Thread: Re: more signals (was: Function to kill backend)

Re: more signals (was: Function to kill backend)

"Magnus Hagander"
>>> 2. It's even more likely that it would be there but have
>>> unpleasantly small implementation limits.  AFAICT your
>>> proposal requires a separate message queue per backend, which
>>> is probably going to stress any conventionally-configured
>>> SysV facility.
>> Not at all. One message queue with the backend pid as the message id.
>Oh, I had forgotten about the "message type" notion.  Okay, you could
>use that to multiplex by PID.  But the problem of small implementation
>limits remains.  For instance it might fail to send a message to every
>backend :-(

Hmm. Right.

>>> The IDs of the message queues would not be
>>> readily available to anyone without access to the cluster's
>>> shared memory, much less the mapping between message queue ID
>>> and process PID.
>> ftok() on pg_control or something in the clusters data
>directory was my
>> intention. (Again, just one message queue)
>Doesn't work; you have to be able to cope with collisions with
>previously existing queue IDs ... so in practice the queue ID has to
>be treated as quasi-random.  See the semaphore ID selection logic
>we use now.

Hmm. Ok. Good point.

>I tend to agree with Bruce's nearby comment that we shouldn't be trying
>to solve this now.  I'd vote for commenting out the session-kill
>function for 7.5, and revisiting the issue sometime in future.

Ok. Go for that.

Might there be point to adding the "implement a way to increase number
of usable signals" as a separate TODO item?
