Thread: a problem in authority

a problem in authority

<p>Hi, all<p>I have installed the Postgresql 7.3 . But I think something is wrong with authority.<p>I have made the
followingoperations:<p>1. I enter the psql and run 'alter user postgres with password 'postgres''<p>2. I change the
pg_hba.confand set the auth_type from 'trust' to 'password'<p>3. Then I can not connect to server.<p>I have test
connectfrom local or connect from host, but it just return 'authority fail for user postgres'.<p>I can connect to
postgresql7.23 successfully after above steps;<p>Great thanks for any message.<p>Josh 

Re: a problem in authority

Oliver Elphick
On Wed, 2002-12-18 at 09:20, postgresql wrote:
> 2. I change the pg_hba.conf and set the auth_type from 'trust' to
> 'password'
> 3. Then I can not connect to server.

Try using 'md5' instead of 'password' in pg_hba.conf.

Oliver Elphick <>
LFIX Limited