Hi, I've recently been trying to make use of domains but have
encountered some violations of the rule of least surprise.
(PostgreSQL 7.4.2)
I couldn't create an array of a domain, eg:
CREATE DOMAIN mydomain AS integer;
CREATE TABLE mytable ( stuff mydomain[] );
results in:
ERROR: type "mydomain[]" does not exist
I noticed that the type '_mydomain' doesn't exist in pg_type, so I tried:
CREATE DOMAIN _mydomain AS mydomain[];
ERROR: type "mydomain[]" does not exist
(hmmm, chicken/egg), so let's try:
CREATE DOMAIN _mydomain AS integer[];
This worked, and now the create table statement above also works, and I can
insert into the table using the array input syntax too.
I have a few concerns though:
Is there any reason why a domain cannot use another domain as it's base
eg: CREATE DOMAIN anotherdomain AS mydomain;
ERROR: "mydomain" is not a valid base type for a domain
And why isn't an array type created for a domain?
(Is there a way to create an array for a domain without resorting to an
array of the domain's base type?)
Mark Gibson <gibsonm |AT| cromwell |DOT| co |DOT| uk>
Web Developer & Database Admin
Cromwell Tools Ltd.
Leicester, England.