Thread: OSDL DBT-2 for PostgreSQL

OSDL DBT-2 for PostgreSQL

I've got most of out DBT-2 workload (based on the TPC-C) ported for
PostgreSQL.  I've been working against 7.2 and have done the following

- Data generation and load scripts
- Stored procedures
- libpq interface

There are still a few more little things that need to be done.  Some
autoconf work and a few more hooks in the code to use the libpq
interface.  Neil Conway and Rod Taylor have been great in sending in
fixes and making sure the kit runs on FreeBSD.

I think it's close to being ready to run against PostgreSQL.  I'd love
to get feedback, and even some help.  We're planning on running this on
an 8-way Pentium III Xeon system with 8GB RAM (or more).  The code is
current in CVS on SourceForge:

Mark Wong - -
Open Source Development Lab Inc - A non-profit corporation
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