement: SET 
check_function_bodies = false;
2004-08-12 01:38:48 EST<zzz,birds>: LOG:  statement: SET search_path = 
public, pg_catalog
2004-08-12 01:38:48 EST<zzz,birds>: LOG:  statement:        --        -- Name: xxx(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public;
Owner:birds        --
        CREATE FUNCTION xxx() RETURNS integer            AS $$ begin return 1;
2004-08-12 01:38:48 EST<zzz,birds>: ERROR:  unterminated dollar-quoted 
string at or near "$$ begin return 1;" at character 115
2004-08-12 01:38:48 EST<zzz,birds>: LOG:  statement:  end;
2004-08-12 01:38:48 EST<zzz,birds>: WARNING:  there is no transaction in 
2004-08-12 01:38:48 EST<zzz,birds>: LOG:  statement:  $$            LANGUAGE plpgsql;
2004-08-12 01:38:48 EST<zzz,birds>: ERROR:  unterminated dollar-quoted 
string at or near "$$            LANGUAGE plpgsql;" at character 2
2004-08-12 01:38:48 EST<zzz,birds>: LOG:  statement: ALTER FUNCTION OWNER TO birds;

Not sure I see the problem; I can only guess it may relate to the whole 
comments being passed.

Running the extracted sql in psql gives the following log:

2004-08-12 01:45:02 EST<zzz,birds>: LOG:  statement: SET client_encoding = 
2004-08-12 01:45:02 EST<zzz,birds>: LOG:  statement: SET 
check_function_bodies = false;
2004-08-12 01:45:02 EST<zzz,birds>: LOG:  statement: SET search_path = 
public, pg_catalog;
2004-08-12 01:45:02 EST<zzz,birds>: LOG:  statement: CREATE FUNCTION xxx() 
RETURNS integer            AS $$ begin return 1; end; $$            LANGUAGE plpgsql;
2004-08-12 01:45:02 EST<zzz,birds>: LOG:  statement: ALTER FUNCTION OWNER TO birds;

Philip Warner                    |     __---_____
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