Thread: Slony-I questions

Slony-I questions

Tatsuo Ishii
Does anybody know answer for these questions?

1) Does Slony-I supports replicating large objects?

2) Is Slony-I a sync or async replication system? Since Slony-I bases  on trigger I suspect it's kind of async
Tatsuo Ishii

Re: Slony-I questions

Jan Wieck
Tatsuo Ishii wrote:
> Does anybody know answer for these questions?
> 1) Does Slony-I supports replicating large objects?

Slony-I does no replicate large objects.

> 2) Is Slony-I a sync or async replication system? Since Slony-I bases
>    on trigger I suspect it's kind of async replication system.

Slony-I is an asynchronous master-slave replication system based on a 
generic C language trigger function plus an external client process (one 
per database participating in replication).


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