Thread: 7.4.1 release status

7.4.1 release status

Tom Lane
Although Bruce already stamped the REL7_4_STABLE CVS branch as 7.4.1,
we're not quite ready to wrap the release; I still see three or four
things I think are "must fix" before releasing.  We'll try to push out
7.4.1 on Wednesday or Friday depending on how things go.

The stuff on my radar screen is:
SSL memory leak (Neil has a proposed patch for this)
count('x') failure  (I'm going to fix this)
information_schema problem (bug #1006)  (I believe Peter is    going to handle this)

We might think that the Turkish-locale problem Devrim Gunduz pointed out
is a must-fix, too.  But I'm not convinced yet what to do about it.
        regards, tom lane