Thread: Nested Transactions/Savepoints

Nested Transactions/Savepoints

Hi, <br />   I may be a little off -topic asking this here, but then i thought you are the guys working on the
bleedingedge and can provide me better insight. <br /><br /> My query is- <br /> When can we see Savepoints and Nested
Transactionsin postgresql officially in a stable release? <br /><br /> AFAIK in 7.3 release savepoints and nested
transactionsare not allowed, plz correct me if i am wrong. <br /><br /> Also can hackers point me to some resource
regardingthe latest work being done in this area and its current status. <br /><br /> Thanks a lot <br /><br /> regards
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Re: Nested Transactions/Savepoints

Alvaro Herrera
On Wed, Oct 15, 2003 at 03:56:51PM +0530, Vatsal wrote:

> My query is- 
> When can we see Savepoints and Nested Transactions in postgresql
> officially in a stable release?

Certainly not soon.  Manfred Koizar and I are doing some work on this
area that we expect to have ready for the 7.5 release.  Work stopped
some time before the 7.4 feature freeze and has only recently started

> Also can hackers point me to some resource regarding the latest work
> being done in this area and its current status.

There are no public resources available, only some patches posted in the
pgsql-patches list; but the latest versions have only travelled privately
between Manfred and me.  The status is "there's a lot to do yet" but I
think we are getting closer.

Alvaro Herrera (<alvherre[a]>)
"El miedo atento y previsor es la madre de la seguridad" (E. Burke)