Hi all,
today I was tryng to delete an index but I had the following
ERROR: cannot drop index activation_code_code_key because constraint activation_code_code_key on
table activation_code requires it
HINT: You may drop constraint activation_code_code_key on table activation_code instead.
however this is what \d show:
# \d activation_code Table "public.activation_code" Column |
Type | Modifiers
id_activation_code| integer | not null default
nextval('public.activation_code_id_activation_code_seq'::text) code | character varying(64) | not null
id_code_pool | integer | not null
Indexes: "activation_code_pkey" primary key, btree (id_activation_code) "activation_code_code_key" unique, btree
Check constraints: "activation_code_code" CHECK (char_length(code::text) >= 5)
Foreign-key constraints: "$1" FOREIGN KEY (id_code_pool) REFERENCES code_pool(id_code_pool) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON
basically what is the difference between:
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "activation_code_code_key" ON "public"."activation_code"
USING btree ("code", "id_code_pool");
ALTER TABLE activation_code ADD UNIQUE ( code, id_code_pool );
with \d command there is no difference but is different because the first command
create an index deleteable with a "drop index".
Gaetano Mendola