Thread: Another PITR question

Another PITR question

Hi all,

I have another PITR question on  my mind:
As I see it, PITR has 2 functions:
1 is to recover a disaster like a disk crash. Change the disk, restore
PGDATA and play the logs back that'fine.
2 Junior DBA  (or customer) says "ch..;  I droped the wrong table..."
In that case, restoring PGDATA restores the whole cluster. Is there a way
just to restore $PGDATA/base/<datoid>?

Or did I miss something.

I'm testing 7.5dev on unixware and I'm impressed by how fast it gets.
Although creating integer indexes *SEEMS* a bit slow but it's out of

Thanks for the great work!

Olivier PRENANT                    Tel: +33-5-61-50-97-00 (Work)
6, Chemin d'Harraud Turrou           +33-5-61-50-97-01 (Fax)
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