Thread: pg_dump error (loading 7.2.2-dump in 7.4b4)

pg_dump error (loading 7.2.2-dump in 7.4b4)

Andreas Joseph Krogh
Hash: SHA1


If this isn't the right list for this type of question, please redirect
me to the relevant list.

I get the following error trying to restore a 7.2.2-dump-file in 7.4b4:

psql:nbeweb-db-as_copy-7.2.2.dmp:2051589: invalid command \nHelena
psql:nbeweb-db-as_copy-7.2.2.dmp:2051589: invalid command \N
psql:nbeweb-db-as_copy-7.2.2.dmp:2051589: invalid command \N

The dump is created with "pg_dump -O nbeweb > nbeweb-db-as_copy-7.2.2.dmp"

This error does not occur if I dump it with "pg_dump -O -D". But
restoring a dump with -D takes 6 hours(dumpfile is 1.2 GB).

The line in question(2051589) is here(starting with "8\t"):
COPY "logg" FROM stdin;
8    Oslo    Hamburg                           21. oktober 2002    Bjørn E. Moe
Hansteens gate 9, 0253 Oslo    22 31 31 62    22 55 34 23    900 90 729    22 42
50 33    Bjørn E. M., kjønn Mann, Nasjonalitet NO\nHelena
E., kjønn Kvinne, Nasjonalitet SE\n    Hotel Alte Wache    4
14.okt.2002    \N    3740    \N    1

I get several errors above the mentioned error:
psql:nbeweb-db-as_copy-7.2.2.dmp:2050610: ERROR:  relation
"on_article_searchable" does not exist
psql:nbeweb-db-as_copy-7.2.2.dmp:2050614: invalid command \
psql:nbeweb-db-as_copy-7.2.2.dmp:2050647: ERROR:  syntax error at or
near "1358" at character 1
psql:nbeweb-db-as_copy-7.2.2.dmp:2050614: invalid command \
psql:nbeweb-db-as_copy-7.2.2.dmp:2050647: ERROR:  syntax error at or
near "1358" at character 1
psql:nbeweb-db-as_copy-7.2.2.dmp:2050731: ERROR:  syntax error at or
near ""nei"" at character 1
psql:nbeweb-db-as_copy-7.2.2.dmp:2050732: ERROR:  syntax error at or
near "' '" at character 1
psql:nbeweb-db-as_copy-7.2.2.dmp:2051237: invalid command \N
psql:nbeweb-db-as_copy-7.2.2.dmp:2051580: invalid command \.

The table on_article_searchable doesn't exist 'cause I havn't installed
tsearch yet(on purpose).

Is it possible that pg_dump gets confused by previous errors?
AFAIK, the \. command is to end a COPY "table" from stdin; command.

I cannot risk to get partially copied tables, so the only solution seems
to be to restore with a dump created with the -D option.

AFAIK, \n are newlines and \N ar NULLs right? Why isnt psql able to
parse it as such when restoring with COPY? It seems to think those are
commands (backslash-commands), and not data.

Anyone care to shed some light on this?

- --
Andreas Joseph Krogh <>
Managing Director, Senior Software Developer
OfficeNet AS

- - Writing software is more fun than working.

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