Thread: Re: [PATCHES] Fixes for pg_dump and ownership/acl problems

Re: [PATCHES] Fixes for pg_dump and ownership/acl problems

Philip Warner
At 12:19 PM 29/06/2004, Christopher Kings-Lynne wrote:
>It's hacky (although officially hacky :) ) in regards that it parses the 
>dropStmt on each object to get the objects name.  This is necessary 
>because of an oversight in the initial design of the binary format.

If there's something missing in the format, I'd be inclined to add it. 
We've never promised to make dumps made by version X readable (or usable) 
by version X-1. We *do* the opposite, however, so you will probably still 
need to parse dump statements from old dump files. Unless we can back-patch...

So, rather than carry the hack forward, doing it right for future versions 
would be my vote.

Philip Warner                    |     __---_____
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Re: [PATCHES] Fixes for pg_dump and ownership/acl problems

Christopher Kings-Lynne
> If there's something missing in the format, I'd be inclined to add it. 
> We've never promised to make dumps made by version X readable (or 
> usable) by version X-1. We *do* the opposite, however, so you will 
> probably still need to parse dump statements from old dump files. Unless 
> we can back-patch...
> So, rather than carry the hack forward, doing it right for future 
> versions would be my vote.

I guess there's no reason not to.  I'll see if I can come up with something.
