Thread: case folding and postgres

case folding and postgres


I have a project I'm moving from mysql to postgresql. It has both a 
fair amount of code and a moderate amount of data. In MySQL the 
identifiers are all MixedCase, but the query strings are never quoted.

I would like to change the default behaviour of postgresql to not fold 
the case to lower. If I change scansup.c 's 
downcase_truncate_identifier() to not lowercase identifiers, will I 
break anything (other than case insensitivity?)

Furthermore, is there any way I could package this patch such that it 
would be accepted? A suggestion I received from #postgresql was to 
implement upper casing, lower casing, and leave-it-alone casing and to 
have a per-db setting for that. Another approach I wouldn't mind adding 
is a start-time option.

Thank you for CCing me, as I am not subbed to postgresql-hackers list.
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that you could not inscribe upon it.