Thread: JDBC prepared statements: actually not server prepared

JDBC prepared statements: actually not server prepared

Henner Zeller

While tracking down a query with a JDBC prepared statement, I
noticed, that the statement actually wasn't prepared but sent to the
server as 'normal' Statement. In my case, this led to a very slow query
since the normal statement does not propagate the correct type -- in my
case I queried an indexed coloumn of type 'int8', which
was correctly passed to the PreparedStatement with setLong() -- however it
was sent with a different type to the server (the
AbstractJdbc1Statement::m_bindTypes[] are never used in this case).

The reason for this is, that by default, the PreparedStatement is not
configured to use a server side prepared statement. I assume, this is

I fixed this by adding this to my local version (current CVS):

--- org/postgresql/jdbc3/    29 Mar 2004 19:17:12 -0000      1.6
+++ org/postgresql/jdbc3/    20 Jun 2004 11:54:00 -0000
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@       public Jdbc3PreparedStatement(Jdbc3Connection connection, String
sql) throws SQLException       {               super(connection, sql);
+                setUseServerPrepare(true);       }
       public BaseResultSet createResultSet (Field[] fields,
java.util.Vector tuples, String status, int updateCount, long insertOID)
throws SQLException
(same for Jdbc2PreparedStatement and Jdbc1PreparedStatement).

If this is the right way to do ? And if so .. could someone apply
this patch ?

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Re: JDBC prepared statements: actually not server

Dave Cramer
Please post this to the jdbc list.

On Sun, 2004-06-20 at 08:09, Henner Zeller wrote:
> Hi,
> While tracking down a query with a JDBC prepared statement, I
> noticed, that the statement actually wasn't prepared but sent to the
> server as 'normal' Statement. In my case, this led to a very slow query
> since the normal statement does not propagate the correct type -- in my
> case I queried an indexed coloumn of type 'int8', which
> was correctly passed to the PreparedStatement with setLong() -- however it
> was sent with a different type to the server (the
> AbstractJdbc1Statement::m_bindTypes[] are never used in this case).
> The reason for this is, that by default, the PreparedStatement is not
> configured to use a server side prepared statement. I assume, this is
> unintended.
> I fixed this by adding this to my local version (current CVS):
> ------------------
> --- org/postgresql/jdbc3/    29 Mar 2004 19:17:12 -0000      1.6
> +++ org/postgresql/jdbc3/    20 Jun 2004 11:54:00 -0000
> @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
>         public Jdbc3PreparedStatement(Jdbc3Connection connection, String
> sql) throws SQLException
>         {
>                 super(connection, sql);
> +                setUseServerPrepare(true);
>         }
>         public BaseResultSet createResultSet (Field[] fields,
> java.util.Vector tuples, String status, int updateCount, long insertOID)
> throws SQLException
> --------------
> (same for Jdbc2PreparedStatement and Jdbc1PreparedStatement).
> If this is the right way to do ? And if so .. could someone apply
> this patch ?
> Thanks,
>  -hen
> Bücher kaufen und Freie Software fördern |
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings
> !DSPAM:40d5815f68141026638008!
Dave Cramer
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ICQ # 14675561